I'm not in the UK or US (New Zealand) and had to walk to school no matter how far it was. Which sucked in the winter!
There was a school bus at highschool, but you had to walk to the busstop anyway so for me that was about as far as school was so seemed pointless. Also one bus and over 1000 students meant it was hard to get a ride...and 60cents each ride so mum wasn't keen on it.
Mine will be walking as I don't have a car, but I will walk with them.
I agree he should have followed the rules. I don't agree that times are different though, there have always been bad people out there.
The amount of mums driving to pick their kids up from school is actually becoming a nightmare and hazard around out local streets as they drive like maniacs and all fight for parking spaces. One nearly clipped the pram once when I was on a crossing and another lady flew through a stop sign and almost smashed into the side of another persons car the other day. They also drive up onto the footpath and use it like a road sometimes. Scares me!