guys, my best friend is 4 mnths with her second child. for this one she had sex on the day right after her period- a quickie with her ex!!!! how that sperm survived til ovulation is beyond me. she doesnt get along with the ex, it was a moment of weakness and he wanted her to get an abortion. hes basically washed his hands clean of this baby and barely there for the first
i try not to think about how "unfair" it is that im in a great relationship and its so hard for me. babies are a blessing and will happen in time. i dont dwell on it.
i decided to just have a tunnel vision...focus on me. all this just to try to avoid depression and sadness. fake it til u make it!!!
WOWWWWW!!! one day after her period ???? maybe she had early O that month????
so bizarre and insane that this happened to her....Im sure she has mixed feelings about the bad timing but she is having another blessing on the way regardless.
Tj , you are hanging in there the best you can under the stressful circumstances that you are dealt....sometimes..its okay to say" F*CK EVERYBODY"....
and let those frustrations out...its only natural .
AFM: red spotting this morning on undies and when i wiped and showered....AF IS HERE....and unlike cycle 2, i did not cry...i am not really upset...just kind of baffled that my body / or FRER would produce a faulty double line on monday....
I just kinda feel...exhausted of the whole process.
Im deciding to stay off the threads for a while kiddos, and focus on applying for a new job, reading my novels, and spending more time with my fur babies and hubbie. I have 2 vacations planned in the next month, Florida and i should be getting ready for those as well!
i will check in every so often but i think i need a FRESH start.
I love you all and when i decide to check back in , i wanna see BFPs all over this thread!!!
Stay relaxed and drop those healthy eggs mamas!