Happy swing day to all the Sunday swing girls!
Kara-If this photographer hadn't offered the shoot for free I wouldn't have done one. After doing it, I'm really glad I did...
Do you have an Old Navy? They actually have some cute things, not sure about dresses though. Motherhood Maternity is our best store around here.
Mirolee-That's what our shoot was. Most of the pics were of the belly or of me, but we got several with DW too. Some were fun, some were serious.
Waves-I would have loved to do part of our shoot in the snow! It actually randomly snowed a few hours before our shoot, I was disappointed it happened so early and not during the shoot lol We actually sent our photog a few pic ideas from pinterest and she made sure to do at least similar ones. Pinterest is so helpful! lol
Ashlee-I think I did the same pic that you are doing without the progression obviously though lol We did a few silhouette pictures too that I'm excited about. I love the underwater pics! I used an underwater maternity pic for my countdown pic to the maternity shoot lol
Nikki-Good luck...Hopefully they are all respectful to each other and to you!
AFM-DW put our closet in the nursery together! I'm very excited to have that part finished so I can begin organizing everything a little bit.
MIL on the other hand is driving me in-freaking-sane! She's been going crazy with Goodwill and stores of the such...she sent over a tub of clothes, bath towels, wash clothes, etc. While I am appreciate, I also think our standards and tastes are very different. Some of the things look dingy or are far from my style. Then she went shopping yesterday and bought a million more things...DW and I bought a few adorable things at Goodwill today that look brand new. When DW mentioned it to MIL she was like, "don't go crazy on clothes bc I have a lot already." It really rubbed me the wrong way. These are my kids. I will be the one dressing them and looking at these clothes on a daily basis. I've never been able to do this before now. I want to pick out my kids clothes!!! I just wanted to yell back at her "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?! YOU TAKE IT EASY ON BUYING THINGS!" I did not though lol She's just such an overwhelming personality. I know she means well, is excited, and wants to help, but holy freaking shit she is driving me crazy! Ok, just had to vent lol