TTC after a 31week premmie (abit long)



Hi im new to this forum so here's my story of a new journy ttcno2 & the premature birth of my 1st born ty

Well i was 18 when i found out i was pregnant
had a scan at 8weeks :) to find baby was 12weeks along & was perfectly healthy.
Only to find at 14weeks 7am of the morning i went to the loo to find blood :(
This is where my pregnancy triggered a downfall
i went in for a scan had a low lying placenta & the blood flow to baby was limited & slow so ty wasnt growing to his ability.
The bleed stopped & was passed off as something i cant remember the name for..Although baby looked fine he was a little behind so dates went back 10days
Scan was booked for every 4weeks
20weeks we found out we were expecting a little boy :)
over the moon we was,Blood flow was still very limited and ty was dating back to a 18+3 week baby but heart & everything else seemed fine
24week scan seemed abit more positive he was doing well size of 23week so was only behind a touch.
Now i am a small size 8 so t 26weeks i discovered all my pain was down to spd :( Not nice at all
next scan at 28weeks showed baby was doing brilliant the blood flow through cord was fine and baby had gained excessive amount of weight he was bang on if not more :) Pleased wasnt the word
Then it all began,30weeks +5days i was rushed to hospital with sever abdomial pain and bleeding
Baby was 3/5 engaged and contractions were every 20mins or so
Was given steroids and a drug to prolong labour...Was kept in hospital for 3days.After 3days i was sent home 2cm dilated
Went had got my hair cut & sorted out baby's things incase he decided to make a entrance as doc's had warned baby could arrive at any time
Thursday evening i went to bed all nice & cosey feeling fine after a nice long soak in the bath.........Only to be woken at 1am to sharp horrible pain in my back :nope: I thought please no not again! 30+2 & i was not ready to bring baby into the world.
I tried to get back to sleep but its wasn't happening..I sat on my old forum Bounty for 3hrs
No1 was around,Trying to time these back & stomach pains but they were all over the place.
By am i was vomiting and could keep water down so went in the bath i thought must be a stomach bug as i don't feel this is contractions.
Little did i know the minute i tried to walk down the stairs my waters would break
Ohhh dear that was when it hit me my 30+2 baby was on his way! My mom arrived back from work phoned a ambulance and off we went to the hospital.
I was examined and was 8 cm dilated:eek: and that only my hind waters had broken. the midwife looked at me in a way i wont forget
baby was 3/5 engaged his arm & backside were coming 1st
within 10mins i was signing my forms for a emergency section
Baby Ty was born at weighing a healthy 4lb :) he wasn't breathing when born but they got him round extremely quick
i didn't see him for a while as he was rushed to SCBU
daddy went over and got me a photo :)
he looked so perfect and amazingly large,until i saw him in person the next day...I expressed all i could to give ty the best start in life
After 2weeks in SCBU number of brain scans and everything seeming fine.Nurses said ty was ready to come home as long as he kept his temp for at least 24hrs :)
So he did like a big boy now weighing 3lb 8oz as he lost a lot of weight. Registrar was called to sign Ty out & thats were my whole life changed Ty was put back down to sleep in crib while we all signed info off when i just took 1 look & SCREAMED my baby was grey and blue with patches all over his skin!!!
NO NO NO i screamed please not after 2weeks of you doing so well,emergency doctors and nurse's took ty to resuscitation table and got him back round...he was taken straight back to icu
After many test,scan's & a lumber puncture we found out ty was severely tongue tie,His glands in his throat would stick together & suffered a condition called centre apnea
i cant believe that after 2weeks he was letting me know he was ready to go home just yet.
We were taken to resuscitation classes to learn what to do if it happened which did a number of times a day.
He came home after 4more weeks on a apnea monitor and a breathing respiration cot monitor. I used both for ty until he was signed off from the ENT doctors at birmingham children's hospital,following many barium swallows and lots of brain scans i now have a happy & healthy 2year old

Only fears of a new pregnancy is will this happen again
I cant wait to have a sibling for ty but i do worry a lot

sorry its long

vikki & ty xxx
Hi hunny, welcome over here!!


I'm pregnant again after having a 27 weeker. It wasn't planned, and good god, if it was, I would have sat down and discussed all the possibilities of what may happen with doctors and consultants.

My LO Alex was born in June last year, no reason at all. I panicked like hell for first tri with this one, but the consultants went over Alex's delivery and decided that there was no reason it should happen again.

Of course, in my mind I think "well, there was no reason in the first place for Alex's arrival!"

So I'm on my toes but its better than what i expected. I'm not gonna lie and say its not worrying, but having discussions will help, and you will be well looked after next time.

Often enough, no two pregnancies are the same. If you need any more hope, have a look at our thread! :)
thanks for replying & all the best in the pregnancy
your baby is beautiful btw xx
Hello and welcome :wave: Glad your little man is doing so well after his scary start.

I don't know if we will ever dare risk another pregnancy after what I went through but I'm not ruling it out till I've spoken to doctors and/or consultants! Wouldn't be for a good while yet anyway though.

Just wanted to say hi anyway, and welcome you over.

Thaks for the warm welcome katy :)
N your lil girl is adorable 2
Well done to your little 1
such remarkable babies aint they
Congratulations on your beautiful boy after such a difficult start. Good luck with ttc number 2 and I hope your next pregnancy goes well. Have the doctors said anything about the chances of having another premmie?
Yeah could have been due to the size of me i am a very tiny 8 he dropped about 25weeks
had really bad spd from it all
Can never be 100% though ay
The fact that its been a while since Ty is always a good factor too. Have you spoke to anyone about why , and what care you would have in the future?

Thanks, shes a total nutcase, what do they put in the milk eh? :rofl:
Ohhh my little 1 is a very very active little boy.
Must be making up to us now ay hahaha

I havent mentioned it at all to my doctor as yet i will if i get a BFP soon enough
did you have counselling after having your premmie??xx
I didn't have counselling specifically for the prematurity, I did have PND and seen a counsellor. But she was crap, I didn't go back. My problems made a counsellor cry so erm.... she was no good :rofl: Sometimes i felt like i had to suck it up because im a 29 weeker too

TBH this site has been amazing, it helped me immensely. A girl in this section called Dona, who also had a 27 weeker, was in touch from day one of Alex's life and helped me through the neonatal journey. Since then we've been there for everyone else and some of us even have met.

This section is much smaller than the other sections but we are all close and know each others stories, you'll always have support. When I landed up in here it was quiet!

You are so welcome here xxxx
Thank you so much makes me feel alot more at ease knowing i can talk to people about my issues
To say im only 21 i have had a massive wake up call & feel im alot more grown up then my 21 year old friends who wouldn't understand my time as a mom if it slapped them in the face.
No matter how much they try to no-one can totally relate to how i feel apart from a premmie mommy herself
so i thank you greatly.

I has a little counselling & some depression tablets as i thought daily i was going to loose my son i used to have nightmares of his little face when a apnea accoured :(
Im just terrified i bet i didn't sleep for the 1st 9months of ty's life
This fears me ever so much
But i must be positive & thank the people above for watching him through the terrible time we had.

Thanks for listening

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