TTC and Beyond!

I don't remember how much Hannah managed to get those first few days before my milk came in. She weighed a few ounces less when we left the hospital than when she was born but once my milk came in she gained it back right away. Colostrum is to get them those very vital nutrients packed in it (colostrum is the best part for them) and to help bring your milk on and establish the bf bond.
Morgan-I agree with Waves, I don't think they get a lot from it but it has lots of nutrients, helps them learn to bf and helps your milk come in. I think you're right too, they don't take a lot in the first few days anyway.
Do you have insurance? Have you called to see what they provide for a pump? You may have already said and I missed it...

This one's cute for $25!|1389372150531

I think this is kind of hilarious...I like the picture lol

Here's the one that I got and only paid shipping on. I wonder if you signed up for the email subscription if they send special offers. I found out from a friend at the time.
The one you have is the one they sell at Target but cheaper! And LOL at that 2nd pic ;)

I will def be looking into this so that I can do other things while pumping if I need to.. it is REALLY time consuming. Thanks for those links!

I have been reading the "fear of pooping during labor" thread for about an hour now (I'm obsessed w/ the 3rd trimester and L&D forums.. I think I have a problem lol) and there are some hilarious stories in there! I made sure I warned DH of this lastnight.. that it's possible. So many stories of ladies pooping in birthing tubs or farting in the OB's face during labor.. I really have a lot to prepare for! Haha. I just HOOOOPE I go into labor naturally and won't need induced/RCS.. They don't want to induce, but will try a foley catheter as a last resort.

Sorry that was quite the ramble.. Things are just getting real now! VBAC here I come! [-o<
Morning ladies! Had my 16 week OB appointment today! All went well. It was mostly just a checkup. We heard the baby's heart pounding away on the doppler and it made me so happy. The doctor also asked if we wanted to do some blood test to dectect spina bifida.. normally I decline all these extra blood tests, but this one was noninvasive and only a tube of blood, so I went ahead and did it. Naturally, now i'm freaking out a little thinking "did I take my prentals every day!?" because lord knows I was living off of pudding and applesauce.. not much folic acid in that.

Annnd we should know the gender on 2/7!!! 4 weeks from today! I'm so excited but a little worried that baby won't cooperate. We (DH and I) are inviting our mom's to come and i'll be a little upset if we can't find out while they are there.
Yay for gender scan Britt! Mine cooperated for the 4D scan but not for the actual OB anatomy scan, so we had to come back 4 weeks later and I was HEATED.. but I don't think they tried as hard as the 4D sonographer did.. All I had to do was lay on my side and she found it (I assume bc they guarantee FREE follow-up scans if baby doesn't cooperate, and they wouldn't want to have us back again lol). At the OB they just said "oh well can't really see, maybe next time" like WTF this is IMPORTANT lady!! Haha but good luck to you. Our family was there to see her girl parts, too. It was a great experience to have them there for the reveal.

Oh and I HAVE to post this.. found it on another thread "Funny birth stories"

I started labor and was 10cm by the time I got to the hospital. Only he was a footling breech and had cord prolapse so we had no choice but EMCS.

Anyway, I'm lying there on the table and my wonderful OB wanted to make sure I was fully numb before she began. She pinched my belly and asked if I felt it. I did. So we waited a few minutes. She did it again and I said I still felt it. She said "Are you sure??" and I said I thought so. So again we waited. A few minutes later she asked, "Do you feel this?" Assuming she was doing the pinch test (and SWEARING I felt it) I said "Yes, I still feel it I think". She laughed and said, "Okay well we've just opened the uterus so I think you're alright"

Um....oh. Whoops! :blush: Hahahaha!
LOL! Oh geez!!! Wonder what she thought she was feeling?

