TTC #1- Looking for buddies!

Ct, next Friday!! That's amazing. You'll be parents in little over a week from today :)

Sarah, sorry your cycle is messed up. Like Tb said though, you only start counting CD1 when AF actually shows. Hope it'll be soon.

Amber, how many appointments will you get throughout your pregnancy? I'm trying to read up on what is considered normal.

Tb, hahaha so true regarding bedside manners and small talk :D I didn't mind the "directness" but it was a bit of an adjustment. Email them exactly one week from today in case you haven't gotten your protocol yet, and then a few days after that, and again, and again if necessary ;)

I think it took exactly one week from ordering until we got it in the mail. Both when ordering the stims as well as when I ordered the estrogen for my FET cycle.
Dream- Thanks! Still not feeling any movement but hopefully any day now!

Sunny- appointments are usually every 4 weeks until 28, then every 2 weeks until 36, then every week. At least that is what my midwife told me!

Sarah- hope your body gets the message and ovulates soon!

Tb- hope you get your protocol soon!

CT- not too much longer now. So excited for you!
Thanks sunny.for some reason I thought it would be several weeks!

So I got my temp rise today... ugh. We didn’t even Bd last night because I was tired of doing it daily with no ovulation actually happening.
CD6..............tick tock tick tock.

I started the EPO a few days ago, like you guys said, can't hurt at this point. Only take it until O right?

My positive spirit is fully back now, finally. Geeze, I hate the lows but I guess it's just part of the process. Took me a few extra days then it normally does but i'm feeling good again and hoping&wishing&praying we can make cycle 13 our lucky cycle.

DH and I always "planned" for Jan, Feb, March babies. I mean we quickly realized that it's not up to us. But maybe it's finally time.

TB - I can't blame you at all for not BD last night. Positives for 7 days in a row with no certainty of a rise is enough to make anyone go nuts. How amazing would it be if you caught it anyways?
Dream I’m so glad to hear that you’re feeling better. The lows do suck! It’s funnt you say that DH and I always wanted a February-April baby.. for really no other reason than I can add my summer break on top of my maternity leave and get the most time at home possible lok But you know ANYTIME would be great. I hope you get your January-March baby!!

At least we DTD the night before O.. so I guess I still have a shot! I like to think that’s a better time anyway because sometimes the swimmers like to hang out a bit in the tubes (documentary called it sperm heaven) lol so FXd it was enough
CD7 - I mean how much could I have to report on CD7? lol nothing at all really. Happy it's Friday though, woohoo!

Hope everyone's doing alright.
Tb, I can't believe your stubborn body lol. Glad you finally O'd. Timing sounds great, no need to worry about that last O day.

Dream, yay for Friday :) I really hope this cycle will be the one and you get your January baby. Although I completely get what you're saying. It's kinda funny how when we first got started, we planned that I would stop the pill at a certain date so we could have a baby at a certain month. Poor naive me lol.

Amber, thanks! Seems like a lot of appointments. I read that most people only get 2 scans, is that what you'll be getting too?

Steph, Jmack, you ladies still around? Hope you're doing well.
No kidding! Hopefully we caught a sticky baby and I won’t have to worry... but if not I’m going to have an awfully weird time gap between the end of this tww and when I need to schedule Af.. oh well!

Dream- glad you’re in good spirits. I Day is only a week-ish away!
Tb- Yay for O finally! Hopeful for you!

Dream- yes, so glad it's friday!! Sleep was crap last night so today will be rough but atleast I have the next 3 days off!

Sunny- Ya, I think towards the end it might be a bit much. But I love the appointments now because I get to hear the heartbeat each time :) I think standard is only 2 scans- a dating one in first tri and then the 20 week anatomy one. I have had some friends who have scans further along if they are concerned about baby being too big or small based on fundal height. Only 10 more days until my appointment! I'm so excited because DH will be able to come with me and hear the heartbeat for the first time!!
So I’ve been having twinging and minor cramping throughout today and this afternoon got some light pink spotting when wiping only. I’m sure it’s way too early for implantation. I’m kind of sad-this cycle has been so messed up I’m just sure my body is saying “oh forget it!” Ugh.
Happy Monday, Girls!

I have been following along every day, but just don't feel like I have as much to add now TTC is on hold!

Sunny I am so thrilled to hear your news, wishing you so much happiness for the next 8 or so months!

Hope everyone else is doing okay. The sun seems to have finally arrived in London. No more freezing weather I hope!
TB - sorry you're feeling down. Just think of May 26th being right around the corner. Almost there.

CD10 for me, going to start my OPKs tomorrow, not much else going on.
Amber, ahh your DH must be really looking forward to that. So special :)

Tb, well technically it could be really early implantation. Day 5 is the first chance of that happening. Really hope you'll get a BFP in a couple of days and can forget about the whole IVF thing.

Steph, thanks hun :) It's still very early (6 weeks today) so I'm pretty much a nervous wreck until we know more. How is your selection day prep going?

Dream, just a few more days until O-day. Love how regular you are!
Oh Amber that will be such a special moment for you guys!

Steph you can still join :) we keep getting great weather then suddenly a day or two of cold and then repeat. Ahh! Today was chilly but tomorrow is going to be beautiful. Thank goodness too because we are taking our students on a field trip to see the Cardinals baseball team play.. so excited!

Dream might as well throw in that BD lol

Sunny- I hope you’re right.. I would be overjoyed to get a BFP before IVF.. a sticky one preferably...
Back to work today. DH and I called in "ice storm" yesterday and worked from home.

CD11 and starting OPKs today. I'm always happy when the fertile window falls over the weekend. Makes things so much easier. Friday-Monday this cycle. Woohoo.

How's everybody doing?
Have fun at the game Tb :D How old are your students? I know you told us before but I forgot.

Dream, yay for a BD-weekend lol. Hope you can time it just right this time :)
Are you ready for a ticker Sunny? #nopressure I just love seeing them but of course only if you're comfortable.
Hmm a ticker... I think I'll add one when (if!) morning sickness starts or whenever I finally feel pregnant. It still feels a bit surreal at this stage.
I teach fourth so they are 9 and 10. So much fun at this age!

Dream that is perfect timing!

Sunny I get the ticker thing. I officially feel superstitious about it even though I know it can’t possibly be related lol

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