Ttc #1 on third cycle

That's good :) yeah 2 1/2 hrs is such a short time to get everything done in and I know how hard teachers work.

I don't think anyone is ever really 100% prepared for a baby but its such an exciting journey in life. I always wanted kids before 30 and I'm glad were starting now because obviously it could take some time. In the beginning I was a bit niave I think lol and now I'm all obsessed. Can't wait to be blessed with a child. I ordered some opks and hpts online this time and they should arrive before I plan to test I'm impatient hah. I ordered a bbt too so I can attempt temping lol
I'm glad you're going to try temping!! I'm pretty much obsessed with it. I have a pink bbt and love it :p Being a mother has always been my lifelong dream. I was only about 11 or 12 when I would think about it seriously and get excited. I hated middle school and my only motivation to go was because it was the best I could do at the time to lay a stable foundation for my future children.

Are you hoping for a boy or girl first, or do you have a preference? I have this intense gut feeling that I'll have a girl first.
Yeah haha ill be obsessed as soon as the bbt arrives I'm sure lol I hope it'll help pinpoint ovulation better. I've alway wanted to be a mother aswell and love my fiances children as if they were mine :) since we have the boys (he has full custody and their mom never seems them) I would love to have a girl although I have a feeling ill have a boy first. I told him if it were a boy we'd try once more then 4 is my limit lol ill need a mini van hah. If it were a girl we could be done though but likely I'd want another hah. I've been smothering my nieces (8mnths and 2 1/2) when they're over lately such baby fever lol! Doesn't help that most my friends are having babies or already had one recently. Lol
I can understand wanting a girl since you have two boys already. Maybe you'll get to have four! :p I'd love to have four but we'll see if we can afford it. Two boys and two girls would be perfect :)

I'm on cd 6 and it feels like an eternity until ovulation :( I'm also sick so I hope it goes away soon. I want to follow the smep but I definitely don't feel like bd-Ing right now. A few days ago OH really wanted to but I felt miserable with a sore throat, sinus congestion, and pressure in my head. He kept saying "I'll be gentle" but I just felt like omg leave me alone! Lol
Yeah hopefully it'd be a girl first we already have enough testosterone hahah. My fiancé's friends girlfriends have all had boys within the last two years so he's convinced we'll have a boy first. I wouldn't mind 4 I enjoying being busy hah. The boys are in hockey and scouts right now so it's getting a bit busy this year after school.

I know how you feel, with long cycles it seems like eternity eh? As that sucks that you're sick, the boys have been sick since going back to school too. I'm cd 5 and we'll probably start bding EOD soon. Hah I think the last few cycles we've been bding too much so i'll have to tell the fiancé to cool his jets haha he's excited about having a newborn again though. I was thinking about trying mostly bding before ovulation to increase our chances for a girl but I don't want to ,miss my chance either so either way I'm happy
I love my downtime but I do like being busy enough to keep my mind off of things. It can be a very scary thing when I have too much thinking time to myself. It sure sounds like you'll be busy with the boys this season! :)

I've considering doing a girl sway to try and get my girl first. Though apparently spring and summer are the best seasons to conceive a girl in so I'm already not really following it lol. It's also been said that following a certain diet can change the acidic/alkaline levels in your body, making it more favorable to boy or girl sperm. The way that I eat already follows the girl diet plan pretty well. I'm hoping I get my girl first, but I have a gut feeling that I'll get her no matter what I do. Right now, I just want to be pregnant again more than anything - boy or girl!

OH just got a call for a job interview tomorrow morning! :) It's only at a coffee shop, but a job's a job! It's also only about 5 minutes from our new house :)
I like keeping myself busy too, I know exactly what you mean. It's nice to keep the kids busy after school they sleep good lol. Our oldest is such a good hockey player too he can skate circles around me hah.

What types of foods are in the gir diet? I never really looked it up much besides knowing about bding before ovulation and such. I should try and follow it we would both love a girl it would be perfect. Ill keep praying for girls or us hah, my MIL told my fiancé that he should be thinking 'girl girl girl girl' lol she agrees with the too much testosterone. I'd love to do some different girly things, I have my nieces but can't wait for one that looks like us. I love giraffes and last week my MIL bought me this adorable giraffe painting and told me to stash it in my closet facing away for good karma for the baby room lol. She doesn't know we're trying but sometimes I feel she has an idea lol. I know she really just wants anger grandchild I guess 9 isn't enough lol. So I put it away hah since we've been ttc I've thought about a nursery room and I would love a giraffe theme maybe green more gender neutral and I love earthy tones. Sometimes it makes me feel I'm jumping the gun thinking too early but I like being really organized and I don't like feeling rushed. I guess we're both just ready for a baby anytime now hah.
A giraffe theme would be so cute! I like being really organized too, I'm definitely a planner! :) I have nursery ideas too :blush: Boy or girl I want a pale green color scheme. If it's a girl I'd want to add in some pink and do a garden theme, and if it's a boy I'd add in a bit of blue and do a baseball theme. I've always thought a garden theme would be super cute - I'd love to get some decals for the wall of ladybugs or flowers, and possibly even paint a wall to look like it has a picket fence. I'm a huge baseball fan so that's where the baseball theme for a boy would come in :) I have a few bobbleheads and autographed baseballs we could use for décor already! OH thinks it's funny and cute how I'm super girly but also a die hard baseball fan :p

