TTC and Beyond!

Wow girls I'm sorry lastnight was so rough!

Waves- I would be angry too.... can having contractions be OK and normal if they aren't regular? Are they more than BH? I don't think I've ever had either so I'm excited to feel (even though I prob won't be saying that when the time comes lol).

Rachel- I am SO sorry... sounds like my life, when it rains- it POURS. :/ Sending lots of love lady. Not a death expert but Jaxon gasped and did funny things too and that was after they said he had gone.. I guess it's a normal process for everyone after they go, to rid the body of gas.. but trust me, I know how HORRIBLE that is to see. And to try and comfort them during it all.. ugh awful. :nope: I keep thinking of my dog, can't even BEGIN to imagine what it'd be like without him there, all the little stupid things we take for granted.. like you said, little things like when they greet us at the door. I hope you take time to heal and treat yourself, can't imagine how you're hurting. Maybe little miss Eliana will want a kitten of her own someday :flower:
NEED ADVICE: Okay lastnight when I was driving home from work (rush hour traffic at 5 p.m., always :P) I was going ~70 mph on the highway and ran over a STUPID POTHOLE that nearly shut off my car, it was brutal. I felt like it banged the heck outta me and I have been having weird aches and pains since yesterday.

I DO NOT want to have to go sit in L&D for hours for no reason, but I'm afraid if I call the OB that's what they'll recommend? I made DH use the doppler on me about 10 times lastnight and even this morning to make sure she was fine, and she is. Kicking up a storm.

I was just SO terrified after it happened, since impact is what caused my placenta to tear away last time.. and I had NO signs of trauma, I was literally FINE. I am just horrified at the fact that that could happen again, like my placenta will fail me.

Jw if a pothole @ 70 mph could cause that much damage. I really feel fine, but gosh after last year I can't help but think my baby is slowly losing oxygen and that I'm just a lazy selfish momma who doesn't want to drive up to L&D... WWYD?
Sandy, good luck at your appointment!! I'm sure everything will be fine :)

So, my sister had her ultrasound today. Saw and heard heartbeat. She's 6+4 due September 25th. My cousin apparently was there getting proof of pregnancy to file for child support so she stayed to watch US with my sister. So that means I'm due June 12th, cousin due July 28th and sister due September 25th...lots of baby showers happening this year for my family.

Sept 25th is my birthday!! Its definitely going to be a busy summer of showers, I wish we could have bnb all get on facetime or something lol

Rachel, I'm so sorry about your day yesterday...that really is the WORST day ever. Like the other ladies said, def call your ob, I'm sure everything is fine and Ellie will come out perfect as can be!

Morgan, that's pretty scary, I don't have any advice but I'm naturally a worrier so I would probably just go get checked out.

So many appts this week with Sandy, gender scan for Britt and Katrina getting empowered at her appt!! I heard back from my doc yesterday about my day 3 labs...she said hormonally everything is fine when I'm ready for clomid she'll call it in and that should do the trick. She chuckled when I said I paid for a personal trainer and we're buying a puppy instead but I think taking care of my mind/body will probably help my cycles go back to normal.
Amanda I am hoping she bakes a bit longer.
Sandy I will take your snow so you get to your appointment safe and sound.
Morgan sorry I have no idea, I don't imagine a pothole would cause a problem. But I hope all is well.
If you're going to stress over it, I'd call and get checked out for piece of mind. However I think you'll be okay. We recently hit a pothole and exploded our tire, it was freaking huge but all was fine here. Heck, Hannah jumps on my belly all day, every day and she's fine. If you ruptured or started to tear away you should realistically have bleeding/clots but I don't know if it's possible to have done so without having bleeding.
Oh and also, I don't post too much on here because a lot of the time I have no experience but I am always reading along. Its been super busy at work lately and we've been short staffed so its also harder to keep up with the conversations in real time and then by the time I get home I'm so exhausted from going to the gym... I will try harder to comment more I do miss the chattiness as well! Have you ladies decided whether we should merge again like Amanda(RR) had suggested?
oh darn it, sorry waves... I meant to respond to you as well.

I was doing the math and with all those discounts that stroller will be almost 50% off!! I really hope Leah cooperates, cooks a little longer AND flips for you! I can't believe she's going to be here before we know it.
Waves- I would be angry too.... can having contractions be OK and normal if they aren't regular? Are they more than BH? I don't think I've ever had either so I'm excited to feel (even though I prob won't be saying that when the time comes lol).

Unfortunately it can be totally normal. "Prodromal labor is when the uterus contracts somewhat frequently, may be strong or mild, contractions usually aren't occurring with regular intervals, but can keep a woman on alert, can keep a woman awake, and certainly can keep everyone wondering when active labor will establish." I've had friends who experienced prodromal labor for 3 weeks and that sucks lol.

