TTC and Beyond!

So I have by far had the worst day of my life. You all know about my cat. And thank you for all the kind words. I am an emotional mess. Especially bc I just got home and it is so quiet and I didn't get greeted at the door by a hungry cat rubbing my leg and meowing....

Anyways - I had a horrible experience at the OB. Waves I totally get why you prefer to see your doc...So I went in to have my ultrasound at 3 at one office, then I was supposed to go to the other office to see my OB bc they couldn't coordinate the times. Well my OB's daughter went into labor so he had to leave the office to go be with her. Thats fine, I totally get it. So I agreed to just stay at the first office and see a different OB. Had my ultrasound - went really to see little Ellie who is approx 4lb 4oz and is measuring around 33 weeks. Got to see her little face and her big lips. Also she has hair! Then to the shitty part. Seeing a different Dr. They diagnosed me with polyhydramnios - measuring 28 cm of fluid (normal is under 22). She first asks me if I have GD and then if I am sure that I don't have it....then tells me that the poly is an indicator for downs syndrome and asked if I had any testing done. I tell her that my regular OB told me that everything was "perfect." She says well thats only 85% accurate and "Ill have to look at the numbers." Then I tell her, I have had a horrible day, please don't tell me something is wrong. So she proceeds to tell me that most of the time it is idiopathic and "your baby looks great." Then she goes on and on about how big she is and how small I am and that my fundal height is at 34 weeks not 30 bc of the poly and blah fucking blah blah. Meanwhile I am crying my eyes out bc she's trying to convince me that my baby has downs. Then she says well I have many patients with this and their babies have turned out fine. Said that sometimes you can go back 15 minutes later and have different fluid levels. I honestly wanted to punch her. Then she checks my cervix and shes like Oh well this is good - your cervix is nice and closed and thick, and wow that baby sure is moving in there......all while her arm is shoved up my vag - which she told me in the beginning that I could push a 9lb baby out of and that my OB wouldn't schedule a C-section without doing another scan at 37 weeks to make sure it's really necessary......So she tells me to get dressed and come into her office and she would go over the quad screen numbers with me that I was told were "perfect." She said that based on my age, my risk for downs was 1:658, give or take a few. Based on my screening, my risk was 1:610 so "higher risk." This bitch wanted to convince me that there is something horribly wrong. So I said, well Dr. Osborne told us that we would see something on our anatomy scan if there was something wrong with her.....and she says, oh yeah well you don't have any of those soft markers at all...SO WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO CONVINCE ME SOMETHING IS WRONG?????? That is the part that bothers me the most. She doesn't know me at all. She should have looked at my record to see that I have had a big baby all along. My fundal height is always on the larger side. Don't you think that if my regular OB was concerned about something that he would have brought it up sooner? And what business is it of hers to scare the shit out of another Dr's patient without first consulting that Dr? So I have to go back for another scan in 2 weeks to measure the amniotic fluid. And she made sure to point out that they would NOT be measuring the baby again bc they did that today but that at least I'd get to see her again....I said to her so I just have to sit around for 2 weeks and wait without hearing from my Dr.? "Oh, well I'll email him and let him know whats going on so that he's aware...." FML. I am so over today. I am going to give him a few days to get back to work then call and talk to him directly.

I hope I haven't offended anyone by not posting much. I have just been working a lot and dealing with my sick cat. I read every post but don't always respond to everyone. I do try though but it's hard to do at work since I am always so busy.
Holy CRAP, Rachel!! That is really like the worst day EVER. I'm so sorry that the doctor would do that to you!!! Shame on her!! I'd be on the phone with your normal doc as soon as possible and telling him exactly what happen!!! I can't imagine hell be pleased to hear one of his colleagues is scaring the shit out of his patients in his absence!! Wtf?! I hope when you go back the poly is just fine. Try and take it easy for the rest of the night, you sure as hell deserve it lady!!
It's okay rachel. What a b. How rude and inconsiderate of her. She doesn't know your history she should have raised concerns with your ob first. Not freaked you out.
Rachel- I have been thinking about you all day and I am so sorry about your cat. I hope you can find peace that he is in kitty heaven playing with the other animals.

