TTC and Beyond!

Happy 18 weeks Julie!!!

Happy 15 weeks Molly!!

Annnnnd happy 5 weeks Mirolee and Amelia!! <3
Updating with a picture on here as well for those who don't have a facebook!


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The last two nights I've had some killer headaches... They only happen at night but man do they hurt. Freaking hormones...
Ashley - I got nasty headaches during my 2nd trimester with Hannah. Pretty sure I spent the entire trimester with one :/ Fortunately there haven't been too many this time around.

So 2 nights ago, OH & I notice this bruise on Hannah's back and a few on her stomach. Freaked out, naturally. It's fading so I'm not so worried anymore but last night I asked my mom if she remembered Hannah falling or doing anything that would have caused it (you know... to rule out leukemia & things like that lol... because that's where my mind went) and she mentioned Hannah & Autumn playing in a tunnel-like toy (that goes to a playhouse.) Said Hannah was laying in it while Autumn pulled the tunnel around the living room and over this hump between the kitchen & living room and that could have caused it. No big deal... especially since it's fading.

Well tonight on my way home from work my mom sends me a text and says "If he's asleep when you get home, we need to talk. It's important." I get home from work and sit down with her & she basically tells me she thinks OH is abusing Hannah when I'm not around. She runs this "support group" for abuse victims on FB and said she has a friend there that specializes in abused children and said she mentioned it to her, that her friend asked some questions and they concluded they're concerned for Hannah's safety around him.

Are you freaking kidding me? I know that's not even close to being true. There's not one iota of truth to the whole concept. I'm just baffled that's the conclusion she's drawn and is now calling everything a "sign." It's normal toddler behavior (that all my friends with toddlers are going through) but my mom insists it's a sign. Her trouble sleeping at night - that's a sign (not because she's a toddler going through growth spurts or having nightmares or waking up and seeing a shadow that scares her.) I brought up the fact that Hannah often times prefers playing with OH than me and she says THAT'S a sign. I tried telling her that at this age, her emotions aren't developed enough for that to be a sign (I know sometimes abused kids gravitate toward their abuser) but she insists it is. She also mentioned that my oldest has trembled at the thought of doing something that would upset OH (I don't believe that for a second... I'm pretty sure she's making things up to fit her whole... thing) so she thinks he abused her to and is contacting the school tomorrow for her to meet with a counselor. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? This woman is off her rocker.

I told her that I don't see that being close to possible and that I think she's way off base. She said she's going to be hyper-vigilant now so I told her not to go looking for things or making things up to fit her "beliefs." It's just really funny that the day we get approved for an apartment, she suddenly (after 3 years of us being together) suspects he's abusing my kids & she'll do whatever it takes to keep us safe even if it means kicking him out while me and the girls stay here as long as we need (her words...)

I swear to god I can't handle this woman. We couldn't have been approved for the apartment soon enough. I know there's not one ounce of truth to her accusations. I'm just so annoyed and baffled and angry at the whole thing. I don't want to tell OH what she's said because I know he'll lose his mind and want to confront her but that'll only make her think she's right even more (but I wouldn't blame him if he reacted that way.) But at the same time I want him to know so he can make sure he doesn't accidentally say or do something in her presence to make her think she's right.

I seriously don't even have enough words right now to explain the thoughts going through my mind. The woman is crazy.
Wow, waves. That is just.. insane. I would be SO pissed. It is not her place AT ALL to call the school counselor!!! I understand she is just "concerned" but i'd have to tell to mind her own damn business. It sounds like she's really upset your leaving and now trying to find a way to make you rethink moving out.
Hahahahaa OMG Waves she sounds just like my dad's mom.. a bit loony and overbearing etc., etc. lol.. Jeez.

Maybe say hey OH- my mom asked if I thought maybe YOU had caused those bruises, wanted to make sure you weren't playing too hard or whatnot (don't mention that she blatantly ACCUSED him of all that nonsense) so that he knows it's in her mind. Just so he makes sure to be extra careful while crazy Gma is watching. Lmao he so does not look that way at all, looks very sweet and loving. She probably is just psycho about you leaving and CLEARLY wants to be the mother here. Of Hannah, too. I would be mad too, esp bc she may really be serious. Haha sounds like she's got some loose bolts, glad you're getting outta there and I hope that you can rescue Leah too lol. GL on this one! Less than 2 weeks to go ;)
Wow. That is crazy. You know if she says something to a school counselor or a teacher, they are obligated to report it right?
That's what I was thinking Rachel. She really better re think doing that because it could start all kinds of stuff that she can't "undo"
So I had a crazzzzzy dream last night that we were watching baby's foot through my skin. Then it's foot and leg popped out through my abdomen but it wasn't a normal leg. It was like those stringy mushrooms that grow in your yard with a foot instead of a we were all watching and like aww how cute the more of her body came out along with the other leg. Then the next thing I knew her whole body flew out of my abdomen and flopped down. She was all deformed and all I did was scream and scream. I hate pregnancy dreams.
Thanks Amanda, I'm glad mine don't last all day or I don't think if get anything done, they're awful. Sounds like your mom is willing to do a lot to keep you from leaving which is worrisome :? Hopefully she doesn't do anything she regrets later.

Rachel! That dream sounds insane! Though I've red that dreams of having a deformed baby are pretty normal. But still, I'm sure it freaked the crap out of you.

AFM, threw up this morning for the first time since I started zofran. I guess that answers my question on whether I'm done with morning sickness or not...
Ugh Rachel, I hate them too!! Last night I had a dream I was grocery shopping and picked up an item and that item had a girl on the front and her lips were a vagina. And then I opened it and it was cream cheese. Um, EW!!! I've been on a bagel and cream cheese kick, I guess that's over!!

Lovvvve "Ellie Rea" by the way!

Amanda that's nuts, I really hope he doesn't go to the school! That's SO not her place. Have you though about asking Autumn a few questions. Not suggesting that OH is doing anything at all but maybe that would help appease your mom?

Feel better Ash!! I can't believe it's still goin! :(
Amanda-wow jesus she sounds looney. But I would worn your other half, because if she over thinks everything it could get out of hand. I can't wait until you get out.
LOL Kara vag lips!!! Keep sharing your dreams girls haha they're priceless!

P.s. I can't. frickin. stop. reading posts in the "Birth Stories & Announcements" forum! Love all the cute little newborn faces and amazing stories!
These dreams are TOOO much!

Waves, so sorry, that sounds like a pain. I would be very cautious, because if that info gets into the wrong hands, an investigation will most likely be started. That is a can of beans that I would NOT want to open.

Ashlee, so sorry that you're throwing up again. UGH! But, at least you're into the second trimester and things should be looking up :)
Waves- thats crazy!! Isn't she the one that is a heavy drinker? That will work in your favor if it gets out of hand.
Thanks ladies. It sucks :(. I took my zofran but I'm still not feeling very well. Smell of my coworker's coffee is NOT helping. Starting to wonder if I'm coming down with something or if it's still just pregnancy related.

LOL Kara that is hilarious!
Oh my, so sorry BB I fixed it.. I cut your name, pasted Amelia, and must have forgotten to stick you back in there. Forgive me!

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