BB, you got the best line on the FRER, with the exception of the one you found in the trash, so I think it's hard to compare the FRER line to the line on the brand that you have compared to the one you had in the trash.. like comparing apples, oranges, and pineapples, if ya know what I mean?? Plus, it's really early, so even as it's doubling, it's not doubling to big numbers yet.. like my 10 dpo HCG level was 12.07 then on 12 dpo it was 31.96.. but even the 31.96 isn't going to make super dark lines. I used FRER to see progression, but I did use a couple of cheapies in there too, just to see, and they didn't show anything until almost a week after my first positive FRER. I know it's SO hard to stay calm and relax, but that's all you can do at this point. Praying for you!
Hope you a SUPER time on holiday! I'm so excited for ours in just 19 DAYS!! Enjoy it.

Where are you going??
I've been SO hungry lately. It's awful. I'm trying to watch the weight gain, which is tough for me anyway because I swell. I used to take Lasix before I got pregnant with my son, and I had to stop taking it because diuretics can reduce bloodflow to baby, and I didn't start again after I had him except for 30 days so that I wasn't taking it when I got pregnant again.. so I REALLY swell as I get further along in pregnancy, but I swell all the time in my feet and legs anyway so that adds pounds.. and I'm already 10 pounds over what I was when I get pregnant with my son thank you to the holidays. Ugh. I had lost all of my baby weight and gradually added that about 10 pounds back on. So I made my New Year's resolution to get it off and got pregnant instead. No complaints there! I plan to start walking when it gets nicer out, and I've considered some light weights for my arms.. do you think that's acceptable? Nothing strenuous or anything, just need to do something. I gained 40 pounds with my son -- I can't do that again, even though it came right off. Gotta try to keep it around 20. With already high blood pressure that's well controlled by medication, pre-eclampsia is a real worry for us.