Sorry for the long post.... just copying from my journal instead of rewriting it. lol
Procedure went well, the docs at the clinic are on rotation so it wasn't my doc that did the insemination. However the doctor who did it was absolutely fabulous she walked me through every step and was cheering me on.
DH couldn't be there cause he had work. We're just coming off a long weekend so it's a hard day to take off.
My lining at yesterday's scan was 7mm, she said they wanted me to reach that by today so I'm ahead of schedule which is great. She also said my estrogen levels were good as well.
Post wash our sperm count was 34.5 million. The doc said they hope for at least 5 million for a good chance of success so we were doing fabulous in that department.
The actual insem was a little tricky. Every time someone goes up in my box they mention how tricky it is to find my cervix. (it's high and forward towards my bladder instead of back towards my rectum) So she used a different catheter then normal, once that was more curved she said for better entry. Everything was painless until I got a sharp jab that made me flinch, she said normally I wouldn't have felt anything but because of the curved catheter she's guess the may have tapped the wall of my uterus but it didn't affect the insem, everything still got in there. Now it's the waiting game.
I got a progesterone prescription. Prometrium 100mg, 2 vaginal suppositories at morning and at night. Not looking forward to this, how does this even work? There's no applicator so the nurse told me I just have to use my fingers. Okie Dokie. Cost was $116, I tried to submit a claim to my benefits program online (like I do everything else) but they said they don't accept online forms for this med so I'll have to mail in a paper copy. We'll see if/what I'll get reimbursed. We also have no idea if the iui procedure itself is covered either. So we're just going to submit the claim and see what happens. Cost for the procedure was $500.
Oh, and the best part. I texted DH to let him know when it was done his response was "do you feel pregnant yet?". So cute. Only time will tell