TTC and Beyond!

26 weeks today which means only 98 days to go. Double digits!!! So weird. Basically in just 3 months I'll have a newborn, 3 children, Leah will be here in the flesh. You'd think having multiple children it would seem so weird anymore, not as much anticipation because you already know what to expect but that's totally not the case. It's so weird to picture what life will be like with a 3rd little girl in it. Weird in a good way, obviously. It's all just surreal. Next week starts the 3rd trimester and that's insane to me. It's going by so fast and so slow at the same time.
20 weeks (this pregnancy) vs 26 weeks
26 weeks (left to right) - First pregnancy, second pregnancy & current pregnancy.

Every week when I compare all 3 pregnancies, I always burst out laughing when I see belly pictures from my first one. I thought I was big back then (and yeah... I was for my frame/size) but compared to these last 2 pregnancies? I was a twig lol. Still carrying Leah as low as humanly possible. Pretty sure she spends most of her time kicking at my cervix which is such an awkward feeling.
Aww DH is laying on my belly and we're watching tv and he just asked when he'll get to feel the baby kicking. He's so cute. He's not really the type to show much emotion but he been showing a little more excitement about the pregnancy the last couple weeks. I think he was kinda holding back before because of the previous miscarriage.
~19 week pic!
Appt tomorrow at 8:30.. Hope she's still a girl.. Lol!

I bought Jaxon a lil hand painted ornament too, can't wait til it comes in the mail, has his name and whatnot engraved on it so will take a few extra days.

Oh and Mirolee, ttly not TMI haha. I am still BDing as much as when we were TTC lol. My belly gives me a whole new confidence I didn't have before. DH likes the huge boobies too. Hahaha now hows that for tmi..

P.s. looked all over for Vegemite at the store tonight with no luck :/ haha settled on some Nutella ;)

i spun it up tonight - as your advice, i wore my hr monitor, and tried to keep it under control. it did get up to about 160, but i felt ok, and since i've been active i think it's probably ok. i will keep wearing it, and definitely be aware of how i'm feeling - not just the normal "i'm just working really hard" exertion.
oh, and we BD tonight (do we still call it that?) - it's strange to not have to record it any more. and my libido is still jacked up. i wish i could still get OH to commit to EOD still ;) (um, is this in the tmi realm, or am i still doing ok?)

LOL at the Bding being TMI, and I'm with you on that question, do we still call it BDing? At this point I don't know that there's anything that's truly TMI for this group of girls lol. DH and I are actually BDing a lot now that I'm not sick all the time. In the last week and a half he's jumped me at least 3 times. I think it's a combo of the fact that there's no more stress from me about timing(he doesn't feel so used, poor guy), us being genuinely just more happy lately because of the pregnancy going well and of course DH is also loving the big boobs lol. Plus, for us anyway, pregnancy sex actually seems a bit better even. Probably all the extra blood flow and extra cm I guess, but hey! It works!
Morgan- Adorable bump!!!

Amelia/Mirolee- I was training for a marathon when I found out I was pregnant and was due to run it 3 days after I found out. I was obsessed with finding any and all articles online telling me if it was safe or not and I couldn't really find anything but the "keep your heart rate under 140" thing which freaked me out. I hadn't even missed my period yet, so I didn't have a doctor. I just made the decision to run anyway. I drank A LOT of water and was mindful of my breathing, but so far, all has been well. I think if you've been working out, your body is used to it. When I eventually did see my doctor she said "Keep doing what you're doing, just don't do anything MORE intense"
Happy, healthy baby. Other than the fact that they couldn't tell if she's a girl/boy bc she was curled up so tight.. :/ They said they'll check again in 2 weeks at my next ultrasound.. but she's got all her fingers & toes! ;)


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Sorry, but can I vent?

