Hey girls! Happy New Year and all that!
CT, great to hear from you, glad everything is going well. You're going to be a mum THIS YEAR, how exciting!!
Amber!!!!! I hate this time difference sometimes, hurry up and wake up and test! Fingers so tightly crossed for you.
TB, I so hope the pain you had was implantation
Dream, I second what Amber said, hoping you will wake up to good news.
Sunny, how's everything with you??
AFM, back at word today sadly! But on the bright side it means I'm definitely feeling better. Had my first workout in about 8 weeks this morning and I think I'm definitely going to suffer when I go back to the athletics track tomorrow night! We have our appointment this Thursday morning. Looking forward to getting a timeline, but dreading having the womb scratch procedure again. Got my latest blood test results back last week and my liver function is almost back to normal. Of course, I celebrated that on Sunday night
I hadn't touched any alcohol since August so it went straight to my head!
Wishing you all so much happiness for 2018