TTC and Beyond!

Oh goodness... I just realized I'm the next one due in this thread. That's a little scary lol.
Exciting though :happydance: How's your friend and son?

Cassidy, you look great!!

As for pregnancy bodies, my husband couldn't keep his hands off me, he said watching my body grow whilst carrying his child made me extremely attractive if you get what I mean? My massive knockers probably helped too! :rofl:

Amanda I'm sorry you feel that way and I'm sorry if I've ignored any of your posts. I tend to pop on quickly during my lunch break or making Tristan something to eat etc so don't always manage to read/post properly.
I may have already said this, my apologies... My bf told his boss at work! Why is this exciting? Because in the world, he had to tell his host. Om, bio mom and boss. So now he just has to tell his bio mom and we can announce without 'hurting' anyone's feelings (although inevitably someone will ask why we didn't tell them, whatevs). So, 11 weeks Monday. Scan at 12+1. Then go public. Thoughts on which phrase to use?
1) made in Hawaii (this one makes me think people will picture us having sex, so not my favorite).
2) Hawaiian hitch-hiker!
3) went as two, came back as three!
4) what happens in Hawaii doesn't always stay in Hawaii!
Btw, my bf is all 'it didn't happen in Hawaii' and I'm all 'if we had sex Saturday before we left and one of the sperm fertilized the egg Monday when I ovulated, even though we were home, we are the only people that know that (and all my ladies on BnB)." geesh, stickler for details!
I like #3, so exciting being so close to announcing!

As for my friend, she posted 4 hours ago she was getting her 3rd round of induction meds, hadn't yet dilated but was starting to have contractions. Had a massive headache from the preeclampsia and magnesium they were giving her for it. She sounds like she's having a horrible experience honestly but hopefully it goes more quickly from here on out so she'll have her baby and the rest won't matter so much.
Yeah talk about PAID OUR DUES.. We ALL struggled to get here. I am not okay with the negativity, it hurt to read pregnant bodies AREN'T BEAUTIFUL.. Um excuse me but I'm sexier than ever! :)

BB/Sandy/Katrina- I LOVE you girls.. I don't want to see your TTC haven fall apart, and I'm sorry it's so negative sometimes (it never used to be like that, and there were plenty of MC's/chemicals/losses/struggles). I like to pop in with my TTC 2 cents pretty frequently, too. I just hope you girls know that we really understand the struggle and hope for your BFP's! I don't want to abandon you girls, or Nichole or Amanda. I feel like we need to stick together, and I want to help support you all the way, preg or not. I'm just glad we made this thread bc I do understand that it hurts to see our "blah blah ultrasounds, bumps etc." updates. And I really appreciate that you girls pop over when you're feeling strong enough. Much love <3

Anyways, missed a bunch not checking in last night, we had a much-needed shopping/movie date! Lol DH said PLZ no BnB just us and dinner and bonding, ok?! (he's been working an opposite schedule than mine). It was great, we saw the new Lone Survivor movie (Emile Hirsch! <3) and got some good stuff at the Express sale.. I love him, wish we didn't have to grow up and get big ppl jobs, I miss spending every waking moment with him :/ but Marley will need lots of nice things so thank you Daddy! Anyways, she was curled up in my lower left hip area (I assume) and made it impossible to sit through a movie, was excruciating. I could barely bend over, it was a debilitating stab if I tried.. Awful. Finally went away when I got home on all fours and did pelvic sways.. Ouch though. I hope she never does it again.. I wouldn't quit moaning, he was like "you sure you're not in early labor??" Idk but ouch!

Sandy- My #1 difference was faint TWINGES around 7-9dpo. Like weird twitchy feeling in my tubes. My BFP month consisted of NO ewcm and less "symptoms" than any other month. Lots of creamy cm.. I remember I stood up like "woah- Hello AF" but nope! :)

Rachel- LOL @ stapling the rug to the new floor.. He'll find it a year down the road and it'll be no biggie ;) haha sounds like something I'd do. Oops.

Amanda- ooh wouldn't that be nice.. FX'd for a beach babe for you, too! What is the next step for DH.. Is he gonna start any vits or thinking surgery? I swear your BFP is coming and I'm gonna flip shit when it happens!! :)

Mirolee- I agree, GL not getting stuck scanning for hours!! Haha you're gonna be overwhelmed.. It's great though so fun. I'm glad it's finally feeling real for you. I couldn't keep my mouth shut either ;) (no biggie, s/he's a sticky one!) oh and I like #2 or 3 too!

