TTC #1 after an implant-- looking for a buddy!


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2013
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Hello all!! I am very new to this whole TTC game. I've been on the implant mirena for about a year and a half and before that was on the pill, then the patch, then back to the pill but have pretty much always been on BC.

Next Tuesday (04/23) I'm meeting with my doctor for a check-up and to get my implant removed. Daddy-To-Be and I will then be actively TTC. I'm very new to all of this and don't know all the lingo (just TTC and BC-- as you can see-- hah!) but I'm looking for a buddy to go through all of this with me! Just someone to talk to who can relate to me. I've been WANTING to concieve for months now-- it's all I think about but I haven't taken mirena out yet because I wanted to wait until the daddy-to-be was ready as well. I'm SO excited now! :happydance: Looking for someoen who can relate to this whole new to the game thing.

Anyone interested?
Hi there,

I was just about to start a thread like this myself.

I'm Summer!

I had the contraceptive implant (nexplanon) removed on the 22nd March and have just finished cycle #1 TTC. I would love to have a buddy in the same boat as me! I just need to wait until my cycles get back on track now because if id have gone straight back to my 28 day cycle then I'd have been due af today but she's not turned up and I have BFN's!

Looking forward to getting to know you better!
Hi Summer!! So excited to find someone in my boat. I hope that my cycle starts up normal right away. Before I got the implant, I was as regular as regular can be and even with the implant, I feel pretty regular.

Hopefully, I'll be one of the lucky ones that gets pregnant in the first month after having it removed-- trying to kick my body into egg producing over drive!!

So are you and your OH hoping for a boy or girl?
I was hoping to be a lucky one too but I'm not too sure whether I even o'd this month! I presume I did because I got a line on my OPK's which was a little bit fainter than the test line but now they're a lot fainter than the test line! If thats right then I'm 1 day late. I didn't test this morning but I tested yesterday with a BFN!

The only symptoms I've noticed this month is a sharp stabbing pain in my right boob, increased creamy CM and I am peeing so much more but not too sure what that's due too. I also am pretty sure af is not coming yet because my cervix is still pretty high!

I don't know what I would prefer to be honest, just a healthy baby. In my family the women always have girls first for about the past 12 generations so it'll be interesting to see if I follow this pattern too. I don't know if my DH would know how to handle a girl though!

How about you and your OH?
I was hoping to be a lucky one too but I'm not too sure whether I even o'd this month! I presume I did because I got a line on my OPK's which was a little bit fainter than the test line but now they're a lot fainter than the test line! If thats right then I'm 1 day late. I didn't test this morning but I tested yesterday with a BFN!

The only symptoms I've noticed this month is a sharp stabbing pain in my right boob, increased creamy CM and I am peeing so much more but not too sure what that's due too. I also am pretty sure af is not coming yet because my cervix is still pretty high!

I don't know what I would prefer to be honest, just a healthy baby. In my family the women always have girls first for about the past 12 generations so it'll be interesting to see if I follow this pattern too. I don't know if my DH would know how to handle a girl though!

How about you and your OH?

Awwww so sorry about your BFN! I plan on always giving it a week so that I don't stress myself out by testing too soon and then being stressed when I get back a BFN. Stress can delay AF AND can harm the baby so either way, you don't want to be stressing about it.

I would prefer a boy, I don't think my OH has a preference. Pretty much all he talks about is his fear that he'll drop it or put it's diaper on too tight. He has never changed a diaper... never even held a baby. He's great with kids and wants to be very involved-- he's already started asking about how much time he should take off of work.

I know this is sooooo jumping the boat here but have you and your OH started thinking about names?
Haha yes I have started thinking of names. I really like old long names for the boys and then old names for girls too but they're not as long! I think on my list so far I have...


Fredrick (Freddie)
Zachariah (Zach)
Theodore (Teddy)
Timothy (Timmy)

How about you?

My husband hasn't been around babies too much either. He has a younger brother but he was only 2 when he was born and there hasn't been any neices or nephews yet whereas I'm one of 5 and I'm the oldest so I've had plenty of babies to keep me busy!
Haha yes I have started thinking of names. I really like old long names for the boys and then old names for girls too but they're not as long! I think on my list so far I have...


Fredrick (Freddie)
Zachariah (Zach)
Theodore (Teddy)
Timothy (Timmy)

How about you?

My husband hasn't been around babies too much either. He has a younger brother but he was only 2 when he was born and there hasn't been any neices or nephews yet whereas I'm one of 5 and I'm the oldest so I've had plenty of babies to keep me busy!

