So I sort of lamed out on the fertility specialist appointment today...they didn't get all the paperwork from my prior ob-gyn in time and by the time I found this out I didn't have time to get it, so we rescheduled for march 12. Between friends (aka you ladies!!), I was actually relieved - 2 more cycle chances for it to happen naturally without needles, testing, ultrasounds, etc...march will officially be one year so that feels right. I thought I was so ready for the specialist and filled out mounds of paperwork a couple weeks back to prep but turns out maybe I wasn't quite ready...dh really supportive but my mom was not happy!! She wanted to call and see if we could get an earlier appointment - I told her firmly no! I think I'm in the 2ww-lots of post-o symptoms. I intended to temp this month but vacation got in the way. I'm a little concerned that I ovulated yesterday which would mean our bd timing was not great. I'm hoping however that I ovulated earlier - like last week when my cm was good and so was our timing. We shall see...if this isn't it, next month I will use opks and temp again.