TTC and Beyond!

Waves-I would call the ob just to be sure. Better to be on the safe side...My friend was completely freaked out when she was pregnant. Her daughter turned 2 in Feb and second daughter was born in April. I know it was hard for her for the first few months. I think she had some baby blues too, she ended up taking some medicine to help. Sorry, I know that's not a good story lol It did get much better for her though. Will your mom help you or anyone else? Can your mom take Hannah for some of the time to make sure you can get some sleep? I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty scared about having 2 newborns...I will have Ryann for 2 weeks, my mom for a week or two and then my MIL lives nearby so she'll be around if I need her.

Cute bump!

I wound up calling and the on-call OB called back. He said next time it happens to go straight to the ER but it was like a drop in my blood sugar. Said it was probably due to eating the cereal but it was Honey Bunches of Oats. Didn't think that would cause a sugar crash lol. Oh well. I've still felt icky (nauseous and headache) all day but that could be my low iron. My cousin said her OB recommended she take her prenatal in the morning and her iron supplement at night so they counter-balance each other so that's what I'm going to do. I probably need to up my water intake drastically (because right now it's at 0.)

No idea if anyone will be willing/able to help. My mom has a habit of coming by and then saying, "I can't stay long because...." and rattles off some BS excuse about needing to do something at home that she doesn't actually need to do or ever gets around to doing. My sister is in school full-time, works full-time. OH's mom/aunt/grandma live in another state. It'll likely be just me every day lol.

someone asked me this weekend about my birth plan, and i said, "i plan on going into labor, then going to the hospital, then having a healthy baby come out of me". i'm sure i'll have more opinions further down the line, but right now, i'm going with the "no plan, plan".

Yep, same here :) No birth plan EVER goes according to plan. These babies have minds of their own and a plan of their own. They make the rules here :)
Two things ladies...

1. I have a friend who has been on the pill for quite awhile (years and years, I think 8 at least?) and has been off BC for a few months TTC. She's been unsuccessful so far. Using OPKs and charting her cycle. It's pretty regular (I believe she said 28 days.) Anyway, what were some of the things you ladies did while TTC that helped? I know some of you took Robutussin (or another cold med?) to help with CM and all that but I don't recall details. I just wanted to give her a list of things she can do leading up to O or during her 2ww to maybe help her along. Y'all are much more educated in that part than I am. Thanks :)

2. I have a small problem that's my own fault and I'm totally kicking myself for it. I think I figured out a solution but wanted another opinion anyway. My OB's office is a practice made up of about 5-6 doctors and a midwife. I have my OB but I haven't seen her in over 2 months because of needing to reschedule or her not having any openings or being out of the office. Instead I saw a different OB last time and the midwife the time before that. I finally see my OB again on the 17th but that's not soon enough for my predicament.

I'm taking a leave of absence from work. In order to keep my insurance and get paid while on leave (I found out I'd get 50% of my pay up to 6 weeks after a vaginal delivery), have job security for at least 12 weeks, I have to take an LOA under the FMLA. My last day at work was Dec 23 and then on Dec 26, I told them I didn't think I could come in anymore and wanted the number to contact the company that deals with our LOAs. I called them today to request the paperwork but apparently it's done differently than I remember. The lady asked what day my doctor took me off work, what medical reason, how long would I be on leave, what restrictions I had, would I take off longer than the 6 weeks after delivery, etc. I have total anxiety when it comes to talking on the phone and obviously my doctor hasn't officially put me on leave since I haven't even seen her so I panicked and didn't want to say "Well, my doctor doesn't know I'm on leave..." so I just went with it and said my OB took me out of work effective Dec 26 with instructions to stay off my feet.

Apparently they assign me a case worker who mails me a form to sign and a letter to take to my doctor giving permission to release my medical records and I guess they contact my OB themselves... within the next week. My OB is going to be totally caught off-guard because she has no idea about my sciatica or not working or anything like that. So I'm freaking out that she's going to deny it all (rightfully so) and they'll deny my LOA and I'll be screwed. So yeah... messed up big time there.

Anyway I was thinking that tomorrow I should just call the office and leave a message saying I needed to stop working but that I needed to make it an official LOA so I didn't lose my insurance while I was out of work and when I called they said they would be contacting my doctor so I didn't want her to be caught off-guard when they did. And mention something about not knowing if I should wait until my appt on the 17th to talk to her or if I need to talk to her sooner because they'll likely be contacting her sometime next week.

