TTC #1 for 12mos. Looking for buddies


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2013
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Hello!! :wave:

I'm Krista and I have been on here since February I believe. Anyway I am looking for some ttc buddies, because most of my buddies got their bfps and I am the only one left!! I feel a little lost on this forum at the moment, because I don't seem to fit in anywhere at this stage. I haven't been trying long enough to start a LTTC thread and I haven't quite started assisted conception yet. I've even thought about leaving the forums completely, but found TTC Buddies and thought I would give it a shot. Maybe I can find some other ladies that feel the same way???

Here is a little info about me. Dh and I have been together since 2005 and were married in 2009. I am 27 and he is 29. Last October (2012) dh surprised me with the baby talk. I honestly was not looking at ttc as I was trying to start my own business and didn't think a baby would fit in the picture, but I thought about it and the idea quickly grew on me. At this point the idea has turned into a monster and ttc consumes my every thought it seems. We officially started trying last February (using opks), but I went off birth control November 2012. So I guess we have been trying for a year or at least the doctor considers it a year. I am now in the testing phase with my RE to eliminate possible problems. I have had blood drawn twice with wonky numbers both times, but the latest numbers are a little better than last month. I also have an hsg scheduled for next week and I am freaking out. I have read so many terrible things about them. So if anybody out there has been through an hsg and can offer advice I could use it!!

Well I guess that is it for now. Wishing you all the best and :dust:
Hi kscar!
I'm sorry you are feeling lost in the forum, but I will be your buddy if you like!
Our stories are not exactly the same but I have been trying since October 2012. I have watched several friends get their BFPs, and I am starting to feel left behind. I have been having anovulatory short 18-20 day cycles for a year, and was seen at a fertility specialist who started me on 50mg, then 100mg on clomid. TTC can totally consume my life. I wish I had a crystal ball to know when I'll be pregnant, so I can stop worrying about it! I am also 27, and DH is 29.
Best of luck to you in all of your testing. I know what its like to get lots of bloodwork and feel like a pincussion. At one point I started developing a fear of needles and I just kind of worked through it and thought if I want a baby I have to do this, so after that needles don't bother me now.
Good luck at your HSG. I had one done in August. Honestly, during the HSG it was not so bad. The buildup before was the worst, I was the second last one to go in a group of about 12 women sitting in a hallway, and I started getting teary before going in as I was just nervous. Getting set up for the dye didn't really hurt, it was just like getting a PAP. Then when they inject the dye it feels like 10 seconds of intense period cramps, then it was over. I felt a little achey for an hour after-like mild period cramps-and that was it. I will warn you that as it is often recommended to have it done in the beginning of your cycle or even on your period, so don't be nervous if you bleed after because it can "wash out" the rest of your AF. Best of luck to you! And of course lots of baby dust!
Hi Trina!!! So sorry I am just now responding. Things have been very busy for me recently and I have been unable to update. I am really surprised you even responded, so thank you!

It sounds like we have similar stories as far as how long we have been trying and our age. I still don't have many answers yet, but I go in for my hsg tomorrow, so I may find something out there. Hopefully all good news! I am so glad to hear that your hsg wasn't so bad. My mom said she has had a couple already and they weren't bad, so I hope it is the same for me. I am just going to try my hardest to have a positive and calm mindset going in. If I go into panic mode it will most likely hurt even more. I am concerned about the timing of it though. I am going on cd11, which the doctor said she wanted it to be between cd5 and 10, but I have been out of town for work since last Friday and af didn't end until Thursday. She didn't want to do it when af was around. Hopefully cd11 is still ok.

After you get all of your testing done like blood work, hsg and ultrasounds with the RE is is standard for them to start you on clomid? I am just curious what the next step might be for us. Has the clomid helped regulate your cycles?

I am CD1 and my partner and I have been trying for a while, too! My hormones are messed up so right now we are trying natural remedies- Vitex and such. I would love to be your TTC buddy.

My hormones are messed up as well. I have very high estrogen levels and recently started taking DIM and Maca root. My levels were 30 points lower this past month since taking them, but I am still 15 points higher than where they want me. I also have a high fsh, but my number is under their max finally. I am not sure why it was so high a couple of months ago.

