TTC and Beyond!

Had a scare at work today! We had a few orders come in so as soon as I got there at 3 I started labeling and putting stuff out. I didn't sit down at all over a 45 minute period and apparently my body doesn't like it when I do that now. I was up on a step stool putting something on the shelves and my ears started ringing, got super lightheaded, and vision started fading away. I sat down and luckily it went away after a minute or two, but still- so scary!!
Definitely gonna look into that burts bees lotion Julie!

Amanda I saw your status on FB, FX shef flips soon! Exciting you're already 2cm dilated!
Thanks Cassidy! Scary little scare you had there but glad things are ok. I've had a few moments like that :/

So I had my 34 week check-up today. I've gained 30lbs so far, baby's HB was 138bpm. She checked my fundal height but didn't comment on it. I was going to ask but we were talking about other things lol. Anyway, she did an internal exam and said I'm already 2cm dilated, didn't mention if I've started to efface at all yet and said Leah's breech. She didn't have to reach far to feel my cervix either. Sent me to L&D for an NST which I/Leah passed.

However she had them do a group B strep swab on me 2 weeks early because (according to the OB at the hospital) she thinks I'll probably deliver early. The swab is only valid for a few weeks so if you do it too early, you'll have to get it redone before the end of your pregnancy which is why most OB's do the swab at 36 weeks. So having mine done at 34 because she thinks I'll deliver early, already being 2cm and having a breech baby... I'm freaked out a little lol. I know anything can happen or not happen still so I'm not going to stress TOO much about it.

I go back next Friday so we'll see.
Wow Amanda, that's exciting and nerve-wracking I'm sure! Hope she flips for you!!

Cass, so scary! Glad you're okay!
Waves she's going to be here so soon!!! I hope she flips soon! I imagine you will know when she does right?

Cassidy - scary moment! I remember those! I've had a few recently but they mostly happen at work when I do too much. Make sure you are drinking lots of water.

I am getting so large and uncomfortable. I can't wait to not be preggo anymore. I want to meet my little baby and see her on the outside. I want my body back and to be able to sit up quickly and be able to put my shoes on without grunting. I know a lot of people really enjoy pregnancy but I'm just ready for it to be over lol. I want my little baby to snuggle with
Wow Amanda, that's exciting and nerve-wracking I'm sure! Hope she flips for you!!

Waves she's going to be here so soon!!! I hope she flips soon! I imagine you will know when she does right?

Thanks. I hope she flips too. Definitely going to try and encourage it myself lol. I've never had a breech baby so I really don't know but I've heard from several people that they definitely knew when baby flipped. I'm just bummed because even though she was breech at 22 weeks, I thought she'd flipped for sure. Especially with the pain/pressure I've been having. It's crazy to me that her butt is causing all that pain/pressure and somehow dilating my cervix lol.

I could also stay 2cm dilated for several weeks and nothing more happens which is very possible. But at the same time, Autumn was 10 days early, Hannah was 13 days early, I was born 2 weeks early, my siblings both a month early. I didn't start dilating this early on with Hannah and definitely not Autumn.

I was honestly expecting her to say I was still closed up nice and tight but when she said 2cm and I realized she barely had to reach back to check my cervix, I about pooped myself lol. I guess we'll see what happens. I've had lots more pains and pressure since coming home but who knows what that's about.
Yikes! Scary Cass! I've tried to stay off step stools at work as much as possible because my balance just isn't the same these days.

Ran into two of my old coaches from middle school today. They were able to tell I was pregnant yay! Lol happy to have a bump and not just look frumpy/fat lol. So ready for the weekend...gotta drop off my boy pup to get neutered then probably going to the in-laws for Super Bowl (I just want the snacks lol) until its time to pick him up. Oooo which reminds me, MIL is going to buy Lux's crib :happydance: so excited about that!
Very off-topic but was googling and came across this little blog post from a L&D nurse about pooping during delivery :)
Rachel, I remember that feeling well. I'm not looking forward to it at all. I did enjoy feeing him move all over the place and being able to watch it though. :) Hiccups were my favorite. Or when I would poke him in the feet or butt, he would kick me back. I hate that I have to be pregnant for 2 years to get one baby, but on the other hand, I'm grateful for the opportunity so I'm gonna try to make the best of it and enjoy what I can because I'm not sure I'll do it again. Hubby helped me with my socks and shoes for several months. Maybe yours can help if you're both home when you're getting ready.

