Hi ladies!
Amber, how are you doing?
TB, so do you think you O'd the other day? I see your temp is down again though. Perhaps you were sleeping with your mouth open? Unless you're about to O – I know you said the OPKs were getting lighter but that's what happened to me too. And then suddenly it was a blazing positive. FXed!
Sunny, how did it go on Friday? How is DH feeling? When do you get the results?
Dream, it's so lovely to see hubby with other kids. It gives such a warm, fuzzy feeling. So divine that you get to see him around other kids.
Steph, how are you? Any news?
Toadly, how are things your side?
AFM, I'm not temping any more (think you asked, Dream). They went up and down and each time it went down I freaked out a bit so I thought it better for me to just stop. I had such terrible cramps today and was terrified but they've stopped now. I know there's nothing I can do but how do you stop worrying? It's impossible!