Julie- ONE thing for you: I WISH I could have an orgasm by a dream! Lol jeez lucky you!! Haha. I like how you said what you did, too. She is hilarious at times.. But sometimes it shocks me and crosses the line.

Cass- Yay cute bumpie! I always took my pics at night so it looked bigger ;) it's so fun when it finally sprouts.. Are you still in regular pants?? I hate jeans and the Bella bands just made my buttcrack hang out so I have lived in yoga pants/leggings literally this entire time lolol.

Kara- Happy 100 days!!! My countdown starts Friday.. Omg it's getting TOO real!

Sarah- good for passing your tests and ugh I had carpal tunnel awful last pregnancy too.. Hope it doesn't happen this time! They gave me wrist braces to sleep in :P

Nikki- I hope you're enjoying your little smush! I'd love more pics soon ;) and I wasn't there when you got preggo but I just love the companionship we all have.. Even if you check in infrequently- at least you always come back! (We've got LIVES! :))

I also wanted to tell you girls that we've decided to have our baby shower on Jaxon's birthday on March 29th (Saturday). Last year mine was planned for April 7th, but obv we didn't get that far.. I dunno I just think it would be a good idea to be with all of our family and friends that day so that we don't spend it miserable, I prob wouldn't move from bed. But at the shower at least I could talk to everyone about him and feel a bit better. Won't be just girls, we're gonna have both me and DH's friends and fam there.. So one big party! It will be right down the road from Jaxon and we'll go there after to visit and give him some presents, too. My mom made a giant fake floral bear for his grave but we're going to save it for his bday. We'll have his fancy bench in, too, so everyone can see that. It will be bittersweet for sure, but at least I will spend it with the ones who loved him. I can't wait, we have a huge space rented and lots of expected guests.. My mom is quite the planner, so I bet it will be immaculate. And lots of food ;)

Happy Weekend! :happydance:
Mirolee-I say #4...and I couldn't keep it a secret either. It's so hard when you're excited. Didn't help I felt like shit either lol

Cassidy-I bet that is such a relief to finally have the family know! I felt so much better when it was finally out there.

Sandy-my symptoms were:
6-8 DPO slight cramping, increased creamy cm and lower back pain (which only ever happens with AF)
9 DPO no symptoms except maybe creMy cm still, bfn
10-11 DPO nothing, had given up but decided if by some chance my temp went up he next morning I would test bc it always goes down on day 12
12 DPO temp went up, bfp...started to feel a bit crampy
13-14 DPO cramps, creamy cm but no AF!

Waves-lol I was just trying to think about what order we were all due in yesterday...after you it's going to be one baby after the other!
Morgan-I think thats a good idea for the baby shower :)

Speaking of, ours is today! My mom and friend are staying with us tonight so we cleaned for the first time in a while...I was so sore and exhausted! I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck lol feeling better now though. Anyway off to get ready!
Anyone know how to post pics on bnb if I'm on my cell phone? I'd post more pics, but I'm barely on my computer...usually my cell.
How exciting!!! You have to post a list of the goodies you get! How fun.. a whole day dedicated to the little humans we've been obsessing about for so long! Lol

Nikki- Click "go advanced" on the post area and then there will be a paper clip thumbnail at the top by the fonts/colors etc. I think you can only do one at a time though, it frustrates me lol. It will open another tab, a pic uploader. Pretty simple to use.
Waves-lol I was just trying to think about what order we were all due in yesterday...after you it's going to be one baby after the other!

I was thinking about that too. First it was Emily then forever until Nikki, now forever until me. But then once I'm done, you ladies will be popping those babies out left and right :) So exciting though. Hopefully we get some more ladies to join from the TTC-side before we're all done :)

Hope you have a fun baby shower today! (It IS today, right? LOL.)

Unrelated but I just have to vent:
I really wonder why I continue to bother with my mother.

Anytime I ask a favor or to borrow something or anything like that, her response is always "I guess." I asked if she could make a cake and some simple cookies for my stupid baby shower and she goes, "I guess I can. How big of a cake?"

"I guess."

If you don't want to then just fucking say no. If it's too much of a hassle to do something other than Facebooking and drinking alcohol all day, then say so. Don't offer your stupid house and pretend like you care by knitting a damn blanket (which I said I was going to do in the first place).

The other day I asked if I could borrow her sewing machine sometime when she didn't plan on using it so I could learn how. Her reply? "Umm... ok." WHAT THE HECK KIND OF REPLY IS THAT? Is it ok or is it not? Because it certainly doesn't sound okay.

