I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas/Holidays!
Waves- What happened lol did she not get what she wanted? And how did Hannah like her Elmo if she ended up getting one..? Aaron's little 2 yr old niece got one too and fell in love with it haha. I think I'm gonna get one for Marley when they're on sale just because they're so cute lol.
Ashlee- Boo for her stealing your shine.. sounds like a real pain. Lol and like she needs her tubes tied

I don't understand that unless you're really trying for Irish twins.. Makes no sense to me.
Sonia- Yahoooo for the 3rd I can't wait to see if your dream is right! So exciting.. enjoy these last few days of wondering.. the suspense is fun! And glad to hear the MS has somewhat subsided! You sound like me, it'll go away mostly by 16w but you'll still get sick all pregnancy, just hopefully not all day! I would love to see a belly shot soon, I know you've got one by now!!
AFM- Back at work today and tomorrow

I ate entirely too much these last 2 days. Yesterday we had one Xmas dinner at 12 and again at 6 hahah and I had heaping plates and pie and both! Hoping I can exercise it all back off lol I'm so in love with my prenatal fitness DVD's. And now that Hubby is working more hours I will have plentyyy O' time to go on walks with the dog and do my DVD's. Maybe start some nesting/cleaning here soon too. Stinkin house is a mess with Christmas gifts and decorations.
Speaking of gifts.. Aaron bought me the new blender I wanted to make baby food at home and a beautiful bracelet! I also got a gorgeous angel wings necklace from his mom "from Jaxon", I love it so much.
Marley MADE OUT though haha.. I swear Xmas eve we practically had a baby shower for her! My mom brought in a co-sleeper (which I love, it's the one I had on my registry, so comfy and awesome. Collapsible to take anywhere, too!) full of organic wipes and a wipe warmer. Then, I kid you not, an entire baby wardrobe from Newborn to 6 mos! Tiny outfits galore- little pants, onesies, a tutu, ballerina slipper socks, headbands, and tons of summer baby clothes since that's what she'll be. Little bright colored rompers and sandals and a beach hat! Omg I could go on forever. But my favorites are these tiny ballet flats that look like pointe shoes and BABY TOMS! Haha the tiniest pink sparkly Toms, I just can't stop looking at all her goodies. I've folded/re-looked @ everything at least 3 times. I cannot wait to have a little squish to fill all of the cuddly things! Only about 3 more months left of work until April when I'll quit and get ready for her. I can do this! Trying to focus on enjoying the LAST time Hubby and I have to spend in peace and quiet together, but it's so hard!