TTC after vasectomy reversal


DS '04, DD '06, DD '15
Sep 2, 2010
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Hi everyone :)

I was wondering if anyone has any tips for TTC after a vasectomy reversal? My partner has just been told that sperm are present - making the reversal op technically successful. He has been taking fertilaid, is there anything else anyone can recommend?
We are blessed already having 2 kids each from previous relationships so we are hopeful. Just want to give :spermy: best chances possible and fingers crossed waiting for a :bfp: soon :)
Hi there, firstly, congrats on your OH getting a positive result back after his op. :thumbup: great news!

We have our op booked for the 13th and have been counting since we booked it, we really can't wait!! :hugs:

Anyway, we are having it done by Duncan Harriss at the BMI Park Hospital in Nottigham and on their website, they have a page that list all the foods, vitamins and minerals etc that are recommended as a pro- :spermy: diet.

I'll copy and paste what it says below:

ZINC: found in fish, chicken, pulses, pumpkin seeds, wholegrains and eggs.

VITAMIN C: citrus fruits, peppers

FOLATE: peas, green beans, chickpeas, bananas, asparagus

CARNITINE: red meat, chicken, fish, dairy foods, avocado, eggs.

SELENIUM: Brazil nuts, tuna, eggs

CAROTENOIDS: sweet potatoes, cabbage, spinach, tomatoes

Things to avoid:

Smoking: slower, weaker sperm are found in smokers

Alcohol: studies have shown that alcohol can reduce the quality and quantity of sperm

Illegal drugs: Marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines and opiates all reduce quantity and motility, and increase abnormalities in sperm.

Heat: hot baths, saunas and steam rooms can all have a negative impact on sperm quality.

Hormones: anabolic steriods can drastically reduce fertility

Sexual lubricants: All including saliva except for vegetable based lubricants have a negative effect on sperm.

Our Advice

Follow our diet and lifestyle tips and keep your scrotum cool. Sperm production is known to decrease in the summer months so avoid prolonged activities where the scrotal temperature could be raised for long periods of time. This way you will be doing what you can to increase the chances of healthy sperm production.
Thanks hon :) yea it's been really hard not to get over excited... keep positive without over-inflating our hopes etc! But yea great news I know. We went to BMI in Glasgow, Michael Aitchison did the op. We were only given 30% chance of success, and on the day only 1 side was able to be done up - so very nerve wracking waiting to hear!
We're generally tryin to keep healthy, both on supplements etc.

Fingers crossed for you hope the op goes well x
My partner had his reversal at BMI Nottm by Duncan Harris who was fantastic. My partner had his vacestamy over 10 years ago so I was very down about it working but after few months were told that sperm was present and good. I tried to get my partner to cut down on booze, we did lots of walking and I bought him looser underwear! Approx 10 months after the op we found out we are expecting identical twins!!. Really hope all goes well for everyone.
My partner had his reversal at BMI Nottm by Duncan Harris who was fantastic. My partner had his vacestamy over 10 years ago so I was very down about it working but after few months were told that sperm was present and good. I tried to get my partner to cut down on booze, we did lots of walking and I bought him looser underwear! Approx 10 months after the op we found out we are expecting identical twins!!. Really hope all goes well for everyone.

Hey! I can't remember if I told you or not (my head has been all over the place these past few weeks) :wacko: anyway, that we too were to have our VR done by Duncan Harriss at BMI in Nottingham? :happydance:

Anyway, that was yesterday!!!!! So it's done!! We got there at 11am and DH didnt go down until 7pm!! Was a very looooooong day! I didn't get home until 12 and I'll go and pick him up in a bit.

DH had an op on his right side about 5 years ago as one got twisted and detatched itself from the scrotum #-o so Duncan told us until he gets in there, he wouldnt know whether he would be able to re-attach both sides due to the amount of scar tissue etc down there........

As of yet, I dont know the outcome.....

Congrats again on your twins!! Fantastic news!!! :happydance:
my DH had a reversal 10 months ago, we are still TTC but his motility has been affected so it might take longer than expected! we are staying positive and will be referred to a fertility unit in Janurary for some assistance if necessary! either way we are determined to succeed! good luck to you all :hugs:, and fantastic news twins!
Just thought I'd chime in and let you know that my dh had his VR April 2008 and we got a bfp Aug 2008 and I now have the most amazing 17month old toddler boy who is the apple of my eye. We are currently trying for #2 together but it has been 10 months and no bfp yet. We had another sample done and his counts are better than last time. Woohoo. I think I'm the problem. I'm not getting any younger and just about to turn 38 next weekend. boohoo. We are trying Femara and preseed this month so praying for bfp!! Good luck to you.
Just thought I'd chime in and let you know that my dh had his VR April 2008 and we got a bfp Aug 2008 and I now have the most amazing 17month old toddler boy who is the apple of my eye. We are currently trying for #2 together but it has been 10 months and no bfp yet. We had another sample done and his counts are better than last time. Woohoo. I think I'm the problem. I'm not getting any younger and just about to turn 38 next weekend. boohoo. We are trying Femara and preseed this month so praying for bfp!! Good luck to you.

