Topping is tricky and you need to be sure that it is the right thing to do hun.
How has his weight gain been and how does he feed normally? How are his nappies? We can better advise you with this info hun xxx
Thanks for your replies ladies - it means alot!
He was born at 3.25 kg and 50 cm. At his 2 week weigh-in he had not regained his birth-weight, and at his last weigh-in he had only gained 60 grams in 5 days...
He feeds roughly every 3 hours (sometimes more, sometimes less). He feeds very well early in the morning and late at night, more lazy during the day - but still eats regularily. Initially I was advised to give him 10 minutes on each boob, but last time mw said to give him 20 minutes on one boob then alternate (hee feeds as long as he is hungry always).
He poo's on average 2-3 daily and has wet nappies throughout (not sure exactly how many as sometimes I think there may be more than one wee as the nappy is heavier) - but in general his bowels and wee seem pretty regular. Sorry if tmi - but his poo is yellow and slightly grainy/ mustard like (in case that info is useful).
He seems pretty happy most of the time i.e. not fussing or crying much... I think anyways....
When I pump in the early morning I get ca. 25 ml, but when I try later in the day I hardly get anything - I can't even measure it... but when I squeeze the end of my nipple there are some drops. How much should he be getting at 3 weeks? 180 ml - and I have a loooong way to go!