Waves, you're absolutely right. I've heard you can walk around for weeks that way, too. I never experienced any of that though. I went to 39 weeks and was barely 1 cm. Even when they were inducing me, my body was not particularly receptive. I think that baby was in there with his arms and legs stretched out saying, "I'm not coming out!" Haha. Maybe they will try to flip her next week if she hasn't moved at all on her own? Hopefully she will. Our little guy was head down for the majority of of my pregnancy. I wanna say from 22 weeks or so on. He moved all over, but stayed in the same general area. I'm so thankful for a C-section again. The thought of pooping during delivery freaks me out more than words can express! That was the absolute worst thing I was afraid of last time around, so I'm very thankful for a scheduled C-section in that respect! :)

AFM, so so tired. Can't wait for the weekend. Sleeping in! Yay! And 6 more inches of snow and 1/4 inch of ice. Heading to the grocery tonight to stock up on the essentials.. like coffee and bottled water and peaches because that's really all that sounds good to me this morning. 6 weeks today! Yay! 1/2 thru first tri = 1/6 of the way there!
Amanda- you are getting so close!!! I can't believe she's almost here!!

Not much to report ladies - 7 days until I find out the gender and I feel like i'm going to lose my mind!! LOL. I'll be nearly 21 weeks and i'll be devastated if for some reason the baby doesn't cooperate. I haven't bought a single thing for baby. I want to know what it is first, but I don't think I can wait much longer to buy adorable baby stuff. I'm just not a fan of gender neutral stuff.
I just discovered the yummiest smoothie! I bought it at Kroger in the produce department. It's Bolthouse Farms Berry Boost. Yummmm! Great for days you just aren't hungry but know you need something. It has 3 3/4 servings of ftuit in it. I had been considering it for a week or two and finally tried it this morning. I also have terrible heartburn, but that's just how pregnancy is for me.
That's so exciting Britt! I have some gender neutral stuff and it's ok but I prefer something gender specific, too.
Cassidy, thats so scary...try to stay off those step stools! I'm glad it passed quickly

Amanda, I can't believe Leah will be here so soon...hope she cooperates and flips on her own.

Britt, that is so exciting...hope baby gives you a good angle...I can't believe you haven't bought anything yet although it will be more fun once you find out...I seriously will have to have my husband hide the money from me when I get pregnant so i don't buy too much...even with us getting a dog I've had to stop myself from almost buying so many dog toys, clothes, etc. lol

Good Luck Kara with the GD test, I hope they don't make you drink it 3 times.

Thats great about the crib Ash!
Hi ladies. I'm back from hols and had a fab time. Just trying to catch up with what I've missed.
Cass hope you're ok. Be careful if you're feeling light headed. You need to look after yourself and your precious cargo.

Oooh exciting amanda. Is it normal practice in usa to have a strep b test ? I ask as my waters broke and it took 3 days for elliott to arrive. As I had just pushed him out a nurse was reading my notes and said "did you grt the strep b treated " I was like wtf is that and how come I didnt know I had it. Turns out at my last smear strep b was detected but I was never given antibiotics for it so poor elliott tested positive and had to be rushed off to neonatal care and hooked up to a drip. After googling it I didnt realise how serious it can be in new borns and I dont understand why pregnant ladies arent checked for it.

Hope all you girls are ok and julie your bump is just lovely
Glad vacation was great! :) Testing soon?? And yes, it's Normal practice here for group b testing.
I think its too early to test. I have been having a pinching stretching feeling on my right side. I always get it when preg so hoping its a good sign. Also the odd boob twinge and constipation. Lovely !! I have been taking my aspirin daily so if I am preg I hope this helps the bean to stick. I may test tomorrow .
Waves, you're absolutely right. I've heard you can walk around for weeks that way, too. I never experienced any of that though. I went to 39 weeks and was barely 1 cm. Even when they were inducing me, my body was not particularly receptive. I think that baby was in there with his arms and legs stretched out saying, "I'm not coming out!" Haha. Maybe they will try to flip her next week if she hasn't moved at all on her own? Hopefully she will. Our little guy was head down for the majority of of my pregnancy. I wanna say from 22 weeks or so on. He moved all over, but stayed in the same general area. I'm so thankful for a C-section again. The thought of pooping during delivery freaks me out more than words can express! That was the absolute worst thing I was afraid of last time around, so I'm very thankful for a scheduled C-section in that respect! :)