And i'll be SO pissed if we can't find out the gender at the 20 week scan. I feel like i've waited long enough and there isn't a place close to get a private scan done. I mean, there is but it's at least an hour away and .. eh. I guess i'll see what happens. I was going to drink some orange juice before the scan, but the paperwork they gave me said NOT too. It says clear liquids only. Damn. Either way, I'm sure our parents will enjoy looking "in" on the baby.

how long do the anatomy scans last?
Morgan you crack me up lol I'm excited to see these little babies too though, so I get it. I can't believe the doc just cut her open after she said she was still feeling it! That seems kind of risky lol Maybe she could have poked her with a needle or something first...

Britt-Yay for a good apt today! Hopefully baby cooperates for you at the gender scan. Our's was the opposite of Morgan...Olivia did NOT cooperate at the private scan even though the lady spent so much time trying to catch a good pic. Then at the ob scan they found it easily lol However, Grayson was not afraid to show his penis off either time...he's quite proud already apparently lol I wonder why they say only clear liquids...I drank oj both times I'm pretty sure. As far as how long it takes, I assume it depends on your u/s tech. Our's was pretty quick. She measured everything, checked genders and got profile pics of both babies in I think about 30 min...
and you're right, even if baby doesn't cooperate for some reason it will still be a great experience for the grandparents just to see baby :)
The anatomy scan is longer than most ultrasounds. I wanna say we were there for 30-45 minutes in total. That also included my pee break midway through lol.

Morgan - Honestly almost everyone poops during delivery but hardly anyone notices. The nurses/doctor are so good at cleaning it off the table quickly. OH said he noticed but it was gone so quick and then they could see Hannah crowning so it didn't even matter anymore. Plus I've heard if you poop, that means you're pushing correctly lol. I did during both my deliveries but I had no idea until a few hours after the fact and only because I asked OH lol.
I have virtually no cell phone reception in this apartment... and of course my LOA case manager called earlier but my phone never rang. I just got the voicemail notification like 5 minutes later. After Hannah went down for a nap, I called back but she wasn't in her office so I just spoke to a regular agent at the company.

She said the computer generated a random date for my return because they didn't have a specific one entered & the system didn't want to leave it blank, so I can ignore that.

She also said the notes in my file mention my case manager making several attempts to reach my OB but hasn't heard back yet. I gave them a secondary number that they're going to try on Monday but as of right now, my claim is listed as "suspended." I'd love to know why my OB hasn't returned any of the calls. Then again... nobody ever called me back after I called a week ago to give my OB a heads up. I see them next Friday so I can ask at my appointment then. If my case is in "suspend" mode because of my OB (and not my fault lol...) then I don't have to stress as much since that may give me the chance to actually talk to my OB in person and straighten it all out on our end. Just hope it doesn't screw my chance at my leave getting approved once everything's actually in order.
My mom pooped when she delivered my baby sister. I think i'm the only one who noticed cuz I had a clear cut shot of everything from where I was sitting lol.

My best friend also pooped apparently. She was SO WORRIED about it that during pushing she kept saying, "I DON'T WANT TO! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!" and we were reassuring her that was baby Lillie wanting to come out and to PUSH!!!!! Lol. I was holding her leg and didn't even see it. Afterwards I was like "Yay Britt didn't poop like she was so worried about!" And her mom was like "Yes she did. But don't tell her." LMAO. I think in the moment you could honestly care less. I mean you have your legs in the freaking stirrups with your vag and butthole saying hello to the world under a bright ass light! Hahaha.
Rachel..yes I just put it on to pump. Mine isn't very supportive to wear more often since its strapless.

morgan- I have lots of milk too, but I pump to increase my supply for the future because eventually shell need more milk and my body won't have it without me pumping. Also, with pumping I'm getting milk for bottles if I need to run out and dh needs to feed or for daycare or my dh said when she can take bottles he'd do a night shift so I can sleep. Plus I want dh to have milk to bottle feed so he can bond w her too. Just my thoughts...hoping its all my milk for a year, but not against using a bottle.

on another note Alia let me sleep 6 hr last night!! Granted it was in the glider...but I slept!
The triplets turned into one babe. One sac was a blighted ovum, the other sac had a babe in it but it started collapsing. The third is healthy and measuring perfectly! I feel so sad, there are 14 angels in our Due Date group already :( So heartbreaking for those ladies. I wish I could give them all the biggest hugs.