The girl diet includes lots of calcium and magnesium, and staying away form sodium and potassium. Lots of dairy and staying away from salty foods and red meat. Not hard since I'm a vegetarian :p I don't follow it to a T, but my natural diet falls more within the girl ranges. If you google InGender girl diet that's the one I looked at. :)

I have a story from work today that I just had to share...

I'm a kindergarten teacher and when I went to get my kids this morning, a para handed my some makeup and said, "We had a little problem this morning... I'll let you handle it." I looked and saw three little girls with FULL faces of makeup! Lipstick, eyeshadow, bright blush, the works! Of course with their motor skills, they looked like little drag queens! I had to be firm with them and tell them that makeup doesn't belong at school and it's inappropriate to wear it here unless you're an adult (bit of a double standard but I told them that when you're a kid makeup is something fun you do at home). It took all my strength to not start laughing: if only you could've seen their faces! I sent them to the nurse to get cleaned up, and I heard that the office staff had quite the laugh about it later. In hindsight I wish I'd have taken a picture and made copies for their parents. What a fun memory to look back on when they're getting ready for senior prom. :haha:
Garden theme sounds adorable :) I always wanted a tree painted in the corner of a nursery then I'd put a picture on each branch of them at different years that'd be cool. Haha baseball theme would be cute for a boy aw. I never thought of sports themed but if I mentioned it to my fiancé he'd be all over a football Indianapolis Colts theme he is obsessed lol he texts me how he's doing in his foot ball pool lol aaaaaall the time hah. Girls can be into sports too hehe :) I like hockey more but ill watch any sport really.

I wish I could do vegetarian more, I tried and did it for 6 months on year but that was it lol. How long have you been a vegetarian for? I could try lowering my red meat or cutting it out because I prefer chicken or fish anyways but I'm pretty lactose intolerant (and love milk) so it stinks but as long as I take some pills I can tolerate a bit of milk products but feel awful if I overdo it. Haha idk how I'd follow that diet but I think I want to try it the best I can I guess. Ill have to look it up in the afternoon when I wake up.

Omg hahahahha that's the funniest thing ever! Kids are so awesome hahah. I would've caved and been laughing from the get go hahah aw. That's so cute you definitely should've taken a picture lol who doesn't love embarrassment from when you were little once you're all grown up haha. I'm going to be a great mom lol.

So I just found my aunts friends daughter who I used to babysit is expecting a baby next month. I keep hearing of so many people I know it's starting to make me a bit pessimistic but oh we'll lol I'm happy for those people I'm just Impatiently waiting my turn. Today I'm not feeling all that great, need a nice long sleep after my busy night last night. My opks probably won't arrive until the 16th along wit my bbt I just want to get started sometimes long cycles stink boo lol.

How did his interview go? Hope it went well.
Totally didn't mean to go MIA on you! I looked at this thread once but was planning to reply later, but then my list of subscribed threads kept showing ones that were new and I didn't realize I hadn't responded to you. I've been so scatterbrained lately :shrug: I can't wait to see how I am when I'm actually pregnant :haha:

The tree idea sounds so cute! I'm a diehard baseball fan but haven't been much into football. However lately, I've been watching it in secret :blush: At the risk of sounding like I'm jumping on the bandwagon, my hometeam has just been REALLY good so far this season! Funny you mentioned the Colts... they ended our undefeated record last Sunday! :p

I've been a vegetarian for a long time.. since around age 12 maybe? I wasn't a strict vegetarian at first. The reasoning behind it is that I just simply think meat is disgusting lol. I do eat fish, which is really the only kind of meat that I like. Chicken is okay.. I think I had that a time or two in the past five years. But red meat I haven't had since I was really little. Just grosses me out! lol. That would be hard to be lactose intolerant. I'm not huge on milk (but love almond milk) but do like cottage cheese and yogurt, and I LOVE ice cream! Being lactose intolerant would be devastating. :(

I'm glad you loved the makeup story... I laugh every time I think back to it! I imagine you're still waiting for your opk's and bbt since it's only the 10th? What cd are you on again? I'm sure you told me before but like I said I've been so scatterbrained. I'm on cd 10 (it really works well for me that my cd matches the date this month), and got started with the smep today! :happydance: Planning to starting using opk's tomorrow or Saturday. I don't expect to o until next Thursday or Friday, but taking an opk would make my cycle feel more "productive" lol.

