Hello everyone,
I am currently trying to concieve #1! This is our first month trying, and I am super nervous!This is my first time on a site like this, I'm hoping to make some friends so we can encourage each other throughout our journey! Husband and I got pregnant about 2 years ago(by accident) and ended up mc at 8 weeks. Even though this is our first month officially trying I'm so scared something might be wrong with me! I am a medic in the army and work at a clinic, the Dr. started me on prenatals but said no need for any testing until TTC for a year with no success. Positive vibes my way would be appreciated! LMP was Jan 22, lasting about 3 days, and cycles about 28-30 days long. Husband and I have been doin the deed about every other day since just in case. Any advice appreciated!
I am currently trying to concieve #1! This is our first month trying, and I am super nervous!This is my first time on a site like this, I'm hoping to make some friends so we can encourage each other throughout our journey! Husband and I got pregnant about 2 years ago(by accident) and ended up mc at 8 weeks. Even though this is our first month officially trying I'm so scared something might be wrong with me! I am a medic in the army and work at a clinic, the Dr. started me on prenatals but said no need for any testing until TTC for a year with no success. Positive vibes my way would be appreciated! LMP was Jan 22, lasting about 3 days, and cycles about 28-30 days long. Husband and I have been doin the deed about every other day since just in case. Any advice appreciated!