Ashley- Your poor sister. What a scary time, but I know everything will work out how it is supposed to!
Morgan- You look so cute!!
Sandy- We heard Evans heartbeat at 6+3 so there is a chance!! I so hope you get to hear it!!
Mirolee- I can definitely see your progression! You look great!
Julie- I am obsessed with Evan's closet after seeing what DW did for you all! Alyssa has a big walk in closet so I was worried about fitting everything into Evan's but you have given me hope!! Also, sorry about you MIL! Mine is crazy so I hear ya!
AFM- Found out I get a free electric bump through my insurance

I only have to call when I am 32 weeks and get it ordered! We have decided on a baseball themed nursery and check out what I found on Pinterest... so cute!
I know that I shouldn't say this but I am really getting tired of being pregnant. I feel so guilt for saying that since it was such a struggle to get here but I am so tired, my back is killing me, BH contractions whenever I stand up and I am having such bad round ligament pain today. I can not wait to just hold my sweet boy!
Upside- The nurse just called to say that we have an ultrasound tomorrow to check the position of my placenta! It was close to my previous c-section scar at last check so I am praying that it has moved!!!
Oh yeah and look at this shirt! It is beyond ridiculous but I am still getting for Rob. He loves tattoos and would be covered in them if I would let him! I do not have any
Also, found this site on Zulilly that is having a huge maternity sale. Check out Hot Mama Maternity!