So... what do y'all think I should do?
Got my glitter phone them! So I decided my gift to myself when I lose weight after Alia is new cowgirl clothing. I love the new show rodeo cowgirls on a&e.
I would call and let them know that you are wanting to stop working. Make sure they know how much you've been suffering and how painful it's been. That way they are prepared before anyone contacts them. I called my doc today to tell her I wanted to be off work now, she asked that I come in next week so she can document everything. Definitely call so they won't be caught off guard though. Tell them you've been off since Dec 26th bc it's been so painful.
I'm not sure how I should go about mine either...My doc knows, so I don't know if I should go ahead and start filing paperwork and let my work know or not. I want them to find someone to take my place in the next week or two that I am working, that's the only reason I'm working at all...well plus a little extra money. I don't know if I should tell them that my doc wants me to stop working on a certain date or what. I'm a little nervous for how my boss will react. My goal is to get as much done as I can next week, get some things ready for a sub, and maybe even pack some of my things bc I do not want to go back there.
I agree with Julie, Waves. I'd call ASAP and makes sure they really know how you're feeling!

Does anyone else's kicks "hurt" sometimes? For the last 4 days sometimes when Makayla kicks it sends like a shooting pain down my vag? Cervix? I dunno, but yowza!!
Sciatic nerve pain Kara! I got it so bad once I was in my 3rd tri w/ Jaxon to where I couldn't bend over AT ALL.. Esp to shave my legs in the shower lol, hubby did it for me for 2 months! They also kick straight down, like on your pelvic floor/butthole like Julie said lol, which feels so strange. Marley curls up way down low for me too and puts pressure on all those nerves and I've found that if you get on all fours and rock her towards your upper half and use your hands to coax her, she'll move. Lol obviously this is only an option at home. Sometimes I'm at work (I sit in a chair all day) and she's soooo low and I just wanna do the downward dog position but can't lol. It's great though for when they get bigger and it's harder for them to move around.

She's boppin all around my belly this morning. I love it :cloud9:
I def have the sciatic pain when I walk sometimes but this is just like when I'm laying, I think she must be directly kicking my cervix, I haven't felt anything in my bum!! Lol thank goodness!! :)

I think you're right about that!! Sonia, what time is your appt, you better update us lady!! :)
Amanda- So glad you called the doctor! I have been drinking water like crazy to try and keep the bh at bay. I can only drink it really cold though or it kind of grosses me out. Hopefully the other doctors at your clinic can attest to your pain and you get everything figured out! The only thing I can say that may have helped me is that I started taking baby aspirin once a day and totally stopped caffeine. Not sure that either did much but at least it was something!

Julie- I am sure it is nothing to worry about but I can’t imagine how you must be feeling with two of them down there! The doctor was so nice yesterday and I don’t even know what contractions are supposed to feel like since I barely went into labor with my first. Since it is basically the first time I called them this entire time that it is okay

Kara- YES I have gotten the type of pain you are describing. We were in the grocery store last week and it literally felt like Evan was trying to kick his way out! So painful and all I could do was hunch over the cart. It happened about 5 or 6 times and I am surprised no one stopped to see if I was okay! I also get the sciatica pain but this was very different.

Sonia- So excited for you!!!
Oh yes I guess ik what you're talking about, kicked in the cervix. I was just telling hubby the other day about that, felt like she was literally stepping straight down like "let me out"!! I don't feel much from the outside, I assume bc of the anterior placenta, but lots of kicks to my bladder and pelvic floor/cvx.

Sarah- Yay for 3rd tri!!! So exciting, he'll be here so soon. Any shower plans yet?

