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Ttc #1 baby would love a buddy

yep!!! its supposed to warm up next week so heres hoping lol
I THINK AF IS HERE!!! hahaha just an update for you ladies☺️
nope...false alarm..absolutely nothing today. i am getting so discouraged :(
That is insane! why is it being so weird?!? Im sorry hun that just sounds horrible. How long before you should be starting with this next cycle? or is everything kind of random for you?
it's kinda random, usually i get it around the 5th of the month when i do get it, however i do think AF is finally here! i drank a bunch of parsley tea lol not sure if thats what did it, but it couldnt have hurt! its a bit lighter than usual, but its past the point of spotting now so i think this is it! gonna count today as CD 1 so will start clomid on sunday!!! super excited :) how are you doing swimmy?!
Yes!! finally started!!!

I've been feeling super off this week. Not sleeping well, feeling really insecure that we aren't going to be ready enough for this baby or have good support sense my family lives 2.5 hours away. total TMI but I have had some serious vaginal itchiness the last 2 weeks. My doctor said its totally normal during pregnancy that your PH is different and it can react to soaps that you have used for years >.< not cool lol. lastly idk i'm having a lot of body image issues, I know most people feel the "glow" but I just feel like I ate too much food and look gross. I don't want my DH to see my naked, or even in my pj's. I know it's just crazy pregnant brain hoping i get over it soon. Next scan is on thursday! fingers crossed this one is good too and I can be done getting scanned so much.
oh that sucks that you're feeling that way! hopefully it goes away soon and you start to feel the "glow"! i am finally starting my clomid today! so excited!!
Hope you don't have many mood swings on it. I think the only symptom that drove me crazy was that I would get night sweats like crazy lol. Lasted almost up until ovulation. eeekkk my fingers are crossed. my first rounds didn't work for me but i know some people who they have :) and i know next baby thats what we will be doing again.
so far its not too bad! have a bit of a nagging headache, and some night sweats but i always have those so i dont know if its the clomid, i sleep with the window open year round lol so could just be that its warming up outside finally! but the side effects seem to have skipped me! lol ive seen a lot of people dont get them on 50 mg so im happy :) reeeally hoping it works the first month, but if it doesnt i hope i at least ovulate! will keep you posted, today is day 3 of clomid :)
omg...i spoke too soon lol the hot flashes today are terrible!!! BLEGH lol
just took my second last clomid :) still have headaches and am warmer than usual, also noticed today i was a tad irritable, but nothing too crazy!! gonna start bd'ing friday, CD 8, and start OPKS on sunday, CD10! heres hoping i at least ovulate :)
this group is dying down so much! lol seems like just me and swimmy now! since brandy left and now willow is MIA, havent heard from smylee in a bit either! maybe its cause i'm the only one left actually ttc&#128546; heres hoping for this month!!
Sorry mama i have been feeling super yucky the last few days. I agree it really had died down :( I miss hearing from everyone. I hope you ovulate on/around cd14. Are you guys doing every other day bedding?
mama - if you want to join another group I'm in there is
Ttc #1 Positive thinking buddies, sticking together. (13 BFPs, 2 angels). There is a good mix of girls on there that are still ttc #1 and are just starting to go to more appointments. :) we would be happy to have you there if you need more of a group input.
oh thanks swimmy! maybe i'll join! im sorry you're feeling yucky! took my last clomid pill tonight so gonna go to sleep now! we are doing every other day yes, started tonight and every other day tilO day :) gonna start OPKs this weekend :)
Hello all I've been away ages !!! Been super tired I fall asleep constantly it's bad lol been trying to prepare for baby lots for painting and buying and decorating. Done her room now I'm planning on breath feeding and am looking into bottles pumps ect now :) I'm huge and it's getting so tiring to walk up hills especially !! I've got a new phone so been trying to sort that out too. Swimming I hope your well and you mama any good news how's your cycle ? How is the clomid going?
willow! welcome back!!! glad things are going well!! cant believe you're 27 weeks already! i'm doing good! finished my clomid on thursday, started OPKs today, and bd'ing every other day :) CD 9 now :) i lost my job yesterday which is a bummer but trying not to get too stressed and just going to focus on finding a new one asap!
willow! welcome back!!! glad things are going well!! cant believe you're 27 weeks already! i'm doing good! finished my clomid on thursday, started OPKs today, and bd'ing every other day :) CD 9 now :) i lost my job yesterday which is a bummer but trying not to get too stressed and just going to focus on finding a new one asap![/QUOTE

Awww no try not to let it get to you :) there's plenty of jobs out there and you'll get another one:) good stuff I can't either the time is going by so fast got a baby shower on the 16th of may my mum has organised for me.
aw so exciting about the baby shower!!! and yes thankfully it is good timing as all the students are leaving town to go home for the summer, so everywhere is hiring! even if i just find a crappy minimum wage job in the mean time thats fine! im not too stressed :)

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