TTC and Beyond!


Lol Emily I thank God everyday that I will know the exact day he/she is coming due to needing a c-section. I remember feeling like "whennnnn will this end?!?!?!" lol And I WISH my due date thread was like that!! There are just wayyyy tooo many of us to be able to connect with anyone!

And can't wait to try the doppler again at home tonight. DH has been skyping me about it all day, he loves it lol.

And p.s. I think my poop will be liquid for the next month if you all were wondering... haha it has been a long work day. Emily, it was magnesium citrate- drank the whole bottle! :blush:

Careful Morgan! I took too much Milk of Magnesia one time... Oopssss! I was pretty much peeing from my butt. LOL... Gross!!!
I AM NOT HORMONAL ( i think ) BUT I AM STILL CRYING!!!! I LOVE YOU GIRLS....u have been such a support system for pains my heart tht this is happening...
Seeing how the last few pages turned i had to go back and read all tht happened..

Ashlee, Julie i dont think Kara referred to any of you girls with her splurge of the u/s topic...tho both of u said wat u had to , u put it very well and it didnt seem offensive...however the way MOFO stated things was well, not put appropriately..and i c how tht could have offended the others...
I also think it was MOFO who suggested the preggos go elsewhere to talk abt their preggo stuff...tht really ticked me off tbh bcos we were all just fine...every person who joins the ttc thread ( WHICH IS AND SHUD REMAIN the main thread ..i dont c y the ttcers have to move to a diff thread wen we get our bfps..) shud realise tht if they dont feel comfortable with EVERYTHING and i mean EVERYTHING tht is spoken about there shud find some new place in the board where they feel comfortable....I HATED the fact tht this new thread was made ...i think an easier way would have been to just CLOSE the original thread if everyone couldnt keep up with everyone as it was the newbies who were complaining about not being able to keep up ...
i honestly dont want any of you girls leaving...( Rachel,Kara , Julie , Ashlee ) Also i do think tht the preggos who feel uncomfortable to post with the rest of us obviously can find threads on the board where they feel more comfortable...i really dont think any of the girls on the ttc thread r not happy for the girls who get preggo...of course all of us have our bad days but we have all stuck it out and remained together and SUPPORTED EACHOTHER. The ttc thread can b a closed thread so tht the newbies who cant keep up dont have a reason to complain..However anyone who thinks tht there shud b different threads i think shud really find some other thread where they find like minded ppl bcos us oldies of the thread absolutely dont have any issues catching up on eachother and yes it can b overwhelming too but we have all loved to just chat..

Emily i am truly sorry u felt ignored in the thread...i just thought u posted less after your bfp bcos u were one of the first ones who got their bfp...and trust me i was and still am soo soo happy ...

I know this post is bcom into a chapter of a book but i really do hope we can get over this and start a new day and just b there and support eachother..
Thanks for the love Sonia. Can't wait til you are here either, but we aren't going anywhere til then!!! :)

And Emily yeah this was an EMERGENCY though... Ha it had been over a week. Doc said that should do! And it did! Lol and yeah been "buttpeeing" all day. Bahaha I will stop now. :blush:
I AM NOT HORMONAL ( i think ) BUT I AM STILL CRYING!!!! I LOVE YOU GIRLS....u have been such a support system for pains my heart tht this is happening...
Seeing how the last few pages turned i had to go back and read all tht happened..

Ashlee, Julie i dont think Kara referred to any of you girls with her splurge of the u/s topic...tho both of u said wat u had to , u put it very well and it didnt seem offensive...however the way MOFO stated things was well, not put appropriately..and i c how tht could have offended the others...
I also think it was MOFO who suggested the preggos go elsewhere to talk abt their preggo stuff...tht really ticked me off tbh bcos we were all just fine...every person who joins the ttc thread ( WHICH IS AND SHUD REMAIN the main thread ..i dont c y the ttcers have to move to a diff thread wen we get our bfps..) shud realise tht if they dont feel comfortable with EVERYTHING and i mean EVERYTHING tht is spoken about there shud find some new place in the board where they feel comfortable....I HATED the fact tht this new thread was made ...i think an easier way would have been to just CLOSE the original thread if everyone couldnt keep up with everyone as it was the newbies who were complaining about not being able to keep up ...
i honestly dont want any of you girls leaving...( Rachel,Kara , Julie , Ashlee ) Also i do think tht the preggos who feel uncomfortable to post with the rest of us obviously can find threads on the board where they feel more comfortable...i really dont think any of the girls on the ttc thread r not happy for the girls who get preggo...of course all of us have our bad days but we have all stuck it out and remained together and SUPPORTED EACHOTHER. The ttc thread can b a closed thread so tht the newbies who cant keep up dont have a reason to complain..However anyone who thinks tht there shud b different threads i think shud really find some other thread where they find like minded ppl bcos us oldies of the thread absolutely dont have any issues catching up on eachother and yes it can b overwhelming too but we have all loved to just chat..

