Waves- Holy crap, almost 30 weeks. I bet that IS surreal! Enjoy it while it lasts!

Oh minus the sciatica.. urgh I hate that. Hope it gets better :/
Tell me about it! I've felt crappy or miserable this entire pregnancy which is a real bummer. Especially since it's probably my last one, but oh well. She'll be here and it'll be a long-lost memory by then lol.
The sciatica is out of control, I swear. I left work early last night but I was also just not feeling well in general. I felt super nauseous and kept feel over-heated or shaky and my one boss said my face was super flushed. I wound up taking today off which was a blessing in disguise because otherwise I would have missed Christmas Eve with my girls and missed out on baking cookies from scratch to decorate for Santa. I'll likely get scolded at work but I have a medical reason so if I have to get a note from my doctor then so be it. It got so bad (the sciatica) last night that I was almost stuck on the toilet and then when I went pee again before bed, I could barely sit down to actually pee. I felt it all night long no matter how I lay and woke up, stood up to get Hannah out of her crib and couldn't stand up straight so I had to wake up OH to get her. He worked 2am-8am and only got about a 30 min nap before I had to wake him up :/ Oh well.
Happy holidays to you and everyone else as well!
Autumn's staying the night tonight and we're going to make sugar cookies and let the girls decorate them. Leave them out for Santa, watch a Christmas-related movie and then once the girls are asleep, do the Santa thing. I'm excited for my stocking lol. That's the best part about being Santa is getting to pick out the candy and whatnot to put in our own stockings. I got some yummy chocolate I'm dying to try.
At some point I'm also going to have the girls help me prepare breakfast for tomorrow to leave in the fridge overnight. I'm going to do a baked cinnamon french toast casserole - prep tonight & toss in the oven when we wake up.
Tomorrow morning we'll do breakfast and presents and hang out for a little bit. At some point we're going to my mom's house for dinner around 3-4pm and my dad's coming out to do Christmas with us at her house. A little awkward but my parents get along still so it's not really a big deal. They've just been divorced like 15 years now so it's weird he's doing presents and dinner with us lol. He went a little gift crazy from what I've heard so I'm excited to see who got what. He used to NEVER get us much at all and it was because he was too selfish and spent all his money on whatever girlfriend he had and their various trips to Cancun and things like that. There was one Christmas we woke up to nothing under the tree so I had to distract my brother and sister while he ran to the drug store for some last minute gifts but he only got for the two of them and nothing for me. I know it's not about gifts but after growing up like that and him finally becoming a better parent in general, I'm excited to see who got what. I know he got OH the blu-ray version of Season 3 of The Walking Dead. He text OH asking what I wanted and I said "gift cards to our local grocery store & Target, candy and my camera lens 50mm 1.8." I had it for 3 weeks but returned it because we needed the money more and I'm still devastated over it lol. I know it's a long-shot because the lens is $100 but I'm still hoping maybe he got that. I mean - I'll be okay with just gift cards for groceries, gas, diapers and wipes but wishful thinking

And I know he got Hannah the really big Hug-Me Elmo that I wanted to get her. She's going to LOVE it so I can't wait for her to open it. My Mom got Hannah this little todder-size table and chair set from Wal-Mart that I can't wait to set up for her as well. Christmas is so much more exciting when there are kids involved.