I posted in MotoX Babes on FB so that Sonia would see. Sarah if you'd like me to add you to that secret group, too, I can. It's just us girls there and you can stalk our pics and see what we're like IRL too ;) Just PM me your FB link if you'd like so I can add you!
Good thinking, Morgan! I get nervous about posting in there, I always think I'm gonna end up posting on someone's wall instead!! Lol

Rachel- I'm so so sorry to hear about your poor kitty :( I have a kitty with feline lymphoma when I was little. It's really hard to see our fur babies in pain. Hugs xx
I have a "snowday" today, which NEVER happens in my line of work. We just got lucky bc a few people offered to stay in a hotel nearby work and take care of things today. I HAVEN'T SAT DOWN. I de-Christmased the house, now dusting and vacuuming and organizing! Damn you nesting!!!
Disney- how awesome! Where do you live and what do you do again?
I am so excited to "nest" tomorrow too, as strange as that sounds. Hubby is working all weekend (I don't feel bad lol he had 3 days off this week while I worked!) and I'll have a lot of time to myself.. to return a few items and get some much needed cleaning done! I am so upset though, I was hammering a nail into the wall and knocked down our tree and all the bulbs fell off.. and the only one that broke was Jaxon's :/ I'm so glad I got a picture of it and ik it's just a bulb but I was so sad. And hubby too. So I guess we'll order two more, one for him and Marley, for next year.

I am also making Waves' chicken n' dumplins in the slow cooker tonight.. excited for that :)

And I'm so sorry Rachel.. I hope he isn't in too much pain. I don't even know what I'll do when it's our pups time to go.. They are so much more than animals.. They've been our babies before we had the chance to make human ones. I can't imagine.. sending hugs :hugs:

And ik you don't want to think about it.. but a few years down the road you could think about buying baby Ellie a kitten of her own!! That would be a little girl's dream come true.. for her 2nd birthday or something. And you could enjoy a new kitty too!
:) it's definitely nice to be getting my "weekend" chores done on a Friday! I live in Milford, CT. We got about 9 inches of snow last night. Hubbs has been out plowing since 2am, then straight to his normal job, then back out plowing! Stew in the crockpot for my hard worker!

I'm a diagnostic geneticist supervisor. I work with prenatal diagnostics (amnios, cvs, and miscarriage samples), oncology diagnostics (bone marrow) and constitutional diagnostics (blood). Love my job very much, it's demanding but extremely rewarding!
Oh Morgan, I'm so sorry about Jaxons ornament!! :( Why do things always happen that way, like it had to be one?! Such a bummer.
That is SO COOL Kara! Sounds like you've got a hard-working man too :)

I know I was like REALLY...... :nope: He was upset for a sec too (bc I am such a klutz) but we agreed that it's just an ornament and that we'd live lol. I'm glad I got it on Instagram though for memories.
Lol Me+Hammers= No good!! :haha:
Oh yes I guess ik what you're talking about, kicked in the cervix. I was just telling hubby the other day about that, felt like she was literally stepping straight down like "let me out"!! I don't feel much from the outside, I assume bc of the anterior placenta, but lots of kicks to my bladder and pelvic floor/cvx.

Sarah- Yay for 3rd tri!!! So exciting, he'll be here so soon. Any shower plans yet?

I posted in MotoX Babes on FB so that Sonia would see. Sarah if you'd like me to add you to that secret group, too, I can. It's just us girls there and you can stalk our pics and see what we're like IRL too ;) Just PM me your FB link if you'd like so I can add you!

Yes! Would love to join the group. I will PM you. I can not believe that am in the 3rd trimester! The 2nd flew by and now I am counting down! My sister mentioned throwing me a shower the end of February. So exciting!
I have a "snowday" today, which NEVER happens in my line of work. We just got lucky bc a few people offered to stay in a hotel nearby work and take care of things today. I HAVEN'T SAT DOWN. I de-Christmased the house, now dusting and vacuuming and organizing! Damn you nesting!!!

So jealous. I have never had the whole "nesting" thing happen. I have things I want to do but I'm always so totally drained of energy and motivation that things don't get done.

I live in Milford, CT.

I've been to Milford :) I lived in Ansonia, Ellington & East Windsor for a short period of time and had a friend that lived in Milford.
:) it's definitely nice to be getting my "weekend" chores done on a Friday! I live in Milford, CT. We got about 9 inches of snow last night. Hubbs has been out plowing since 2am, then straight to his normal job, then back out plowing! Stew in the crockpot for my hard worker!

I'm a diagnostic geneticist supervisor. I work with prenatal diagnostics (amnios, cvs, and miscarriage samples), oncology diagnostics (bone marrow) and constitutional diagnostics (blood). Love my job very much, it's demanding but extremely rewarding!

Kara- I used to live in Brookfield CT! I love CT but it is too cold for us!

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