We are home! DH wanted to come home early so we hopped a bus at 11:00 at night to Munich and arrived at 5:00am. Our flight wasn't until 10:30am so we had to sit around/sleep. Arrived in the US at about 1:00 but our connecting flight wasnt until 7:00 and we finally got back to Missouri at 9:30 and drove until 2:00 am. I'm wiped. Thank goodness I am on vacation until August! DH hit a timer from the moment we got an Uber to the bus station.. somewhere around 35 hours of traveling.. lol but it will all be worth it!
Dream- hows the tests?
Bre- looks possible- I just don't trust blue dye! Have you re-tested?
Wow!! I can only imagine how wiped you must feel right now lol. Go get some sleep Are you testing out your trigger?
Dream, still hoping you'll have good news with us to share
AFM, waiting on those blood test results. The midwife said it generally takes between 10-14 days but the nurse said it was closer to 7 days, so we'll just have to remain patient a bit longer.
Blimey, that sounds exhausting TB! So jealous of you being off until August though. Very, very happy that you got through everything without any nasty side effects. Fingers crossed there will be some morning sickness coming your way very soon (wouldn't be fair if you had zero side effects, would it?!)
Sunny 13 weeks. Where has that time gone! Have you and your husband thought about names and things yet? And how does maternity leave work with your line of work?
TB, we're off to Majorca rather than Cyprus. I will be doing loads of reading, swimming, water sports and eating and probably not a great deal else! We went for an adults only hotel which is pretty cool. So excited. Need to do the dreaded bikini shop though... I hate clothes shopping at the best of times. Swim wear is a whole different ball game!
Steph- I haven’t done my normal spring/summer diet down for bikini and it’s the first year I am NOT bikini ready lol maybe the high waisted swim suit will be my go to this year. That sounds like a lovely time!
So been testing my trigger and it’s still barely there. I mean I guess It could never disappear and just get darker. That’s fine too lol
So sorry you think you're out Dream Agree with TB though, wait until 14DPO.
TB I definitely don't feel bikini ready this year. I put on quite a lot of fat (for me) with all the fertility drugs. I've got a lot leaner since March, but still not exactly where I would want to be. Hey ho, still need to enjoy my holiday! My husband much prefers it when I'm carrying some fat anyway
Are you going to have a break from testing, or just keep going every day?
Thanks guys. My beta is tomorrow...the idea of even doing it is depressing. I didn't test this morning but I saved my FMU in case I feel like it later.
I'm trying to just drop a little puff before vacation in a couple weeks. Maybe 5lbs, nothing crazy. My bagel with butter and cheese for breakfast this morning is not going to help that cause though.
Steph, that sounds like the perfect holiday to me!! I hear you on shopping for (any type of!) clothes though, blegh. We had it so easy when our moms would pick out our stuff when we were little haha. I'm not eligible for any type of maternity leave, but planning on taking at least a month off. I almost completely work from home so it's somewhat easier to combine. Hopefully we'll feel ready to think about names after we get the results back from the blood tests. It'll make it easier because by then we know if we should be researching boys or girl names lol.
Dream, so so sorry Hope you'll be able to focus on the next cycle. You'll meet with your doc this week, right? Hang in there
Tb, also curious if you'll take a break from testing or continue testing. So exciting
Amber, how are you feeling? Do you have any upcoming appointments?
I won’t break from testing I can’t! I would have been fine to break if I had gotten a stark white test but they keep showing up! So I just want to see it get darker at this point. Tomorrow would be 9dpo equivalence so It’s roughly time anyway haha
Tb- I'm hoping your line just keeps getting darker!
Steph- hope you have a wonderful holiday!
Afm, I'm waiting on the cell free DNA test results. Should be getting results end of this week or early next week. I am going for my testing tomorrow for gestational diabetes. I'm looking forward to getting that out of the way, and hoping all is normal. Our next ultrasound is in about a week. This week I've just been finishing up on decorating the nursery. I feel like time is flying by!
I called the lab earlier today and asked if they had the results in yet... "Yes, would you like us to send it to your doctor?".. uh YES?! So they sent it and I called the doctor about an hour later. The nurse congratulated us saying there were no microdeletions detected. So yaay!
After I hung up I kicked myself for not specifically asking if there weren't too many chromosomes either, but I'm hoping she would have mentioned it. They'll upload the full report tomorrow.
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