Rachel-Boo to the weird dreams! Luckily I haven't had any crazy ones in a while...I like Ellie Rae! If we were having 2 girls, one was going to be Olivia Rae or Livie Rae for short lol I love Rae for a girl. Since we are only having one girl we decided to go with Olivia Lynne, Lynne was the name of DW's aunt who died from cancer complications in May.
Britt-I told my boss before 12 weeks bc I was out sick a lot. I told her in person. Honestly, I can't say she responded positively or negatively. She didn't say much, not even congratulations. She has been really hard on me since though. However, my boss already hates me and she's pretty much a a she-devil, so I'm sure that's not the norm.
I think it's good to tell your boss soon though so you guys can formulate a plan for while you are out. I've made sure my boss knows I'm high risk bc of multiples, so I most likely will not work past March, if that and that it's common to be put on bed rest early. That way she can start planning for when I'm out and won't be surprised if I all of a sudden get put on bed rest.
Waves-I'm glad she's backing off. If she told the school, yes they would have to report it. Most likely someone would come out to your house and check things out. If it had gotten to that point, I don't think you'd have much to worry about though...they seem to be realistic people and understand that two year old bruises are normal. There would have to be other signs of abuse as well. Hopefully she just lets it go, I know it would be stressful no matter what.
Kara-Nice bump! Definitely got bigger! Lol to the vagina lips.... as for me, I'm pretty sure I've had the booty-do for a while...it was close before I got preggo lol Now I think the belly is passing the booty up! It definitely passed the boobs now...can't see my feet unless I lean forward lol
Amelia and Mirolee-So glad to see you girls over here

Can't wait to watch you grow! Don't stress about the lack of symptoms...I didn't really have anything until I hit 6 weeks. You've still got time
As for me...I am on my 3rd day of calling in sick to work. I have such a hard time going. I'm exhausted and stressed. I feel like I do not have any support or friends at this school. A book on multiples that I have suggests not working after 24-28 weeks. One of the girls in my multiples class just quit working at 30 weeks. I am already so exhausted and stressed and my back pain/hip pain just keeps getting worse everyday...I don't know how long I'm going to last! DW and I had a serious talk this morning about planning for me to be off work. We are going to review our budget and see where we can make cuts to save for that time. I'm so glad I have a supportive wife...I feel horrible that I will be taking off work so early bc I know we need my salary, but I don't want to risk preterm labor either.