Waves, I'm sorry you're in such a tough situation. It's hard when you don't have people to fall back on.
Morgan, I loved willow and now love jemma. Seriously, though, you could call her princess banana-hammock and she would still be so loved and taken care of!

Julie, enjoy and tell us about your shower!
And i'm sorry gals, but this part of the post is totally selfish - just putting that out there.

First, I'm so congested and have been having a hard time breathing all week. Can't tell if it's a cold or pregnancy thing, but either way, it's making it hard for oxygen to get from the air to my cells. OH agreed to a humidifier which I purchased, but now I'm looking at the box and just so tired just thinking about assembling it. On top of that, I had three CRAZY dreams last night. First, my ex got me to meet up with him (he's been asking me for a while for coffee, and I've always said no) and we were hanging out and he threatening me with these really long scissors. He kept saying "Mirolee why can't we hang out? Be friends? You're blowing everything out of proportion!" and I was like "'cause you're threatening me with fucking scissors!". Second: about kids I went to grade school with, who I have not seen for.... Twenty years. Third: very sexual and weird and graphic. Ugh, did not sleep well.
On a positive note, I started my registry today - eeeee! Spent two hours with my mom going thru the store. I put a bunch of things on it that I need to research, and other things that I don't want that brand/style, but want to remember to get later. She was 1% annoying regarding bottles and pacifiers - I don't friggin know what I want. I want to ask a couple people what worked for them first, and then maybe make better decisions. But it was fun, and tiring, and I was able to put my hands on some stuff - like trying out different jogging stroller setups, different pack and plays, etc. After making the registry, i obviously started thinking that's I've jinxed the pregnancy and next weeks scan will have no heartbeat, or a third eye, or no brain - or half a brain because twice I used salicylic acid and I drink coffee every day. I just can't believe it's real yet. Then I met up with a gf and we drove an hour to a mall and I got a couple new tops. She got some work clothes. Then we drove back home, I stopped at panera and got food, and now ion the couch wondering if it's acceptable to go to bed at 730pm. Oh, and I feel solo lazy. I want to go for a run, or a spin class, or something where I sweat and I'm out of breath and feel like I'm moving. But then I get all paranoid about am I cooking the baby? Can the baby breathe? Then I think, this is only temporary, and I can totally get back into good exercise habits post partum, and don't become too psycho Mirolee because you put on more weight than (insert everyone's name). And OH is it of town tonight, I'm tired and needy, getting weepy because I don't know why, I'm constantly thirsty p, and just whiny in general, which I'm sorry about. I'm going to go have a cookie. That should cheer me up

thanks for listening. I feel stupid complaining about such petty things, but I just feel so out of sorts, and no one else I feel comfortable admitting this to.