What a jerk you had to deal with today. I know your baby is just perfect. Did you get any new pictures? You might deliver before me since you are measuring ahead!! I am hoping for a March baby!
Rachel- you are Rh- right? Have you had your Rhogam shots and everything? I know poly is farrr more common in Rh neg mommies. I'm sure everything is just fine!!
Oh wow Rachel, that's awful. I'm glad my experience with the other OB was nothing THAT bad, even if it did reduce me to tears as well. You'd think working with pregnant women all day they would realize how sensitive we are lol. The number she came up with doesn't seem too outside of the normal range and could be her measurements were off since they average the measurements of all the pockets. Hope you get some solid, reassuring answers from your OB soon :(

You would think with this being my 3rd, I'd know what to expect and what everything means but I totally don't. That being said, I can't tell if I'm having contractions or what the hell is happening but it's so uncomfortable.
Thanks ladies. I am trying to find peace in it. It's just not fair. And I watched him die. It was nothing like I expected. I thought he would just fall asleep peacefully...there was nothing peaceful about it. He suffered and choked and had a seizure. I can't stop thinking about it and wish I could have done something differently. My only hope is that he was altered enough that he didn't know what was going on.

Kara - yes I am Rh negative. I had my rhogam shot at 28 weeks. I just read that it is more common in Rh neg mommies too. I think that's a little more appropriate to suggest than downs....
Ooooh boy, Amanda! Being baby number three I would say if you suspect your in labor to maybe call your doc...I would think if you are she could come pretty quickly right?? I know you'd like more time so I hope that's not the case!! Hope you feel better!!
Oh I hope you aren't having real contractions! She needs to bake a little bit longer....put your feet up, drink some water and see if they get better.
Ugh I have no idea what's going on.

Last several days I've been having the occasional contraction and a big increase in BH. Today I've had more BH than all the previous days and for the last 3 baby has been relatively quiet. Well about 25-30 minutes ago I started getting really crampy down low. The cramping hasn't gone away but the intensity comes in waves. After a few minutes my lower back started hurting and now my bump is randomly getting hard. But there's no definite start or stop to the pain/cramping, just intensity is changing. I've felt off all day but figured it was a case of the mondays.
Rachel- that's so incredibly rude of that OB! I agree I would be calling your OB and letting him no what that bitch said!! I understand her wanting to look at the possibilities but sitting there bringing up downs over and over again is not the way, and she should have realized you are Rh- and that the poly chances increase with you. Grrrr. I am sure that everything is absolutely PERFECT with Ellie. I am so so sorry about your kitty again. I recently experienced watching two of my rescue kittens go that way, and I- like you, couldn't stop playing it in my head. Just know he is not suffering anymore, and that he got to pass surrounded by love instead of alone or afraid. He knew you were there to comfort him.

Amanda- eeek that is interesting!! Are you gonna ring your OB? Or try timing contractions? It seems like Leah likes to go against the grain and throw you some loops compared to your other pregnancies ;) ;) Maybe it's her flipping head down finally?!

Morgan- you are ADORABLE!

Mirolee- do you have any intuition for gender??
I've got a page out to the doctor but of course the OB on call is the one I saw a few weeks ago and hated. And of course she's taking forever to call back.
Well I'm off to bed! Good luck waves! Hope I don't wake up in the morning to you in labor!! Leah needs to cooperate. Good luck with the OB tonight!
Any update Amanda?
I can't sleep the house is so quiet without Dh, Sandy even gave up and kenneled her self.
I'm at L&D on the monitors just waiting for the on-call doc to send me on my way home. Came in, got hooked up on the monitors. It registered a contraction, felt another but it didn't register. Got unhooked to give a urine sample and felt one then. Once I got hooked back up, I felt a few more but they weren't registering on the machine and of course Leah was more active than she has been all day. On call doc came in and basically said "monitor doesn't see any contractions, she's moving fine right now." Did an internal and I'm still 2cm, 40% effaced. They said they were waiting on my urine sample and were going to call my doc back and I'm sure once that's done I'll be going home. Monitor picked up another contraction a minute ago but I'm feeling so much that it's not picking up and that's so frustrating because then the doctors and nurses treat you like you're making it up. Oh well.
Rachel, that's an absolutely awful day. I'm so sorry. I'm sure all is well or your regular doc would have said something by now! They can measure every 2 weeks. They did for me because of my high blood pressure. Hope today is better.

Amanda, hope things are okay.

Today is doctor appointment day! Eek so nervous. Hopefully all is well. Hopefully we can make it. I hope the 6-10" of snow holds off til the late afternoon. I have to go back to work with an overnight bag after my appointment.. really hoping I get to come home with my hubby and dog. I can't imagine working days, goin to the doctor, working evenings or napping then working nights.. just depends on the weather and who can make it in.
Oh my gosh Rachel that sounds like the worst appointment ever!! I am so sorry you had to go through that when you were already having a terrible day. Sometimes, I really dislike women doctors. I feel like they are way more bitchy.

Amanda- I hope Leah hangs out a little longer!!!

Sandy - I sure hope you can get to your appointment. I know how it is. My 12 week scan I had to battle a big snow storm to get there and they are calling for another one for us here tonight into tomorrow. Luckily my anatomy scan is Friday!

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