Aw thats great news! Love a good VR success story!:thumbup: My hubby had his 13th Sept 2010 so about 4 wks ago and next week I will be 'ready' for lots of BDing :happydance:
hi my dh had his vr in march, his surgeon just told us to wait for 2 months before trying then hit mid cycle we did this and in june we got pregnant, We were so thrilled but it sadly ended in a mc so we are now trying for our sticky bean, Good luck hope you get your bfp soon
I'm 31 weeks pregnant after my DH had a one sided VR last December. We didn't properly TTC until 3 months after the op and I got my BFP the first month of trying. We did BD regularly though to 'keep the pipes clear' lol! DH was supposed to take supplements but forgot half the time, and I took multivits and maca. We also used preseed lubricant, which I'm sure is what did the trick. We were advised to BD every other day - which we did from the day AF stopped, until a couple of days after I thought I ovulated. Hope you all get your BFPs soon!
Hey all,

I am currently 34 weeks pregnant, got my BFP in March 2010. Hubby had his VR done in November 09, so after about 4 cycles of trying. I am 32, he is 36. He had his vasectomy done 5 years prior to the VR. Dr. was able to to a vas to vas connection on both sides, and saw whole sperm on both sides during the surgery, so he was cautiously optimistic with us after the surgery.

Hubby took Fertilaid for about one month before the BFP. Hubby cut down on alcohol and hot showers. We used preseed and Instead Softcups for the last 2 cycles of trying. I am pretty convinced that the preseed/softcups combo really was key (because if low sperm count is the problem, it made sense that anything that holds the sperm next to the cervix and gives them a medium to swim up in was a good thing). I have always had very regular periods/ovulations, so if there was going to be any trouble, I figured it would be from him. He never got a SA done so I have no sperm numbers to share.

We were and continue to be beyond tickled pink about this whole thing. I was ready for IUI and the like to be in the cards. We will see how it goes for #2 - hopefully he doesn't develop any scar tissue by then, but until then, we are relishing every moment of this awesome adventure.

Good luck, and don't give up hope!
Great to see more success after VR!! I'm in the TWW of my first cycle of trying after hubby's VR last month!! I started a thread afew weeks ago for people who have had success after VR, the results look great so far!! You should drop in if you haven't already :thumbup:
It is so good to hear of success stories after VR. I have been getting so disheartened, feeling like it'll never happen.

We are hoping to speak to the consultant again soon, as the post op SA simply said 'Sperm were present' with no further details at all. I phoned the hospital on Fri, and the consultant is on holiday till a week today, so I'm gunna call him and ask for more detailed SA - I'd been expecting count, motility, antibodies etc etc. It is frustrating not knowing.

We have been trying since OH felt able after his VR in May. He has suggested that if we don't get BFP by the time we have tried for 2 years we look into donor sperm or some other option but 2 years seems so long, and I really don't know how both of us would feel if it really did come down to that... it would throw up issues I think.

Anyway rant over ladies thanks so much for some much needed hope! :flower:
It is so good to hear of success stories after VR. I have been getting so disheartened, feeling like it'll never happen.

We are hoping to speak to the consultant again soon, as the post op SA simply said 'Sperm were present' with no further details at all. I phoned the hospital on Fri, and the consultant is on holiday till a week today, so I'm gunna call him and ask for more detailed SA - I'd been expecting count, motility, antibodies etc etc. It is frustrating not knowing.

We have been trying since OH felt able after his VR in May. He has suggested that if we don't get BFP by the time we have tried for 2 years we look into donor sperm or some other option but 2 years seems so long, and I really don't know how both of us would feel if it really did come down to that... it would throw up issues I think.

Anyway rant over ladies thanks so much for some much needed hope! :flower:

I'm glad your feeling better after reading of others' success, I know I am too. I know it's all down to the individual and their circumstances but my friend is my success story. She was 34 and her hubby 44. He had it reversed after 13years. She also suffered with (that long word beginning with E?? Endo....something???). She conceived within a year and had a little boy, and last month, gave birth to her 2nd son (my godson :happydance: ) and they never thought it was going to happen!! So remain positive and I'm sure, that BFP is just waiting around the corner for you, for all of us!! :happydance:
My husband has a reversal in November and got me pregnant in january, I miscarried but we have been ttc on and off in the past few months. Im 9 dpo and feeling my uterus doing something. I dunno what anymore after a few BFN's in the past few months I don't know nothing anymore :cry: but I am glad to be here and talking about it :winkwink:
My husband has a reversal in November and got me pregnant in january, I miscarried but we have been ttc on and off in the past few months. Im 9 dpo and feeling my uterus doing something. I dunno what anymore after a few BFN's in the past few months I don't know nothing anymore :cry: but I am glad to be here and talking about it :winkwink:

Hey!! :wave: well you're already over the first hurdle, knowing that you can get pregnant!! Don't give up hope, I found that every single cycle was different and symptom spotting never got me anywhere so keep up the PMA :dust:

If you want to, pop along to the Vasectomy Reversal Wives and Girfriends club (aka VR WAGs) another thread and there are loads of ladies TTC after VR xx
hey everyone...I am new here..forgive me as I dont have all the short form little abbreviations down My hubby had a vasectomy reversal April 13th of this I have af now and then we shall be ttc next ovulating time at the end of May..cant wait but trying to be patient at the same time..its soooo hard tho!!
My husband has a reversal in November and got me pregnant in january, I miscarried but we have been ttc on and off in the past few months. Im 9 dpo and feeling my uterus doing something. I dunno what anymore after a few BFN's in the past few months I don't know nothing anymore :cry: but I am glad to be here and talking about it :winkwink:

Im so sorry for your loss :hugs:, the same thing happened to me my dh had his vr in march last year I got bfp in june but had a mc in august it was a heartbreaking time, I had to focus on ttc to get me through it, I got pregnant again in november and i'm now 27 weeks . I hope you get a bfp very soon :hugs:
my thing hubby is willing to go to his follow up appt on may 30th but could care less if he gets his SA done...says if we get pregnant then we will know..I would like to have some idea if there is any hope or not...grrrrr!!

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