I just had my hsg yesterday and it was super easy. I don't know why I was so worked up over it. It was a bit uncomfortable and there was a lot of pressure, but overall it was bearable. The hardest part surprisingly was about 10 minutes after when I was walking to the car I felt very dizzy and faint. Luckily my husband was there to drive me home. But my tubes are clear and I am so excited about that! One less thing to worry about.

I also go in for my 3rd ultrasound to check up on a possible cyst tomorrow. My old doctor found one and wanted to remove it, but I went to my most recent doctor a month ago for a second opinion and she couldn't even find a cyst. So the ultrasound tomorrow is to make sure it is gone still. I can't believe that other doctor was going to operate and put my ovarian reserve at risk without running more tests.
I am alsp feeling very lost in this forum as well. I havent had much support or any ttc buddies. I have been trying for 4 months now but it seems like forever. Im sure you are beyond frusterated as i am at only 4 months of trying. I hope you get your bfp very soon hun!
I am 25, and just taking vitamins and eating right. Hoping i can get pregnant naturally. I also have a 3 year old daughter from a previous relationship so life is very busy for me as well!
Im currently on cd #9!
Where are you ladies at cycle wise?

Oh and my name is krystal!
I am alsp feeling very lost in this forum as well. I havent had much support or any ttc buddies. I have been trying for 4 months now but it seems like forever. Im sure you are beyond frusterated as i am at only 4 months of trying. I hope you get your bfp very soon hun!
I am 25, and just taking vitamins and eating right. Hoping i can get pregnant naturally. I also have a 3 year old daughter from a previous relationship so life is very busy for me as well!
Im currently on cd #9!
Where are you ladies at cycle wise?

Oh and my name is krystal!
Hi Krystal! I understand how 4 months can seem like a long time, because I was thinking the same thing when I was where you are. Nobody in my family ever waited longer than 1 or 2 months to conceive so I felt like something was wrong around the 4 month mark.

Now that it has been a year I am at the point that I expect af to show up every month and have quit poas. Hang in there though. 4 months isn't that long and most people will conceive within the 6-1 year mark!

Did you have an easy time conceiving your first child?

I am currently on cd 12. I just had my hsg yesterday and have read that many women end up falling pregnant right after an hsg so I am a bit more hopeful this month. Maybe the dye cleared out the cobwebs :) I typically ovulate on cd 20, but the past two months it was around cd15 or 16. So I should be getting a positive opk soon.
Well im wishing you the best this time around! I know i shouldnt get discouraged but it is so easy to do so. My cycles not to far off from yours. Maybe will will get a bfp around the same time! ;)
I had absolutely no problem getting pregnant with her. But it wasnt planned so im not really sure how long it took but it was about a month or two. Lets hope this is our month krista!
I'm CD2 today so I'm way behind. Been ntnp a little, and some months trying with more intent.

What methods will y'all be using this cycle?
I'm CD2 today so I'm way behind. Been ntnp a little, and some months trying with more intent.

What methods will y'all be using this cycle?

hi leah,
Ive been trying to eat right, high potency vitamins, and bding everyday, oh and lifting the legs up after doing the do haha tmi.
Im actually really confused because i think im ovulating early this month. It feel like im ovulating now although im not sure and im only on cd 9. Good thing ive been making good use of my time in the bedroom lol. Hoping u get your bfp this cycle too hun! What methods are you using?
I've been using A LOT of herbs! Vitex, Mana, stuff like that.. Also taking prenatal vitamins. Recently I purchased the Clearblue Fertility Monitor so I'm awaiting its arrival! So excited!

I won't be tryin this month due to waiting for it and some bladder issues, but I wanted to make friends for the next cycle! Unless they get their BFP of course!
Good for you hun! Are you taking precautions this month? Or are you ntnp?
This month I'm not even sexually active due to bladder problems so I'm just getting started on my herbs.