At this point I'd rather just cancel the stupid, pointless baby shower anyway and just tell her nevermind because I'm tired of seeming like every thing I ever ask of her is such a fucking inconvenience.

I literally just sat down in front of Hannah's high chair crying, begging her to eat her stupid bananas because she's constantly wasting food lately and I just can't afford to buy much more until I get my food stamps approved (if they ever are) because Tyler's stupid new job isn't going to even cover rent this month and basically I feel like everything I'm doing lately is one huge mistake after another and we're going to be royally screwed.
Mirolee I think #2 or #4 best :)

Thanks Morgan, I do enjoy the support from you all and I do like to pop in when it's a good day which luckily seems to have started to outweigh the bad!
Waves-lol I was just trying to think about what order we were all due in yesterday...after you it's going to be one baby after the other!

I was thinking about that too. First it was Emily then forever until Nikki, now forever until me. But then once I'm done, you ladies will be popping those babies out left and right :) So exciting though. Hopefully we get some more ladies to join from the TTC-side before we're all done :)

Hope you have a fun baby shower today! (It IS today, right? LOL.)

Unrelated but I just have to vent:
I really wonder why I continue to bother with my mother.

Anytime I ask a favor or to borrow something or anything like that, her response is always "I guess." I asked if she could make a cake and some simple cookies for my stupid baby shower and she goes, "I guess I can. How big of a cake?"

"I guess."

If you don't want to then just fucking say no. If it's too much of a hassle to do something other than Facebooking and drinking alcohol all day, then say so. Don't offer your stupid house and pretend like you care by knitting a damn blanket (which I said I was going to do in the first place).

The other day I asked if I could borrow her sewing machine sometime when she didn't plan on using it so I could learn how. Her reply? "Umm... ok." WHAT THE HECK KIND OF REPLY IS THAT? Is it ok or is it not? Because it certainly doesn't sound okay.

At this point I'd rather just cancel the stupid, pointless baby shower anyway and just tell her nevermind because I'm tired of seeming like every thing I ever ask of her is such a fucking inconvenience.

I literally just sat down in front of Hannah's high chair crying, begging her to eat her stupid bananas because she's constantly wasting food lately and I just can't afford to buy much more until I get my food stamps approved (if they ever are) because Tyler's stupid new job isn't going to even cover rent this month and basically I feel like everything I'm doing lately is one huge mistake after another and we're going to be royally screwed.

That really sucks :( Have you spoke to her about it?

What are food stamps BTW?
Julie-HAPPY shower day mama!!! Can't wait to hear all about how spoiled those babies are!! Enjoy every second!!

Mirolee-I like 4 the best but I love them all! :)

Waves-I'm so sorry you're mom treats you like that, it must be so frustrating. :(

Cass-AWESOME news that the fam is finally in on everything! That must be such a weight off. Now for a doctors appt and announcement, eeek!!

Ash-can you even sit still??? Can't wait to see if your pink or blue!!! :)

Morgan- that sounds absolutely lovely and like a very nice tribute to Jaxon. Your sweet babe wouldn't want mommy sitting home miserable, it will be perfect! Xx
Mirolee- I like 2&4
Morgan- your shower sounds like it will be lovely and I think it's a great way to spend Jaxon's birthday

Julie- yay! I hope you have tons of fun today! Can't wait to see how spoiled you get!

Kara- it's getting hard! It's so close! Wondering if ill even be able to sleep tomorrow night but then ill still have to wait till 4pm which is going to be torture! But we had to pick an afternoon apt so that DH could go
Waves- She sounds like a such a downer lol.. I'd ignore her, doesn't sound like she'll ever get better, she doesn't sound content with life!

I've got food stamps too (only $150 a month since DH is now employed) and am considering using WIC also.. More vouchers for free milk, bread, cereal, fruits/veggies etc. Waves you should def be approved with 2 babies, and not being married helps too.. I got $450 a month before I got married, and that was for being pregnant. I think it's an extra 100 per kid a month, but not positive how it works in your county. You should look into WIC, too. Free formula and pump! I get a double electric Medela.

BB- Food stamps are for low-income families.. Just a card from the gov't and you get a monthly allowance for food.

Hey, it is what it is! DH and I are 20 (he's 21) and trying to support a little family now and live on our own, so I'll take what I can get.. $150 for food allows me to be able to pay the $200 electric bill. Just praying things fall into place with his new job, his pay should triple ($30/hr) once he finishes diesel mechanics training at the car dealership he works at.. And I want to finish school. But we're young and have time.. One step at a time. I am just thankful to be back to square 1 after losing our awesome car, house, jobs, college I was working on, and precious son last year. We've been so blessed to recover the way we have. Poor DH still walks like a peg-leg though ;) (I call him that all the time, he hates it lol)
That really sucks :( Have you spoke to her about it?

