Hello mommas, mommas to be, and even non-mommas with medical knowledge... my husband and I have been trying to conceive since May 17th, 2016. I have taken probably 10-15 HPTs since about 3 weeks from when I thought I was ovulating until this week (which is 9 days from when I was supposed to start).
It's been 36 days since my last period, and I am not always a 28 day cycle. But it's neevr been THIS late. The only real irregular aspect of my periods are every other month the flow fluctuates from kinda bad to really miserable.
Now, some symptoms I've been experiencing are listed below so you get a clear picture of my experience:
June 11th: light almost non existent spotting, like a pink stain (1 day)
June 14th: light cramps, bloating all week
June 17th: bloating
June 21: Tender breasts on and off but not severe, increased appetite, areolas seemed bigger and definitely breasts themselves felt fuller
June 22: excessive crying spells, still bloated
June 24: egg whitey discharge in toilet paper, still bloated
June 26: sense of smell near dirty dishes felt strong, of course srtill bloated
June 27: CRAVED milk (I don't even like milk), bloated (bloating has been non-stop, and it even LOOKS like I'm pregnant, thought I'd only probably be about 5 weeks).
No other symptoms except oversleeping or falling asleep hours earlier than normal have occured. I suspect my sort of irregularity has delayed either my period or HCG levels if I am pregnant.
What do you all think? Personally, every day I don't have my period I get hopeful, but every negative test reverts me back to doubting. I even took a qualitative blood test yesterday and it was negative.
Any advice, encouragement, and information is greatly appreciated.
It's been 36 days since my last period, and I am not always a 28 day cycle. But it's neevr been THIS late. The only real irregular aspect of my periods are every other month the flow fluctuates from kinda bad to really miserable.

Now, some symptoms I've been experiencing are listed below so you get a clear picture of my experience:
June 11th: light almost non existent spotting, like a pink stain (1 day)
June 14th: light cramps, bloating all week
June 17th: bloating
June 21: Tender breasts on and off but not severe, increased appetite, areolas seemed bigger and definitely breasts themselves felt fuller
June 22: excessive crying spells, still bloated
June 24: egg whitey discharge in toilet paper, still bloated
June 26: sense of smell near dirty dishes felt strong, of course srtill bloated
June 27: CRAVED milk (I don't even like milk), bloated (bloating has been non-stop, and it even LOOKS like I'm pregnant, thought I'd only probably be about 5 weeks).
No other symptoms except oversleeping or falling asleep hours earlier than normal have occured. I suspect my sort of irregularity has delayed either my period or HCG levels if I am pregnant.
What do you all think? Personally, every day I don't have my period I get hopeful, but every negative test reverts me back to doubting. I even took a qualitative blood test yesterday and it was negative.
Any advice, encouragement, and information is greatly appreciated.