Not entirely sure what to expect from here on out. Never had a breech baby before and this is my first pregnancy with this particular OB. My cousin has had 2 c-sections, both babies breech. Her first was a frank breech and then this second one, she just had earlier this month. She had scans and such, baby was head down but in order to get her VBAC, they wanted her to go into labor on her own before 39 weeks and she never did, so they just scheduled a repeat c-section. Turns out baby flipped breech at the very end anyway so she would have needed a c-section anyway lol. Anyway she said the fact that my OB didn't mention anything about scheduling a c-section or anything like that, she thinks my OB believes I'll deliver early as well.

My OB didn't make any comments about it to me so I don't want to assume that's what she thinks but hell... that's what the L&D OB said too so who knows. I'm just hoping she'll flip. I'm not scared of a c-section by any means, I just don't want one if I can avoid it. I love labor and delivery. Sure a c-section is nice knowing exactly what day/time you'll have your baby but there's so much excitement to labor watching and that moment when the L&D nurse or doc says "Yep, we're admitting you." I love pushing and the immediate skin-to-skin. Healthy baby is most important so if a c-section is the route we need to take then so be it, life will go on. I've had 2 vaginal deliveries so I've been able to experience it before, unlike many other women who wish they had... but still lol. I'm just not mentally/emotionally prepared for it.

There's a few things I can do daily to try and encourage her to flip from so I'm going to give all that a try. There's a VERY firm "end" (head or butt) to the baby up near the right side of my ribs. It hurts when I touch the area. Not sure which end it is though.

Amanda- you are getting so close!!! I can't believe she's almost here!!

Thanks! So exciting your scan is so close!!!! Autumn didn't cooperate and I had to return a week later to find out gender but Hannah was much more cooperative. Hopefully your babe is the same :)

Amanda, I can't believe Leah will be here so soon...hope she cooperates and flips on her own.

Me either lol! Thanks :) We shall see. Trying some exercises from to see if it helps.

Oooh exciting amanda. Is it normal practice in usa to have a strep b test ? I ask as my waters broke and it took 3 days for elliott to arrive. As I had just pushed him out a nurse was reading my notes and said "did you grt the strep b treated " I was like wtf is that and how come I didnt know I had it. Turns out at my last smear strep b was detected but I was never given antibiotics for it so poor elliott tested positive and had to be rushed off to neonatal care and hooked up to a drip. After googling it I didnt realise how serious it can be in new borns and I dont understand why pregnant ladies arent checked for it.

That's scary :( But yes it's standard to test for it around 36 weeks here. And then if positive you get antibiotics in the hospital. The OB at L&D said the swab is only valid for 5 weeks or something like that so if it's been 5 weeks since you had it done and you still haven't delivered, you have to get it redone.
Fx she turns Amanda.
So many gender scans coming up.
Sorry I was on a bit of bnb break yesterday and didn't get to catch up.
Fx she turns Amanda.

Thanks dear <3

Waves, you're absolutely right. I've heard you can walk around for weeks that way, too. I never experienced any of that though. I went to 39 weeks and was barely 1 cm.

Meant to add in my other reply -- I've never experienced being dilated for an extended period of time either. At least not at the same dilation. I don't remember too much from my first but I didn't start dilating til the end. With Hannah I was closed at 35 weeks, 1cm at 36 weeks, 2cm at 37 weeks when I had my sweep and then 3cm when I was admitted to the hospital at 38+1. Had her that day lol.

And I know they can say if you've given birth before you can always be dilated to 1cm but I've been closed up tight this whole pregnancy based on previous exams for various reasons (spotting, falling, etc.) Also the fact that she didn't have to reach too far back to check my cervix has me curious as to what's going to happen too lol. I remember with Hannah my cervix was very posterior until I got to around 2cm and then it started coming forward. But then I had her a week later so who knows.

But I also don't think my OB expects I'll deliver anytime super soon because otherwise I imagine they'd have discussed steroid shots for baby's lungs and things of that nature. I'm just curious to see if there's any change at my appt next Friday.

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