lol good luck with that Ashlee! You never know! I told mine about a sharp pain I was having down one side of my uterus and they did an u/ if they are like mine, it doesn't take much to get one

I'm pretty sure it was just my uterus stretching and they told me to make sure I was drinking water, but I still got to see the babies! The gender part might be more of stretch, but you never know! Plus, with twins when are you gonna have time to manually pump!
I wanted to remind all you ladies to call your insurance providers and see if they cover breast pumps. I know some of them are now covering the full price. I just called mine and they cover manual pumps...kind of a waste of my time. They can come manually pump my boobs and see how they like it! They only cover electric if they are medically necessary (babies are separated from me or other medical reason). However, I've met a few other ladies whose providers sent them an electric at no cost. So check just in case!