So for those of you how know my history with my brother will understand this more. However, short story is that he has always competed with me on EVERYTHING. Getting married before me, have a baby before me, school, sports... Anyways with my pregnancy issues I had, I went through depression when I found out they were pregnant. Anyways, I THOUGHT me and my bro were going to grow up and move on when he called me this past summer because apart of AA (he was addicted to drugs and I was the ONLY support he had) is to call and apologize to those that you have hurt. Well he admitted to always being in competition with me and wanted to make things better. Well, since the scripted AA call I got, he has NEVER reached out to me. I have only reached out to him and his wife. Anyways, so they texted my mom and dad yesterday on the way to the hospital to tell them they were in early labor, I got NOTHING. I can't see how hard it is to put me on that text too! Well baby came last night. My mom got a picture (and maybe a phone call) in the middle of the night.... I got NOTHING. Well... its 10am their time... and STILL I got NOTHING. I have felt for several months (Iv told DH and my mom) that I feel like something is wrong with my bro and my relationship because he wont call me or when I reach out to him it is one worded response that is negative. Mom has asked me to say something to him, but I have been putting it off. Well now with the baby here and I have still gotten NOTHING from them I truly believe something is wrong. I know my mom and dad split up this summer and things have been hard for the family, but they are 100000x worse for me because I am the ONLY one that lives in the same state as both mom and dad. Anyways, mom lives with us and I feel like my brother blames me for something between them and I don't think that is fear. I am the only one (because I am more mature) to have my mom complain to me all the time about how much it hurts her that my bro and I don't have a relationship, my bro never hears it from her. Anyways, I am going to say something to my bro in a few days, let them get home for the hospital and settle down a bit. However, if I get a call or text from him (or any other family) talking about the baby... I think ill respond and say "oh I didn't even know they went to the hospital, congrats!" Ill be honest I was texting my SIL just hours before she started labor to see how she was feeling and all.... but I still get NOTHING!
Nikki that sounds like a really tough situation. Sorry :(

How much of an age gap between you and bro and do you get alone with his wife?
Nikki that sounds like a really tough situation. Sorry :(

How much of an age gap between you and bro and do you get alone with his wife?

He is 2 years older then me. Id say I get along with his wife. Although she doesn't reach out to me either.. I always her. But she will hold a convo with me. My mom said his wife doesn't really call her either, so I think that is her not being friendly and reaching out much. My DH said this morning that he thinks Sarah (SIL) would be pissed if she found out my bro didn't contact us. So my guess is that she might not know how he treats me, but I don't know.
Nikki - that would be upsetting. I totally get it. You would think he would want to be more involved since your babies will be so close together. I would say something too. JUst give them some time to settle in before you rustle the nest
Im sorry nikki :( my brother and I have a really crappy relationship as well. He's addicted to pills but puts on a front to our whole family. Ive seen him get 100 from my dad with a sob story and turn around and spend it all on pills. Even worse, my nephew is surrounded by all of this. He really is a good person but his money goes to pills which leaves my parents covering all of his other bills and it drives me insane. I pride myself on paying all of my own shit and absolutely hate asking anyone for money. Would only do it as a last resort.

its really sad they haven't said anything to you about the baby. I would be hurt too, you should let him know how it made you feel. Hopefully he reaches out to you today. As for him blaming you for your parents, that's silly and unfair and I'm sure he knows that deep down. I think a good talk would clear up a lot between you two. :hugs:
I can't believe this.. I'm sitting here at my desk and she's got the hiccups and I've just got tears streaming down my face, it feels so much like having my little Jaxon so close again. This is really real! I haven't felt much movement at all, usually just a few lil jabs when I'm lying flat on my back at home in bed after work, but these are so distinct.. and while I'm sitting here trying to work. Every 10 seconds a little hiccup, I love it. So emotional right now, jeesh I can't believe I can feel her this well. I guess I am half-way. It's about time!

Nikki- Rude is what that is.... :/ But I wouldn't start much trouble, I know he's family but it sounds like he could be more trouble than it's worth. Like in my case, my Dad's ENTIRE family has been extremely non-supportive lately , saying rude/snide comments about our family etc.. So I just blocked em on the good ole' FB and haven't talked to them since last year, and lemme tell you it's the best thing I've done for myself in a long time!! Sometimes family can hurt the worst and why have unnecessary drama in your newly blooming life if you don't have to. Not saying you should do the same, but I wouldn't sweat it, I'd just say "screw em ;)"
I just realized my boobs aren't sore any more - I'm so scared now.