Emily i am truly sorry u felt ignored in the thread...i just thought u posted less after your bfp bcos u were one of the first ones who got their bfp...and trust me i was and still am soo soo happy ...

I know this post is bcom into a chapter of a book but i really do hope we can get over this and start a new day and just b there and support eachother..

No crying! The ones who matter to one another will stick around in the long haul, even if breaks need to be taken here and there.
Thanks for the love Sonia. Can't wait til you are here either, but we aren't going anywhere til then!!! :)

And Emily yeah this was an EMERGENCY though... Ha it had been over a week. Doc said that should do! And it did. Lol and yeah been "buttpeeing" all day. Bahaha I will stop now. :blush:

But dude you're gonna feel so much better once the... ummm... faucet...? shuts off. You will feel so light and comfy!
Morgan, did you ever end up ordering the doppler? What was the website you found it on that offered free shipping? I want to order mine!
Thank GOD lol this Zofran has EFFED me up!

Not sure if it's worth NOT taking though, it really gets me through my days. I had hyperemesis gravidarum last time, so thankful that has been avoided with this awful medicine.

And NO MORE CRYING girls.. I shed had quite a few quick tears today as well. So emotional for Molly. Can't wait to see how things go for her.

I love how we are all obsessed with watching people make babies, BnB is an awesome addiction! Lol

It is a GODSEND! & woohoo for PAYDAY!!!

You can use plain aloe gel from Walgreens or w/e too. You'll need more than what they give you. Also takes 2 AA batteries, didn't realize that til I was half naked on the couch with jelly all over me! LOL!

Although my doc told me I was NUTTY for believing I could hear a heartbeat before 12 weeks. I'm not stupid lol it HAD to have been baby! It was over 2x as fast as mine, sounded like a galloping horse. I don't see how I could have mistaken it for my own, but we will try again tonight!

I will post a video if I can! :)

Lol. I see it's mostly been figured out. I love you ALL and don't want ANY MORE DRAMA! haha.

[his thread as a preggo thread because I'm ignored in my due date club thread and want other preggos to talk to about everything.[/QUOTE]

Why are you ignored in your due date club??? :([/QUOTE]

I don't think it's intentional by any means... just a lot of people and their posts are constantly overlooked. The due date club from my last pregnancy was great and we all still keep in touch even though our kids are well over a year old. The one I'm in now is just nowhere near as close/personal which is why I like this thread because I have that same closeness with others who are currently going through the same things as me. We may not have the same due dates/months but we're still going through a lot of the same things around similar times. I have a few friends off of BNB that are due the same time as me that I talk to now and again but I like BNB better for whatever reason lol.

That whole conversation about people who are reckless and undeserving(not just people) getting pregnant easily was started by me. And so when you made that comment, it was directed at me. And yet here I am asking all the preggos to come back including you even though I've felt like since then you don't want to talk to the TTcers anymore and have mostly stayed in this thread. I'm not harboring any hostility, I just want everyone to be able to coexist in one thread the way we'd been doing for over half a year. I have never said anyone is doing anything the wrong way, I've never tried to push my opinions on other people, I merely try to put out the info that I've researched so that everyone has all the information possible because I like to know all my options. I came over to this thread because I still wanted to be able to see what was going on with the preggos, but I kinda think it sucks because we're all in both threads anyway so why should the TTCers have to come over and just be observers of the pregnancy group. I hate that it's like we're on the outside looking in.

