ashlee, i COMPLETELY understand where you're coming from. last year when we were actively tryinig and my sister got pregnant, i was in tears - not just because she got pregnant, but becuase i wanted that special time for my baby to be "the baby of the family" - and i felt jipped. but then i talked with my mom about it (lots of insecurities over here re: "where will my baby fit in our family if we already love my niece and nephew so much, there's no room") and she said, "the heart grows. there will never not be room or space for any child, and your child will be as special and loved as the ones we already have" (which promptly brought me to tears). so, i promise, no matter what other babies are around, Lux will have a special place in everyone's heart. and she'll get double the snuggle from you and OH on the days you feel like maybe she didnt get all the attention you wanted her to get.
on a related note, i'm sorry for your sister's situation but may i ask (and please put me in place if this is over the line): why was she having unprotected sex? i feel like if i were in your shoes i'd be more frustrated over the fact that there are ways to avoid these situations - and i'm not advocating for termination, i'm just sayin, maybe there was a different choice she could have made? (this is NOT an attack on your sister!) i just wonder about these things - we live in a country that has bc readily available, yet these surprises happen. perhaps i am far too jaded..... forgive me if i've mis-stepped.....