What do you have planned out?
I only use opks at the moment. Take epo, prenatal, dim and maca root. I also have upped my exercising regiment. Trying my hardest to get rid of all that extra estrogen I have. I'm even thinking about cutting out meat and I switched to organic milk. I don't have any time to chart with my work schedule. We just make sure to bd everyday for about 2-4 days around ovulation and then a couple of times a week throughout the rest of the month.

I have an ultrasound tomorrow and I will be cd 13, so I am hoping the doc can show me what side will release the egg and how many follies I have this cycle. I also want to know more about my blood results. She still hasn't gone over them with me. Only a nurse called and told me the numbers.
Ive been actively trying the last 3 months. This is month 4 so im hoping this is it for me. Goodluck to both of u!!
Hi Trina!!! So sorry I am just now responding. Things have been very busy for me recently and I have been unable to update. I am really surprised you even responded, so thank you!

It sounds like we have similar stories as far as how long we have been trying and our age. I still don't have many answers yet, but I go in for my hsg tomorrow, so I may find something out there. Hopefully all good news! I am so glad to hear that your hsg wasn't so bad. My mom said she has had a couple already and they weren't bad, so I hope it is the same for me. I am just going to try my hardest to have a positive and calm mindset going in. If I go into panic mode it will most likely hurt even more. I am concerned about the timing of it though. I am going on cd11, which the doctor said she wanted it to be between cd5 and 10, but I have been out of town for work since last Friday and af didn't end until Thursday. She didn't want to do it when af was around. Hopefully cd11 is still ok.

After you get all of your testing done like blood work, hsg and ultrasounds with the RE is is standard for them to start you on clomid? I am just curious what the next step might be for us. Has the clomid helped regulate your cycles?

Ah Kscar I'm sorry I haven't responded to your question until now. I'm glad your HSG went well, you must be relieved its over. After blood work, HSG, and ultrasounds your RE will likely want an SA done for your OH. At the clinic I'm at yes clomid seemed to be the standard next step if everything else looks good. Clomid lengthened my cycles yes, and made them normal when I actually ovulated. When I didn't ovulate on clomid my cycles were longer than normal (37 and 47 days) but AF came eventually. If you have any other questions let me know, I went through much of the same tests you are going through now, just about 5 months ago. How are you doing this cycle? Best of luck for a Christmas BFP:)
Hi Trina! Thanks for the response. I haven't been on in a while and just saw this post. I am doing pretty well this cycle. I am really hoping that I get a BFP this month since it will be our last month naturally ttc. I went in for a follow up ultrasound last Thursday to check on a "ghost" cyst. Basically my x obgyn found a complex cyst and wanted to do a laparoscopy. So I scheduled to do the lap and went home to research. I found some info about laparoscopies sometimes causing more issues with ovarian reserve and such so I got a second opinion with my new RE. This all happened in October. So she performed a second ultrasound and couldn't find a cyst. She performed the 3rd ultrasound last Thursday and the "ghost" cyst is still gone! Yay!! Anyway, she has decided to put me on clomid starting in January and then doing our first IUI right after clomid.

Dh has had a SA, but my x obgyn only tested count and not morphology. He is going in again tomorrow for a second test.

I'm glad to hear that the clomid is helping your cycles balance out. I can't image going 47 days without af. That must be very stressful and frustrating. Especially not knowing when she will show or if your are just pregnant! I really don't need help with my cycles that I know of and I am a little concerned about going on it because of this, but I guess my doctor knows best.

Have you tried IUI? I guess we will try this for the next 3 cycles if dh's SA passes tomorrow. If his morphology is bad then I don't know what the next step is. I guess IVF, but that seems really fast and kind of scary. I was shocked my RE wanted to move to IUI right off the bat without giving just clomid a try for a few months. I think she said she doesn't want me on clomid more than 3 months, so this could be the reason behind doing the IUI in conjunction with the clomid.

Wishing you all the best in you ttc journey and hoping you get that bfp soon!!

I have a TTC thread, but I don't know how to share the link in my signature. I am so bad with technology. I don't know if this link will work, but if anybody would like to join me you are more than welcome. Feel free to share your journals as well!

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