We're telling Kevin's family TONIGHT. I'm nervous, even though I really have no reason to be! Lol. Wish us luck!

Yaaaay for Alia sleeping 6 hours Nikki!!!
Nikki-Yay for sleep! :)

Waves-Glad you at least got to talk to maybe your doc will get back to you!

For some reason I'm really not worried about pooping...I think I'm so concerned about the health of the babies (bc it's twins and so up in the air) I haven't really worried about that. My mom had all 3 of us c-section so no pooping for her lol
Cassidy-That's a bummer...I'm glad she has one healthy baby at least.
Good luck telling the family!

Emailed my boss about maternity leave, we'll see how she reacts...
Nikki - I plan to do the same with bf. I want to pump also so that DH can feed her too. And so she doesn't get stuck on just the boob. When do they say you should introduce a bottle? I signed up for a breast feeding class just bc I am so clueless and freaked by the whole thing.

I'm starting to freak out about not having things prepared which is crazy bc I am only almost 27 weeks. I think I just need to organize. Everything I have has been washed and is piled in her crib. We have painted and hung the tree decal, we have quite a bit of stuff, it's just not organized lol. Today I scrubbed my entire kitchen. Even the cupboards. I even shined the appliances which isn't that abnormal for me, I just haven't cared in awhile about it. Now I'm about to do the floors which is a process bc they are high gloss dark cherry so they show everything! Oh and speaking of my floors....I made a hair bow holder with a picture frame and ribbon. Well I first attempted to used DHs staple gun to fix the ribbon to the frame. I got a cutting board out so I wouldn't F up the floor in case I missed....well my dumb ass failed to notice the arrows pointing to the opposite end of the staple gun. So I stapled to rug to our brand new wood floors. DH will kill me if he finds out. Ugh. I got the staple out but there are two small holes in the floor now - covered by a big area rug. Hopefully he won't notice. Ever. Good thing I do the floors. In the end I used my hot glue gun which I should have done in the first place but it was in the attic and DH was at work. So yes, I climbed the ladder into the attic, visualized me falling, or the ladder falling and me being stuck in the attic until DH got home this morning....sorry for the ramble I just think it's all sort of funny in hindsight...
Omg Rachel. That is pretty funny after all is said and done!!! Lol. I know you'll be prepared when the baby comes!!! You got this!
As far as when to introduce a bottle, I've heard not until after 6-8 weeks but also not until 3 months. Hannah never had a problem with nipple confusion, she just had a latch issue which is ultimately what led to us not BF'ing longer.
Hi girls! Been a rough week with Alyssa being sick and I feel like I am fighting yet another cold. I am working from home today and watching the rain outside. I have been getting a ton of bh contractions today and they are just so weird. Evan has been quiet too so I kept moving my belly to get him to move which he does but I am sure he is like Mom, leave me alone!!

I totally hear you on the nesting! My DH works weekend nights so he is home all week and the biggest slob. I have yelled so many times this week to clean up which he does but still leaves a mess. Drives me crazy! So now I have to clean up after him and clean out all the cabinets! They just don't get it!

I passed my glucose and iron tests on Tuesday so I am very happy about that, but I am getting carpel tunnel in both wrists. It SUCKS!!!

Nikki- What a beautiful birth story and your daughter is just gorgeous!!
Julie- So glad school was cancelled and you do not have to deal with the bitty boss!!

Hope everyone else is having a great week!!
you gals are awesome. my heart is SWELLING with virtual love for you - *this* is why i am here. i have goosebumps of good feelings and support. i was pretty scared confronting what was happening, but it's nice to know peeps got ma' back. heart you.
Yay Cassidy!!!!! You have to tell me how it goes!!!!!!

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