ttc after mmc


Mason & Max's Mummy
Apr 12, 2010
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Hi everyone,

I found out i had suffered a missed miscarriage on the 29th march at my 12 week scan. I bled the next day and had my D&C last tuesday (6th april). I am having good days and bad days emotionally.But i've named my angel and going to see a counciler and i feel ready to try again asap. I've stopped bleeding today (for now anyway ). Is it ok for me to start trying again straight away? has anyone else tried again straight away before next AF?

Is their a big chance of history repeating itself if i got pregnant again straight away?

sorry for all the questions.

I'm just confused by all the differant advice you get from so many differant people. wait, dont wait. I dont have a clue lol.

thanks x
hi, so sorry for ur loss :hugs:

i too had a mmc (in 2007) i had gone to my scan an it was then i discovered my baby had died :(
i didnt bleed til after D&C.

I ttc for 8 months & also me & DH decided we wud stop ttc and its only now tht i have had my implant out & ttc again,

im not sure how long u need/should wait for, but didnt want to read & run,

Lianne x
Hey chick, I had my D&C on the 18th of Feb and have caught straight away. The doctor advised that most people should wait 1 AF for dating and emotional purposes but there is no realy medical reason why, there is no increased risk if it is done straight away. Hope this helps and good luck xxx
Hi hun, so sorry for your loss. I found out at my 12 week scan in March last year that baby had died at 8wks + 2. I had a D&C 2 days later as only had tiny amount of brown blood. We started TTC straight away - unfortunately still with no luck. We were told to try and wait 1 cycle for date/emotional purposes too, no medical reason why.

Good luck and :hugs:
Hi M2A - sorry for your loss.

Im glad your bleeding has stopped, thats at least a sign that your body is healing and starting to recover.

Im not so quick to say theres no medical reason you shouldnt try straight away, when you go back, if you get a scan you can ask how your uterine lining is building up as some studies suggest that miscarriage is more likely if the lining is too thin, but to be honest, im not entirely clear, lots of sites and drs say thats not the case - but all drs will ask you to wait as the others say, for at least 1 cycle so the pregnancy can be dated - and this will help build the lining up too (assuming thats necessary). Some posters in here have been asked to wait 2 cycles, so talk to your dr about it and take their advice.

It seems that if there is increased fertility after mc, it lasts up to 6 months so you wont miss your window if you wait a cycle. I know im desperate to ttc again, and it will defo help to ease the pain of the mmc for me.

hope youre feeling better very soon
Sorry for you loss. I am the same as you, scared that history may repeat itself. My Dr. told me to wait a few months (such a vauge time frame), and I talked to one of the other Drs who is the chair of the department and he said that there is no real increased chance of another mc after one. I personally have decided to wait until my second AF to help make sure that my body is back to normal. Once week left hopefully until I can start trying again... YAY!! I have been trying to have positive thoughts about everything and that is making me more excited about trying everyday.
Hi Mummy2Angel,

I thought I would share my story with you..

I had my lovely son in June 08 no problems at all. We thought we would try for another a few months after he turned 1. I was lucky enough to fall pregnant straight away in October. The day before christmas I had some brown spotting and so went for a scan, where we were told that although I should have been 9+2, baby was only measuring 6 with no heartbeat. I was completely shocked. And we ended up having a D&C on the 7th Jan.

We tried straight away after waiting 1 cycle and once again was amazed when I fall straight away and got my BFP on 10th March. It was going to plan, I went for an early reassurance scan and was measuring a week behind, but they said that was normal. Went back 2 weeks (Tues just gone) later for another scan and my baby hadn't grown and again no heartbeat.

The doctors have sent me home and said that I should try and pass this one naturally, I've just today started having brown discharge with red clots in it, and i'm hoping that baby will come out so that I don't have to have another D&C, simply because I don't want anymore scaring on my cervix just incase it effects our fertility. We're planning on waiting until Aug/Sept to try again to give my body more of a break than the last time.

I think the choice is yours, some woman on here fall pregnant straight after and have healthy pregnancies and all is well, others like myself aren't so lucky. But no one knows if it's because we fall pregnant too quickly after D&C or not...

So I've turned this into abit of an essay, but man it felt good to get it all out...

THanks xxxx
Thanks for sharing your story, it makes me feel better to not be the only one going through this nightmare. I'm so sorry for both your losses hun :hugs: . I fell pregnant straight away last time and think i will leave it one cycle and take the bull by the horns and go for it. x
Hey hun, sorry for you loss xxx

I had an early MC at 6 weeks last march, we started trying right away as i dont think the baby ever really took in the first place. It took 1 year for me to get a :bfp: again (with a little break) and this time i had a MMC at 11 weeks it turned out the baby had passed away at 8 weeks. I passed the whole lot on friday night rather dramatically and now have only very light bleeding but my poor body does feel a bit sore and battered! So we are going to NTNP (dont see the point of using anything to prevent, if it happens it happens but going on how long it took us last time i am not too worried) this month and as soon as AF has come we are going to be back on the TTC band wagon.

Hope everything goes well for you and we are back in 1st tri again soon xx
i am really sorry for what you have gone through, I had a mmc at 7 half weeks and a CP 2 weeks ago.

it is hard to be strong but you have to, you will have good days and bad days, on my bad days a good cry always helps me.

we will get there in the end :hugs:

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