Sandy-I'm a little worried about how much work it will be keeping up with the laundry of cloth diapers when I go back to work, but there are lots of parents who do it so I'm sure it'll be fine. Really the laundry is the only thing that's much different from disposables...besides money of course! lol Just to give you an idea:
I figured up 10 diapers a day per baby for 2 years and it came out to right under $3000 (for twins). That didn't include wipes or anything, just diapers. I used a price of a cheap pack, 200 for $40.
Then I figured everything up for cloth diapers for the twins. I used the most expensive brand, 24 diapers per baby (that's washing every other day to every 3 days), cloth wipes, $5 extra a month for water/electric, laundry detergent, diaper pail, pail liners, etc. Came out to $1450.
Totally worth it to me to save that money. Plus we've already had some stuff given to us for free and I've found deals online, so we'll be saving even more money. We will be doing laundry every couple of days anyway with all the baby clothes and such, so it won't be that big of a deal for us anyway. If you're interested I highly recommend talking to cloth diapering parents or attending a class. It's not for everyone, but I know people who absolutely love it.
bb-I'm so sorry you don't know what biscuits and gravy are...they are probably my favorite breakfast food! Besides maybe bagels and lox...Here's a pic to give you an idea.