They were so achy a few days ago and this morning they are just fine. I'm so distracted and terrified. I don't want to go to work I'm so scared. DH was on the phone a second ago and I couldn't talk because I was googling and now I'm even more of a mess. I'm so scared of MC.
Nikki - SO rude! I would be so upset. There should be no reason why he wouldn't include you.

Morgan - that nearly brought me to tears! I can't even imagine.

Amelia- My boobs stopped hurting right about where you were and they didn't hurt again until about 8-9 weeks, but HOLY HELL do they hurt now! Symptoms will come and go. Try not to worry too much.
Aww Morgan :hugs: I can't imagine how much more emotional this time around is for you

Nikki- That's really rude of your brother and I don't blame you at all for being upset or angry. He needs to grow up.

Amelia- I'm sure you'll be okay. Symptoms come and go daily in early pregnancy. Deep breaths hun :hugs:

AFM, apparently my ex husband caught wind from one of his sisters that I'm expecting because there was an email from him in my inbox this morning asking how I'm doing. Last time I got an email from him was right around the wedding. In another country, with another girl and still up in my business...
ergh, i just had a run-in with my ex at the grocery store on sunday. he's emailed me 4x since then, with nothing valuable to say. he "wants to be friends" - and i'm like, "i dont need him as my friend". blech. ex-es.
Amelia- NO worries. I had progesterone boob pain around implantation (only for a few days) and then NOTHING until about 16 weeks, and now they're bowling balls, frickin milk ducts are BACK IN ACTION!! But no worries it's all ttly normal. Whatever you're feelin- sick or not, boobie pain or not, headaches/fatique/dreams/restlessness or NOT, allllll normal :)

Only reason to worry is maybe TERRIBLE cramping (I had pretty awful cramps and still all was well) or heavy bleeding. Even spotting is normal. Stupid pregnancy is scary, I know :/ Try to have a cup of tea and relax.

Ooooh speaking of tea, I recommended this to everyone in the beginning, you should try it. It is super delicious unlike other herbal s**t and wonderful for yer yooooterus ;) (I ordered a 16 pack and only have about 5 left now.. it's deelish and nutrish)
Hello ladies,

Morgan such a cute cute bump...cant wait for mine to pop :thumbup:

Amelia...i know the no symptoms thing can b terrifying but try and relax( i know easier said than done) but really there not much else we can do hun...hang in there....its really normal :flower:

Rachel and Kara i missed your having a girl...omg...major girl boom going on still in the i dnt now zone and honestly i dont even have any intuition to wat babys gonna b :dohh:

Ash ur in 2nd tri too...awesome to hear tht yur feeling better...just waiting for the mgic to happen for me and to b able to start enjoying this pregnancy

AFM - today is one of my gud days so i managed to get on here to try and keep up...zofran still working its magic for my monthy dr app tomorrow and then ill know wen to go in for my anatomy/gender for bd...NOTHING has happened since ovulation time i.e. before my bfp...honestly cant wait to feel better to get some action too....dh has been such a darling and is soo soo supportive and hasnt asked for it even once this whole time ( i think with seeing me puke all the time he really doesnt wann a c a puke fest in the middle of sex...hahahah :haha: )
Baby Alia LOVES my doc. Every time she comes into the room and talks my baby kicks like crazy. Its cute! Doc sees the pattern too. She can't wait to meet Alia. Everything is healthy with her. They will start cervix checking and strep B test next week (Friday). Getting closer every day!
Nikki- totally understandable of you to say something. I woul be really hurt too. I'm sorry Hun. :hugs:

Morgan- so happy you're really feeling her today! I'm sure there's a lot of this pregnancy that's bittersweet for you, I can't even imagine. Just do happy you've got a happy healty little baby in there, dancin for her momma!

Amelia- try not to worry love. I'm sure they'll hurt again, soon, worse than before. :)

Ash- Ex's blah!!! Do you even write back? I only talk to one of mine, and that's bc he truly was a good friend before and after we "dated" for a short time.

Hiiiii Sonia- always happy to see you!! I'm guessing girly in there for you too! :)
Bumpdate!! Ha I remembered to take a pic this week....a few days late. 15 weeks 3 days today. I took down the other small blue sock just in case I share this with others, we are waiting to announce the sex until Christmas I didnt realize my sexy socks would show up haha


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