What are food stamps BTW?

No... I honestly don't know what to say to her because my instinct is to just snap and flip out and I know that won't get us anywhere. She & I have never had a great relationship honestly, always butting heads. She had gotten better after I had my 20 month old but slowly started reverting back to how things were. And then she blames me for our current issues.

Food stamps are basically government-issued money used only to buy groceries/food. You get a certain amount of money each month, based on your family size and income but you have to apply & get approved first. Depending on where you live, it could take a long time and unfortunately... the county which I apply through takes forever. And I haven't even been able to apply because they want proof of income but I'm waiting for my leave of absence to go through but that means I have no proof of income nor valid proof/reasoning why I'm currently NOT working right now. Nor can I find the mail that has my case number on it so that I can login to my account and start the application.

Waves-I'm so sorry you're mom treats you like that, it must be so frustrating. :(

Thanks dear.
Waves- She sounds like a such a downer lol.. I'd ignore her, doesn't sound like she'll ever get better, she doesn't sound content with life!

I've got food stamps too (only $150 a month since DH is now employed) and am considering using WIC also.. More vouchers for free milk, bread, cereal, fruits/veggies etc. Waves you should def be approved with 2 babies, and not being married helps too.. I got $450 a month before I got married, and that was for being pregnant. I think it's an extra 100 per kid a month, but not positive how it works in your county. You should look into WIC, too. Free formula and pump! I get a double electric Medela.

BB- Food stamps are for low-income families.. Just a card from the gov't and you get a monthly allowance for food.

Hey, it is what it is! DH and I are 20 (he's 21) and trying to support a little family now and live on our own, so I'll take what I can get.. $150 for food allows me to be able to pay the $200 electric bill. Just praying things fall into place with his new job, his pay should triple ($30/hr) once he finishes diesel mechanics training at the car dealership he works at.. And I want to finish school. But we're young and have time.. One step at a time. I am just thankful to be back to square 1 after losing our awesome car, house, jobs, college I was working on, and precious son last year. We've been so blessed to recover the way we have. Poor DH still walks like a peg-leg though ;) (I call him that all the time, he hates it lol)

She really is. She's absolutely miserable with life/her life and it's such a drain. I would have nothing to do with her whatsoever if she didn't have custody of Autumn still. I wish I didn't need anything from her but the sad fact is is that OH & I have nobody but each other to rely on really. His family lives in Virginia (we're in Ohio). My grandma lives 45 minutes away and doesn't like driving so she only comes out our way 1-2 times a year. My sister is so busy working and going to college full-time that she can't be much help and neither OH or I have real, actual, be-there-for-you-no-matter-what friends. So if I need help with something, she's the only person left to go to and it really wears on me but I don't know what else to do.

I already commented about the food stamps issue but basically I haven't even applied yet because they ask for proof of income. I haven't worked since Christmas so I won't have a current paystub this week but my LOA isn't official yet either so I don't have the paperwork to submit proving that I'm out of work for a medical reason. OH just started his new job and hasn't received a paycheck yet. I'm sure I can just get a letter from them stating his start date, rate of pay and average hours per week but I'm not sure how to deal with my income/job situation. I don't want to get denied or in trouble for providing wrong or incomplete information. I also can't find my case number ANYWHERE (I have a box full of all my old mail and all my old case manager/number stuff but it's gone missing in the move) so I can't log in to apply online.

I'm all about applying for WIC but again... they require proof of income. I suppose I could call them Monday and ask what they recommend I do. I had WIC before but stopped using it once Hannah started on milk because she can only take almond milk and they didn't cover it. And then we moved and income changed and it was too much of a hassle to go back and update my file when it was just going to give me eggs and bread while I was living at my mom's and didn't really need it lol. But I could definitely use their milk and eggs and fruit/veggie vouchers right now.

Oh man, I would kill for OH to have a job paying anywhere near that amount. He can't get a "real" job to save his life and I can't afford to go back to school anytime soon (stupid past decisions, defaulted on several loans and can't receive financial aid until it's all paid off) so I just feel like we're stuck in a huge rut. I see friends getting "big breaks" all the time, falling into a good job because of someone they know or a stroke of fate... I just keep hoping one day that'll happen to us and he'll land a decent job. This one pays great (compared to past jobs) but 18 hours a week is definitely not going to pay the bills.

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