You may have started that conversation but others joined in with similar feelings and that's fine. You guys are allowed to feel that way and express those feelings. Just like you were feeling upset when you made those comments, I was feeling upset when I read them and replied. I moved on after I calmed down (from the comments on there & everything going on in real life) and kept posting in that thread but the only replies I was getting were from other preggo girls anyway so I just kept the majority of my pregnant posts to this thread and my March Monkeys thread. I still follow the TTC thread hoping to see everyone get their BFP but I just don't see why it's a huge deal that there's a pregnant thread outside of the TTC thread. There's a million pregnant buddies/due date club threads, groups started in the trimester sections of the board. I don't see why we can't have this thread as well instead of having to just find another group of pregnant girls to share things with. I can see how it makes you (and others) feel the way you described but I also feel like it's being blown out of proportion that this thread exists.

That being said... I'm with everyone else who mentioned wanting to move on and put this behind us.
Are we still talking here? I think I'm dying, like sick to the point I don't know what to do :( ugh
Did you see my post Kara, you should ttly ask for Zofran.

It sucks but was the ONLY cure for my nausea, and it was/is severe!!

30 mins and you can EAT! I was freakin amazed I mean seriously you go from starving and dying to happy and hungry, it was wonderful!

It is a GODSEND! & woohoo for PAYDAY!!!

You can use plain aloe gel from Walgreens or w/e too. You'll need more than what they give you. Also takes 2 AA batteries, didn't realize that til I was half naked on the couch with jelly all over me! LOL!

Although my doc told me I was NUTTY for believing I could hear a heartbeat before 12 weeks. I'm not stupid lol it HAD to have been baby! It was over 2x as fast as mine, sounded like a galloping horse. I don't see how I could have mistaken it for my own, but we will try again tonight!

I will post a video if I can! :)

Thanks! How long did it take for you to get it after you ordered?

Unrelated- but an online friend of mine is currently pregnant with her 3rd. She's my age and has 2 boys already and since she found out she was pregnant insisted she was going to have another boy (though she desperately wanted a girl.) I have 2 girls and am pregnant with my third and I said my luck will give me another girl even though I want a boy so she & I jokingly decided we'd just switch babies if she got another boy & I got another girl. Well today was her anatomy scan and sure enough, she's having another boy which we decided means I have to be having another girl too. Wouldn't it be a little funny if it worked out that way?
I love this thread bc it gives me a chance to be preggo minded and gives ttcers a chance to not see preggo stuff if they are having a down week. Plus this one is easier to keep up with! Lol I really did get over looked a lot on the other one. I know it was just bc there are SO MANY posts though. For instance, the month I got my bfp Sonia posted about all her symptoms and everyone was like "oh that's such a good sign..." I commented and was so excited bc I was having the same things as Sonia and hoped it was good too. Not a single person said anything about my post. I'm sure it just got lost in the shuffle, but I felt like everyone cared more about Sonia than me...may have been hormones lol but that's how it felt. It's not so busy over here and I get the attention I need bc apparently I'm needy lol
After the bfp my comments really get lost. I still post there a lot to give advice though. I just can't keep up with who is who and reading 10 pages every time I log on.
I love everyone and I do not mean to upset anyone, it's just easier from my perspective.

Mirolee-I can't wait for you to talk preggo with us! I can't wait til everyone is preggo!
:hugs: I have no problem with this pregnancy thread personally! I think it's nice for you all (and hopefully me soon) to have a place to go on tangents and write whatever you may please about your pregnancies. I think we just got caught on some controversial-ish topics and people were taking them very close to heart. I'm glad everything is figured out though and hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here!

Kara- :hugs: I'm so sorry hun. I hate throwing up so I can only imagine. Like Morgan said, have you thought about Zofran?

Morgan- YAY FOR POOPING!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT \\:D/

The 'admin is watching' comment made me LOL. It's like high school!!! Hahaha.
Waves-that's so funny! I'm still holding out for a boy for you :)

Kara-you're sick-sick or sick of the talking about stuff on here?
Also- for what it's worth if like to apologize if I've offended anyone, particularly you Julie. I've always felt like we had a good bond and I'm sorry that I made you feel that way. I honest to God never even saw your post. I'm obviously hormonal and the past couple of days haven't been great. I really just thought mommy presented that stuff in a way that was saying if something goes wrong here that's my fault and having dealt with the horrible guilt as questions that come with a loss, I just can't even handle the thought of contributing to the harm of this baby that means so much to me. So again, I'm sorry if you felt like that was directed at you from the bottom of my heart.

Sonia- I love you girl. Xo
On the other thread she said she was sitting in the stair well crying because her MS is so bad :( :( I wish I could give you a BIIIIG hug right now Kara :hugs:

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