How funny!! My OH has one sibling and I'm one of five as well!! Although he's the youngest and has a sister and I'm the middle child with 3 sisters and a brother.

Many of my OH's friends from HS/college have already have children. When we run into them out and about, I can tell how excited my OH really is for our own baby. But we watched a baby for a friend and he wouldn't change the babies diaper because "he was going to put it on to tight and cut off circulation". I tried telling him that was close to impossible but he wouldn't hear it. He's going to be a nervous wreck with our baby.

We do have some names. I like the whole naming children after family members thing.

Mariah Claire-- After my OH's grandmother
Mariah Marie-- After my OH's grandmother and my sister
Vivan Clair-- After my grandmother& great grandmother & after my OH's grandmother
Vivan Marie-- After my grandmother/g grandmother & after my sister
Mariah Lynn-- After OH's grandmother & my best friend

Demetrius James-- OH's Uncle, My brother
Jordan Michael-- My Uncle, My Father
Michael Eric-- My father
Joseph Michael-- My grandfather, My father

Of them all, I probably like Mariah Lynn and Joseph Michael the most but am not positive. I really like the name Vivan but it's my grandmothers name and she detests it soooo I'm not sure. Of your names, I like Isaac and Esme the most... although Esme reminds me of Twilight. I always loooooveeeddd the name Isabella but... I would always think of Twilight when I looked at my child hahaha.
Haha there are a lot from twilight that I genuinely like. I don't think it'd put me off too much. I love Alice, Esme and Isabella but I love Jasper but its too old fashioned!

I like Joseph Michael and Vivian Marie out of yours!

I think my husband is super excited. He doesn't know about my OPK's though! Thats my one TTC secret at the moment. He's the one who keeps asking if I'm pregnant yet. I just hope he'll be as excited when I get pregnant and not be too grossed out by my pregnancy symptoms. He's such a wimp. He was sick the other day when a child was sick in his class... how's he going to cope with my morning sickness?!?
Haha there are a lot from twilight that I genuinely like. I don't think it'd put me off too much. I love Alice, Esme and Isabella but I love Jasper but its too old fashioned!

I like Joseph Michael and Vivian Marie out of yours!

I think my husband is super excited. He doesn't know about my OPK's though! Thats my one TTC secret at the moment. He's the one who keeps asking if I'm pregnant yet. I just hope he'll be as excited when I get pregnant and not be too grossed out by my pregnancy symptoms. He's such a wimp. He was sick the other day when a child was sick in his class... how's he going to cope with my morning sickness?!?

My OH very much has a NTNP attitude. I'm always suggesting things to increase fertility and he's very much like "we should do whatever we want and if its supposed to happen, it will."

I think he'll be awesome when I'm pregs though. He's good at taking care of m!
Haha there are a lot from twilight that I genuinely like. I don't think it'd put me off too much. I love Alice, Esme and Isabella but I love Jasper but its too old fashioned!

I like Joseph Michael and Vivian Marie out of yours!

I think my husband is super excited. He doesn't know about my OPK's though! Thats my one TTC secret at the moment. He's the one who keeps asking if I'm pregnant yet. I just hope he'll be as excited when I get pregnant and not be too grossed out by my pregnancy symptoms. He's such a wimp. He was sick the other day when a child was sick in his class... how's he going to cope with my morning sickness?!?

My OH very much has a NTNP attitude. I'm always suggesting things to increase fertility and he's very much like "we should do whatever we want and if its supposed to happen, it will."

I think he'll be awesome when I'm pregs though. He's good at taking care of m!
Haha my husbands a little like that though I do tell him when its 'time' so we B'd every day. Charting is the next step for me I think. He's a little frustrated this cycle that nothing's happened so far (16dpo and BFN's) so I think next cycle he'll definitely be stepping it up!

He went out and bought me 10 FrRER's the other day to add to my collection bless him.

I think he'll be good at taking care of me but just not good with sick. I had a fairly late mc last time at 11+5 and when he found out I was pregnant he was talking to my belly and stuff which was really really cute so can't wait for that again :)
Oh I'm sure!! How sweet :)

Honestly, when I get my BFP, I'm considering not telling my OH right away. I mean I'll want to share it with him but at the same time... he'll be all excited and tell everyone right away and I don't want him telling everyone in case of a MC (I'm so paranoid). I wish I could tell him and have it stay between just him and I for our first month-three months at least!!
To be honest I think my OH will be much better than telling people straight away. We're quite private people and he likes the idea of little secrets. We didn't tell anyone we were having a puppy until she was home! We had her reserved from 2 days old and for 8 weeks we loved the idea that no-one knew that we had someone new coming into our lives!

