Ttc #1 on third cycle


Sep 26, 2013
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Im new to this site and ttc #1 and just thought id come on and see how everyone is getting on? Im on my third month trying and me and my fiance can not wait for a bfp!! :D
Im new to this site and ttc #1 and just thought id come on and see how everyone is getting on? Im on my third month trying and me and my fiance can not wait for a bfp!! :D

Hey hey :wave:

This is my fifth cycle also ttc #1!!.. My husband and I will be married two years on October 2nd and hoping our anniversary will bring us some luck this cycle! A BFP would be the greatest gift ever!!..
Hey ladies! About to start my third month TTC. Been married for 4 years and I'm ready now!
Me and my husband are on our 4th cycle of trying but not in a row just waiting for af to finish to get back to it. Realised that there is not much advice on what you should and shouldn't do during af. Any advice ladies ?
Welcome starshine! I'm also ttc #1 and am on my second cycle. Are you charting at all? I've been temping and checking cm since May. I'm also planning to try the smep (sperm meets egg plan) since it's recommended for ttc after a loss.

Good luck! Maybe we could be ttc buddies! :)
Hey starshine welcome, I'm on my 4th cycle ttc # 1 currently on cd2 my fiancé and I cannot wait. Planning on trying smep this cycle, currently taking prenatals. Good luck on getting your bfp!
Hey starshine welcome, I'm on my 4th cycle ttc # 1 currently on cd2 my fiancé and I cannot wait. Planning on trying smep this cycle, currently taking prenatals. Good luck on getting your bfp!

I'm on cd3 trying smep this cycle! :)
Hey starshine welcome, I'm on my 4th cycle ttc # 1 currently on cd2 my fiancé and I cannot wait. Planning on trying smep this cycle, currently taking prenatals. Good luck on getting your bfp!

I'm on cd3 trying smep this cycle! :)

We're really close in cycles and trying a similar plan we should be buddies keep ourselves motivated :) how long are your cycles mine are 34 days so ill be due for af November 5th ill likely test before then though. With my long cycle I won't be starting until cd14 but we should keep in touch :)
Mine are long too, usually 30-36 days. I also ovulate late, anywhere from cd17-23! Af should be due between Oct 31 and Nov 6, depending when I ovulate. I'd love to get a bfp on Nov 4 - that's the day OH and I met :) Fingers crossed for both of us.. And yes we should definitely keep in touch! :)
Mine are long too, usually 30-36 days. I also ovulate late, anywhere from cd17-23! Af should be due between Oct 31 and Nov 6, depending when I ovulate. I'd love to get a bfp on Nov 4 - that's the day OH and I met :) Fingers crossed for both of us.. And yes we should definitely keep in touch! :)

Weird and cool but me and my fiancé started dating nov 15th so I was thinking this month would be a great month :) fingers crossed for both of us too :) I usually ovulate about cd 20 but it ranges. We're fairly close in cycles so that's cool :) nice to have someone to relate to
Yes it is :) I've felt like my cycles are a bit odd. I've only been off the pill for about 6 months though so I figure they've been getting regulated. I know it's common to not get pregnant the first month but I'm taking it quite hard. I'm a worrier so I keep thinking what if something's wrong??

How cool you two started dating in November! :) OH and I have unique anniversaries. We met online in January so we have that one, count our dating one in February, and November is when we met in person. We celebrate them all :)
Yes it is :) I've felt like my cycles are a bit odd. I've only been off the pill for about 6 months though so I figure they've been getting regulated. I know it's common to not get pregnant the first month but I'm taking it quite hard. I'm a worrier so I keep thinking what if something's wrong??

How cool you two started dating in November! :) OH and I have unique anniversaries. We met online in January so we have that one, count our dating one in February, and November is when we met in person. We celebrate them all :)

It's hard not to worry sometimes, I guess you always have this preconception that its so easy to become pregnant and then when you try its hard to not worry why it doesn't happen quickly. So far I'm staying pretty positive I think. :)
We seem to have a lot in common, my fiancé and I met online as well lol, how odd eh? We've been together for 4 years, he has 2 boys from a previous relationship and we'd love a 3rd. Hopefully this is our month!
I think part of expecting it to be easy is how much birth control is stressed when you're younger. In high school they pretty much have you convinced that you'll get pregnant in the most unlikely scenario, so it makes sense that when you actually try it will work! I think I'm doing okay. I just really expected it to be easy the first month but I guess now I know I'll have to work a bit harder ;) Depending on my exact o date, if I get pregnant this month I'll be due July 10-15.

