Kara-I get kicked in the cervix a lot! It has hurt a few times, sends a kind of shooting pain through my vag...not fun! lol Like Morgan's little Marley, Olivia is very low and I'm pretty sure Grayson is on top of her a little. The two of them get to wiggling down there and it gives me the weirdest feelings...pressure, stretching, vag kicks, butthole kicks...the craziest is when Olivia kicks/hits me in my vag and at the same time she kicks/hits me at the top of my stomach too. It's like a full body jump lol Weirdest feeling!
Morgan-Sorry about Jaxon's ornament

You are right, it's just an object but it still sucks when you break something sentimental and there's nothing you can do about it. I hate that!
Waves-I hope your doc calls back soon. I've already talked to my doc and I'm still freaking out too lol I'm looking forward to being off work, but at the same time I'm afraid something will go wrong with my STD or LTD...like it won't go through or something. Even if it does go through I'm still a little stressed about finances. I'm stressed about telling my boss (which my friends suggested I wait until the day before I take leave to tell her bc they know what a b she is and know she'll find some way to make my life hell before I leave). So, I totally feel you!
Mirolee-Surely there is some type of registry out there like that...I may have to do some research! You'd think there was something. However, I agree with the other girls, you can take back what you are given. There are some things we didn't register for bc we know we are getting them. There are also some things we double registered for (same thing at Target and at Babies R Us) and plan to take back if we get double and use the money for something else.
For all you ladies, if you are registering at Babies R Us they have that deal going on. If you start a registry before Jan 31st you get 10% back up to $200 back for items purchased off your registry. You don't have to have everything on the registry b/4 the 31st, you just have to have one started. You literally could register for one thing lol You can also buy things off your own registry and still get money back.
We put our carseats on there planning to buy them ourselves and someone else already purchased them! Oh well....lol Anyway, good way to get some money back. Here's the link that explains it
Sonia! Yay for a baby girl!!! I totally called that one

Are you thinking Sara as in Sarah or Sara as in Sah-dah (like Cali on Grey's Anatomy)? Isn't it such a relief to finally know!
One of the couples in our multiples class was preggo w twins and wasn't finding out the sexes! Twins are surprise enough, I couldn't wait to find out with one baby but definitely couldn't wait with two lol
Ashlee-When is your gender scan again?