I'm quite paranoid about a miscarriage again this time but that was 3 years ago, baby was an accident and I wasn't taking folic acid or prenatals like I am now! In a way I hope that I don't find out until fairly late with this one just so I don't have that worry. I should really stop POAS!
I have a feeling you WILL find out beforehand considering you're TTC... unless you stop checking and stop thinking about it which (if you're anything like me) isn't likely to happen!

What prenatals do you take? Do you take folic acid in addition to the prenatals? My prenatals already have 200% of my DV (according to the nutrition label) in them...
I have a feeling you WILL find out beforehand considering you're TTC... unless you stop checking and stop thinking about it which (if you're anything like me) isn't likely to happen!

What prenatals do you take? Do you take folic acid in addition to the prenatals? My prenatals already have 200% of my DV (according to the nutrition label) in them...

I know I will find out. Its bad really because I know I shouldn't test but I do anyway! I might just keep it a big secret until my first scan simply because I find things easier to deal with by myself if something like that would happen. I am a complete POAS addict. I've used over 10 hpts this cycle. Bad right!

I take pregnacare at the moment. I also have a folic acid deficiency so I have to take nearly 800% of what a normal person has so I have to take 900x daily DV anyway. I take so much of it!

They think I miscarried because I was deficient in quite a lot of things last time. Folic acid, vitamin B12, B6, vitamin D and iron. I'm on extra iron tablets but my other things are back up which is good. I know my progesterone and all my hormones are good because of blood tests.

How is everything with you. Is it tomorrow you get it out? Good luck to you. I think I got a tiny line on my hpt this morning but was a little bit of a squinter so not convinced yet. Going to continue to take ic's until af arrives but if it hasn't arrived by the 1st I'm taking a FRER!
I have a feeling you WILL find out beforehand considering you're TTC... unless you stop checking and stop thinking about it which (if you're anything like me) isn't likely to happen!

What prenatals do you take? Do you take folic acid in addition to the prenatals? My prenatals already have 200% of my DV (according to the nutrition label) in them...

I know I will find out. Its bad really because I know I shouldn't test but I do anyway! I might just keep it a big secret until my first scan simply because I find things easier to deal with by myself if something like that would happen. I am a complete POAS addict. I've used over 10 hpts this cycle. Bad right!

I take pregnacare at the moment. I also have a folic acid deficiency so I have to take nearly 800% of what a normal person has so I have to take 900x daily DV anyway. I take so much of it!

They think I miscarried because I was deficient in quite a lot of things last time. Folic acid, vitamin B12, B6, vitamin D and iron. I'm on extra iron tablets but my other things are back up which is good. I know my progesterone and all my hormones are good because of blood tests.

How is everything with you. Is it tomorrow you get it out? Good luck to you. I think I got a tiny line on my hpt this morning but was a little bit of a squinter so not convinced yet. Going to continue to take ic's until af arrives but if it hasn't arrived by the 1st I'm taking a FRER!

AHHH!!! Congrats!!! FX'ed it IS a BFP!!!!!! That's so exciting for you.

I got my implant out yesterday, we BD'ed last night and I was so afraid to get up afterward because I wanted to give his little swimmers time to get to my egg. I hope that I am O'ing right now. I think I'm going to wait until the 5th and if AF still hasn't come then I'll test. My doctor said it could take a few months to regulate but hey, I'm a hopeful!
Theres no harm in trying. You could regulate very quickly.

My first cycle off the implant turned out to be 33 days so not that far off. I'm normaly 27-29 :)

Sorry I haven't been around! Liam whisked me away to Portugal for 10 days!
Oh wow-- lucky you!! At this point, I have literally every single symptom of pregnancy. I'm guessing that I'm around 10 dpo (give or take a day) and I kid you not when I say if you pull up a list of early pregnancy symptoms, I have had every single one. I'm pretty positive I am PG however I won't know until I get a BFP. I tested once last night and got a BFN, I'm testing again Wednesday probably. Don't want to test too soon again and then be sad!
Oh hun. The implant can do funny things to you.

For the first 2 weeks I had every symptom going. I was even being sick and its all due to withdrawal but I hope you do get your bfp!!! How awesome would that be@

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