We do seem to have a bit in common :) Where are you from?
I agree they push birth control so much in school. I know I expected it the first month too and was so crushed when AF came but great things take time I guess lol. I'm really going to try to pinpoint ovulation more this month I might temp too I usually don't and just use opks. I work nights though so I sleep at odd times so idk how accurate it'd be for me. Bding every other day for us might be difficult maybe we bd too much but I really want to follow the smep this cycle. I think I'd be due around the same time lol maybe even exact date lol. I'm from Ontario, Canada how about you? And idk if I said I'm 24 years old, my fiancé is 26
I'm from Seattle, WA, US :) I'm 26 and my fiancé is 27. Do you guys have a wedding date yet? I call him my fiancé even though we *technically* aren't engaged yet.. but we've been together for 10 years and know it's what's coming :) I haven't used opks yet but I'm going to start since I plan to follow the smep. Based on temping, I don't ovulate until cd 17-23 so using opks starting at cd 8 seems like a waste. But I'm pretty much obsessed with test strips during the entire tww so I'll maybe I'll enjoy it :p

Temping has been great for me... maybe you could just try it and see how it works? Even if you sleep odd hours it could work for you, as long as you're sleeping for at least 3-5 hours at a time. What sort of work do you do?
We're pretty close in age too hah cool. We were planning on getting married in September 2014 but decided to start ttc at the end of June so I guess everything will depend on if I get pregnant anytime soon. I'd want it to be before the wedding but I don't mind moving it to a different date too were pretty flexible although I've started planning so much already lol. Haha pretty much engaged :) 10 years is a long time. Have you guys talked about a wedding? We've been together 4 years and he has 2 boys from a previous relationship. He proposed to me on Mother's Day last year it was cute. He had both of ur families there to see the whole thing hah. If I have tests I'm always itching to test and sometimes I can't wait lol I know how you feel. I ovulate usually around cd17-23 as well usually 20ish lol. I'm going to start doing opks on cd16 until I get a pos. I think I will temp and see if I see a pattern I work as a personal support worker in a nursing home at night part time and pick up evening and day shifts when I can. I just don't think I'd be able to temp at the same time every day like ever lol my days are always timed out differently. I'm really excited about November, today my fiancé was saying we should just get married when we go away for our anniversary this year in novemeber and I'd know if I were prengant by then so I feel really excited for this month plus I love fall and pumpkin everything and Halloween lol. Have you always lived in the US I've always lived in southern Ontario lol we just bought a house so looks like I'm staying a but longer too lol. I like Canada I've been having trouble finding a job in the career I chose in college, I have my x ray tecnologist diploma but sadly haven't found a job yet. What sort of work do you do?
Oh and sorry if I seem all run-on-scentency I'm using an iPad and can't get used to touch screen, need to use the laptop more often lol
No worries! Half the time I'm posting from my phone lol. Laptop is much easier though. We've talked about a wedding alot. Sometimes we just talk about eloping but at the same time I really do want our friends and families there with us. Not sure when we'll get married. We were thinking summer 2014 but if I get pregnant soon that probably wouldn't work. I don't mind if we get married after having a baby but I wouldn't want to get married with a newborn. So maybe 2015 if I get pregnant! :)

Yes I've always lived in the US and I've been to Canada once. When I was 14 I went to Whistler BC. I couldn't go now since id need to get a passport first lol. But OH and I have been talking about Victoria BC for our honeymoon so I'd need one. :) I do have an aunt that lives in Alberta.

I'm a kindergarten teacher:) I graduated in 2011 and it took me two years to get a classroom teaching job. I substitute taught and also worked in the Title I program doing reading interventions. This is my first year with my own classroom and I'm kinda freaking out ;)
Yeah I think if we just eloped then we'd have a wedding later but I think my family would want to be there so I'm unsure but hoping we conceive then get married when the time is right :) my family has been on me lately about getting pregnant but they don't know we're trying my grandma even told me to go elope and work on babies lol if only it happened by justing hoping for it lol. I'm hoping temping and opks will help me this cycle.

Congrats on the job! Did you just start in September, are you enjoying it? I bet it would be overwhelming lol.
Thanks! :) Yes I just started in September, I was hired about a week before school started! I think I'll eventually enjoy it, but right now there's just so much to do and learn that I haven't had a chance to really enjoy it. I only teach part time, so my kids are only in school for about two and a half hours. So stressful to cram everything in! ;)

That's awesome your family is so excited about you getting pregnant! Mine doesn't know we're trying, and I'm sure they'd prefer we wait until we have more money. It'll be tight but we'll make it work. We want it way too bad to wait any longer, and I certainly don't want to risk waiting so long that my fertility runs out! :p

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