Why won't she feed longer than 10mins? Does she fall asleep...cry....come off?
If she is falling asleep you really just have to keep tickling her cheek, her neck, feet, tummy. rubbing the palm of her hand maybe throughout the whole feed. Or gently blowing in her face....i did this for weeks with Amelia.
If she comes off crying then maybe its because she has a blocked nose and can't breath and feed at the same time?
Perhaps she isn't latched quite right and isn't getting as much milk as she wants.
Maybe the flow is slowing down, you could switch her over to the other breast and then put her back to the original once her first 'craving' is satisfied....?
I still do that now with Amelia she always has both boobies at every feed.
Other than that all i can say is keep at it you are doing great and it really really does get a whole lot easier, even if you have to go through a few really rough patches.