Sarah-A chair is a great idea! In high school I used to sit on the floor in front of a full sized mirror lol I need to get back to something like that! Although, going on maternity leave I may not need to worry about doing anything with my hair very often

You have a very cute preggo belly by the way!
Kara-It depends, sometimes my uterus only gets hard on the lower part (where it feels like it's starting to hang over lol) or in the front around my belly button. Most of the time my entire belly gets hard though. When I have the contraction like tightenings, I always feel it around my belly button first and then it spreads out. Kind of weird...
Cute nursery colors! DW just finished painting our nursery today! It's all gray with white accents, the white was already there though. Now we are getting ready to put the closet together...coming to together slowly but surely!
Ashlee-I was really nauseous until around 17/18 weeks and then it finally started to subside a little. I still get nauseous at least once a day and somedays are worse than others, but not like it was before. The zofran didn't really work for me either, so I feel you. I didn't throw up at all, but I feel like that was almost worse bc it just left me extremely nauseous all day. I hope you get some relief soon!
Cassidy-I agree, you're an adult and can make the decision to get pregnant on your own. It's not one else's business or problem. However, even if she is a little mad at first I'm sure she'll be happy about it. If he waits too long she'll be more pissed that she didn't know! My brother got his gf pregnant a few years ago and didn't tell me until she was supposedly almost 4 months along. I was pissed that he got her pregnant (they'd only known each other a few months...), but I was more angry he waited so long to say anything.
You're getting a cute bump by the way
Nikki-I can't wait! So exciting!
Sonia-I'm going with girl for you

Can't wait to find out!