Placental encapsulation (or consuming your placenta in any form) is super, super beneficial to you. I'll find a link but off the top of my head - gives you natural energy which is great for dealing with post-partum issues AND a newborn, naturally balances out your hormones which is great for helping with any PPD and regulating your body post-partum.
I had PPD with Hannah and took Zoloft for a little while. I'd do it again if I needed to, no objections there. I would love to encapsulate my placenta though but I don't know if it's worth the cost for us personally. One of my friends has had it done with 2 of her pregnancies. She even dumped some of it into a smoothie she was making. Some people cook with it (like a seasoning/spice.) Weird for sure but worth it, I think.
"It is believed that consuming the placenta can:
Help to balance your hormones
Replenish depleted iron levels
Assist the uterus to return to its pre-pregnancy state
Reduce post-natal bleeding
Increase milk production this has been proven in a study
Make for a happier, more enjoyable post-natal period
Increase your energy levels
Baby blues can effect up to 80% of women within the first week of birth. Women who consume their placenta report fewer emotional issues and a more enjoyable babymoon."
And a link: