I do see it Tb, but I agree that it doesn't look good for 15 DPO. I'd still give it a day or two before stopping progesterone though, you never know!
Tell me about your protocol. What meds will you be taking? For how long?
Dream, you gotta be kidding me right? That's ages from now. So sorry you have to wait that long. Can you call them and ask if they can let you know if someone cancels? Hope your DH's SA comes back great after the supplements!
Speaking of waiting forever... I called my OBGYN today to see if they can move my scan up a week, but they can't. I scheduled my 10 week ultrasound a couple of weeks ago, but they couldn't do it until the 21st of May, which is actually my 11th week.
I asked if this was going to be a nuchal translucency ultrasound (where they measure the fluid around the baby's neck to check for anomalies) but the receptionist had no idea what I was talking about... It's commonly done between week 11 and 13.
A nurse called me back and said the scan is just a quick one to confirm pregnancy. After the first scan there will be blood tests a week or so later, and an anatomy scan at week 24-28! Never heard of it being done that late.
I like my OB so don't really want to switch, but pff...! We will opt in for the non invasive prenatal testing that checks the DNA of the baby through your own blood and will find out the risk of Down's and other stuff that way. It will also tell you the sex of the baby, so we don't have to wait until the end of the second trimester to find out. Still not sure if I like the whole laid back approach for my first pregnancy.