TTC #2 Need some buddies :)


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Mar 14, 2014
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TTC baby #2! We've been trying for almost a year now and no luck. Doctor says everything is normal. So just waiting now. This month I've had a very weird period not sure what's going on with that. But I would love some TTC Buddies to talk with through this journey seeing as my husband doesn't really seem to get it. He's kind of a beefcake.
Desperate for understanding friends..
Hi! We are trying for #2 also:) Only been trying for 3 months..but seems more difficult this time around for sure!
Hello ladies. We are ttc#2 this is my 8th cycle and we really went for it this time! Im 7dpo today but not feeling too hopeful but I think that's because its taking a while and hasn't happened yet!

Where are you ladies in your cycles?
Hello ladies. We are ttc#2 this is my 8th cycle and we really went for it this time! Im 7dpo today but not feeling too hopeful but I think that's because its taking a while and hasn't happened yet!

Where are you ladies in your cycles?

Hi fuschia! I am 9dpo. Was convinced this was the month...but after getting a couple bfn I'm starting to doubt it. I am trying to tell myself it's still early. I am so obsessed w peeing on a stick. I can always talk myself " what if it will show something now?" Ah huh I hate the is just wearing me down! :)
Emerald I completely understand. After 7 months of no success im starting to feel differently about the tww... not done a pg test yet ! Not going to do 1 tomorrow (9dpo) hubby wants me to wait till day of af and test with him which is 13dpo but I just think that might make the disappointment harder!

Im starting to dread bfns cos they really Bring me down. ... then of course I keep planning in my head to go and get tests and just go for it!!!

Do u have any symptoms? 9dpo is early. ...which test are you using ?
Well I have been bloated/gassy for about 5 days. I have been having lots of pressure and twinges in my lower abdomen. My boobs are so full and awesome:) Lots of creamy cm since ovulation. I've just felt like "I'm pregnant" from the beginning. But maybe it's just wishful thinking. With my first I got a bfp 5 days before. Who knows today I felt like all my symptoms went away...but just now I went to eat a hamburger and the ketchup like stung my it was sour. Then I almost threw up. Things don't taste good. So weird.
Ooh well sounds promising! I also got bfp 5 days before af with dd too! I guess only time will tell!
Will you keep testing every day now? Are you using a sensitive test?
I am a poas addict big time. I always think what if? I have the FREE and some clear blue digitals..and some Internet cheapies:) I'm very well stocked and have the basis covered. Yah I would like to say that I will wait to test...but I know I wont! How about you? When will you test? You have any symptoms?
I only have 1 cb dig in stock!

If I had cheapies or similar I would have tested today I bet!

I did get a bit desperate today and used a cheap opk which there was a faint line but it wasn't pos. Have u heard about using opks as pg tests?

Hubby wants me to wait to 13dpo... im not sure. .. I think I will go to shops on 11dpo and test then! Only going 11dpo cos I'm pretty busy up until then!

I keep fantasing about seeing a pos cb digi! How do you feel when u get bfn? I get really down!
Symptoms for me- feeling nauseous. .. lots of cramps / stitch type feelings but that could be anything!

I don't know the bfn just is disapointing. The good thing though is reading everyone's stories on here I know I don't have it that bad. Some people have been trying for years to have their first. So I am blessed in the fact I have my dd. Trying to stay positive!!
Hi ladies, can I join you? I have a 7 month old DS and am TTC # 2 naturally. Since I am almost 35, and our first took over 4 years, we want to try again ASAP. My first cycle after pregnancy, last month was very irregular and I O'd at CD 30 so waiting to see what happens this cycle.

DS was conceived with Femara but I'm still BF'ing him so keeping the faith for conceiving naturally. :thumbup:

Excited for you all :flower:
Grateful- hello :)

I wish you the best of luck and fingers crossed it will happen quickly this time :)

Emerald. .. are you 10dpo today?

I tested today... bfn :( just like you yesterday x
Awe, sorry for the BFN fuschia :hugs: But 9 DPO could still be way too early, so still FX'd for you!! Are you still feeling nauseated?

Not so much today grateful... a bit in the am but nothing like before.

I see that u temp !

This is my 2nd month temping and despite 1st being oral and 2nd being vaginal the trends are so similar!

I was thinking that would be a bad sign... but thinking about it ... would your chart prob appear "normal" until after implantation do you think?

Cos presumably every month you are preparing for pregnancy in theory hence the temp shift but the differ the month you conceive would be implantation. . So maybe a higher rise or something would be the best sign x just trying to make sense of stuff! Xx
Grateful- hello :)

I wish you the best of luck and fingers crossed it will happen quickly this time :)

Emerald. .. are you 10dpo today?

I tested today... bfn :( just like you yesterday x

Yah 10 dpo today....major line eye staring at the test. Bfn:/ Makes me doubt all the symptoms and feeling of being pregnant that I have had:( I will try again tomorrow morning..
Fuschia - Yes the charts should in theory always look about the same each month. The temps are lowest before ovulation...then they rise .5-1 degree and if implantation occurs, then raise again...if not, they go back down to pre-ovulation temps. I temped the month the I got my BFP in Nov. 2012. If you click on my temp chart you might be able to scroll down the page and see what the BFP chart looked like. I love temping, it really helps me understand my cycles and I love waiting for that temp rise!

Emerald - Ooooooooooo I am still FX'd for you. It's still early. Let's see what the morning brings :thumbup: Your symptoms sound good.
Emerald. .. im sorry :( bfns do really bring you down dont they . Ive been having cramps but not lile af for days now and im just so confused. .. why do our bodies trick us!?

Grateful- thanks I looked at your 14dpo you must have thought af was round the corner!

So hubby and I talked last night and we worked out that if my cycles stay reguar as they have then the next TWO months are out for us :(

Hubby away on training month one then im on hol with my best mate month 2!
Can you believe it... we won't be able to try... till june! X
Fuschia- oh man...2 months? Not even a chance like 5 or 4 days before o? Well...everything happens in its own time I suppose. Baby making is stressful. At least if anything it will give your mind a break. Your not out this month yet though right?

On another blah note...another bfn this morning. I think the fact that I got bfp with my dd 5 days before is making me feel depressed. Realistically I still have a couple days.
Fuschia - 2 months?! :cry: Well, still Fx'd for you this month and perhaps your BFP will happen right after your well rested on your holiday!

Yes, my temp took a huge dive and I said "Well looks like I'm out! AF is coming..." and the next morning it went WAY up. I knew that was odd and that's when I tested. Best surprise of my life!

Emerald - YES! You still have a few days... it's never over till it's over!

AFM: I may start OPK's tonight...even though I know its too early. lol I'm not looking forward to seeing BFN's again....BUT I'm praying for a wonderful surprise again and I'm happy to at least be able to start TTC again. A little scared.

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