My dd is 4 and started school in September. She is under speech and language theropist and speech has been effected by confidence. She gets very shy and anxious. She can make eye contact but when feeling shy looks to side made worse as she has lazy eye which she is self conscience of. Teachers want to refer her and sent a form him for me to sign which is full of rubbish including not doing imaginary play, she does this all time at home and everyone comments on her imagination and she did it at nursery which is in learning journey and done in front of speech and language theropist. The biggest thing they have done has been to tell other children to tell her to stop (such as singing or talking so annoying them) this came out when I spoke to teacher about a child telling my daughter to shut up and she was making noise in his ear when all she was doing was talking and singing to myself and ds, I was told they told them to this, we are trying to encourage dd to talk but they are setting this back, she I losing confidence. I suspect she I dyslexic as I am and the school is ignoring me when I say she's anxious, the teacher was rude this morning as she said she doesn't care what she I like at home or another setting. I requested meeting with senco and teacher before sign form so can put my point across, I requested this start of last week but been told have to wait till next term and they will tack on to end of iep meeting for speech. I'm just at a loss, they have obviosly not got to know my daughter, I have no problem with referal as long as information is correct but is not