His interview went great and he actually has a second interview tomorrow at noon! I'm really thinking they're going to hire him. It seems like an awfully lot of hoops to jump through just to make coffee ;)

Hope you're doing well! <3
Aw haha I know the feeling! I'm such a scatterbrain and fairly clumsy haha and forgetful. If those things only get worse in pregnancy uh oh eh? Lol. I can't wait to find out haha. I was looking into taking soy but well see how this cycle goes and maybe ill try some out once I'm finished googling it to death hah. Do you know anything about it?

Haha my fiancé actually has bought me t-shirts with the colts and everything he's such a die hard fan. Lol weird eh? I watched the game and I'm sure I don't even remember what team they played lol I may be too tired atm hah. I've been rooting for the Baltimore ravens since last year hah. Football is fun to watch haha especially when my team plays my fiancé's hahah. Oh the joy of sports :)

I don't eat much red meat often I always liked chicken more. I've been trying to eat more veggies lately to get more vitamins but the boys are definitely picky like their dad and like only certain veggies lol boo them. Oh yeah and I really like milk products so it stinks if I get an ice cream cone it's like kiddy size hah I bet ill want it when I get pregnant that will stink.

Yeah the tests should be here latest Monday I believe :) I'm on cd9 I think I'm a day behind you if I remember correctly. Yay to smep! We started EOD already but I work the next few nights so it will still work for EOD for us I was worried about that at first. I'm going to start my opks Monday when the tests come :) along with temping I'm excited hah my fiancé thinks its silly haha. If I have tests I want to test haha like every day. I still have some dollar store hpts but I found them annoying but they will be around I I run out lol I sound crazy sometimes.

Awesome :) good luck to him for his next interview. Hahaha yes it does, they must like him.
I hate how my long cycles seem to drag sometimes...this month in particular. I still have 9 more days till ovulate and start the tww it seems so far away hah. And I forgot Mondays a holiday for us, silly me, so my order will be delayed a bit...okay I'm off to sleep I think.
I hate it too! It's looking like I'll likely o at the end of this week or next weekend. Just need to stay healthy this week so I'm up for bd-ing!
Aww take some vitamin C hopefully you feel good!

I'm in a bit of a mood today... while hanging with some friends my fiancé informs them that we're basically ttc without really actually saying it and now I feel like if it doesn't happen within a certain period of time I'm going to feel not good about it. Anyway having slight cramping today and watery cm...leading up to the big o can't wait. I really hope my opks and bbt are in the mail tomorrow. My fertile days will start on Thursday so hopefully I can use my tests before then.
I hope you get them soon so you can use your opks! I've been using mine but haven't gotten a positive yet. I don't expect to o until Thursday at the earliest. I kind of hope I o on Saturday because I'm so tired by the end of the week lol. May have to go to bed early this week to be ready! :p

I'd be upset too if he told people. Aside from ladies on the forums, only one really close friend knows we're trying. No other friends or family know. I'm sure some would have opinions on why now isn't an ideal time and I don't really want to hear it lol. I also wouldn't want everyone being anxious about me getting pregnant if it takes a while. Having it take a few months would be difficult enough without people always asking me or thinking I'm not competent enough to get pregnant. I'm sure they wouldn't think that but idk, self conscious I guess. I don't want to tell anyone I'm pregnant until 3 or 4 months anyway!
I know I wasn't planning on saying anything especially since I'm not really drinking around my friends although they think I am I just drink juice or pop lol. I was just upset and he doesn't understand why...cause he's excited lol and apparently wants to tell the world. I want it just as much but now I feel almost like pressured lol i don't need the stress. I'm trying so hard to stay relaxed and today I ate way too much turkey darn thanksgiving lol I'm feel bloated like mad. I wont ovulate till next Tuesday likely but I wish I could test now...this month I feel crampy already and it seems early. We've been bding EOD or every day sometimes. And I'm not even in my fertile week and I'm a bit tired lol.
Hey Ladies!!
We are TTC#1 currently on cycle 3 fiance and I are hoping this is the ticket!! New to this and looking for TTC buddies :winkwink: Fam does't know we are trying and not going to say cause we were told by F Doc that we would need assistance but know we can do it on our own!!

Baby dust to all :dust:
Welcome myb85! Lately this thread has just been Ashleigh and I, but you're welcome to join us! We'd love a new buddy :)
Welcome myb85 :) no we wouldn't mind another buddy. What day are you in your cycle? Good luck to you

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