I've had a lot of super strong BH but some that feel like genuine contractions, just not strong. And I'm still super crampy with a low backache but apparently it's nothing to worry about.

Amanda I am hoping she bakes a bit longer.

Thanks dear. I hope so too because I know she needs it but at the same time, I'm just physically done being pregnant. Forever. lol. I hope she finds herself ready before 38 weeks. If she needs longer, so be it but I hope she decides she doesn't lol.

oh darn it, sorry waves... I meant to respond to you as well.

I was doing the math and with all those discounts that stroller will be almost 50% off!! I really hope Leah cooperates, cooks a little longer AND flips for you! I can't believe she's going to be here before we know it.

No worries :) And thanks! We'll see what my OB says come Friday. If she's still breech, I wanna discuss options before it gets TOO late. I hadn't figured out what the cost would be with the discounts yet but that sounds great to me lol!
Brittney- Don't worry, I wouldn't expect any TTC ladies to follow along perfectly.. I can barely keep up as it is! Somedays I'm bored out of my mind, on here for hours but everyone is quiet.. and then I stay off for a night and miss so much! When are you guys picking up the pup? I can't wait to see pics, you're going to fall in LOOOVE! :)

Thanks Waves. Last time I also had NO bleeding, that's why they took so long to do a c-section. Apparently your placenta can completely tear off and nothing feel different, bc I sure didn't feel a thing! That's why it's so worrisome, bc I'm not bleeding but wasn't last time either. I think all is well though, I was just worried bc of the anterior placenta. For some reason I feel like it's weaker than a normal one bc it's all up front lol.. but I'm sure she's fine. Kicking away like I said, so really not wanting to skip a whole day of work again in the midst of this blizzard mania to sit on monitors for hours starving, lol.

Picking out Baby Girl shower invitations on Etsy right now! So fun!!
Going for a royal princess theme/antique-y pink carriages. Something classy and cute lol. Here's some beautiful ones I found!


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Morgan, we will pick her up sometime between the 13th-16th...DH and I are trying to coordinate work schedules so we can go together! I'm so freaking excited :) I posted a pic on the other thread.

I love the shower invites, very class and elegant.
neither OH or I have any gender intuition - people around us have lots of opinions though! i really dont know, and i really dont know how i'm going to react when we find out. i'm actually interested in what my reaction will be.
morgan, i wish i had advice but i'd probably be at L&D because i am also a worrier.
rachel, i'm sorry you had such a shit day(s). really really hoping you get some "time off" in the emotional department.
afm, i'm headed to albany this weekend to sit around with my bff's from college - i cant wait. we're going to have fondue (cheese and chocolate) and laugh and catch up and i love these girls so much. we've been friends for 14 years.
i also need to go shopping - i need bottoms. and maybe a few tops. i'm also not really sure what to buy - i mean, i have some tops now but i look silly in them because they are so much bigger than i need to them to be at the mo' - but i'm sure i'll grow into them. so do i buy something that's big on me to grow into, or stuff that i feel ok in now? 14 weeks is a weird transition time i think.... or maybe it's just the way my body is. i'm confused and feel a little silly trying on maternity clothes - like i'm a poser - when i know that i'm not. i guess i still have a hard time grasping that i am actually pregnant and going to get bigger. me. not someone else. my body. that is so weird.
^Thanks Waves, I agree.

Mirolee- I felt the same @ 15w in a maternity store.. but give it a month or so and you are going to really feel big! I promise it's coming sooner than you know!

I am still in shock that I've got this big ol' belly. Love it but wow, it's just so huge.
Mirolee- I know what you mean. I felt the same way, but I've been in maternity clothes for months. I mean, literally 8 weeks in I was wearing maternity jeans. I've only gained 6 lbs (all after week 16) but I just could not get comfortable in regular clothes! Embrace this time! I love maternity clothes.
Hi girls.
Rachel sorry to hear about your dr. I am not a big fan of snotty, rude, up their own arses Dr's at the moment. They just dont think before they open their mouths.

Amanda how are you feeling ?

Morgan hope your feeling ok. I would say if she is moving around all is ok but if you're worried at all get yourself checked.

Brittney how exciting about the doggie :-)

Mirolee you will totally fill the clothes soon. Get some nicr floaty dresses for summer. They are really comfy. I actually got a gew lovely mat dresses off ebay.

I have done another frer and it is much darker which is lovely to see. Although I am slightly crampy on my right side. Nothing major but just a bit uncomfortable. Did you girls feel any twinges and aches this early ? Every little thing panics me.

Sorry if I've missed anyone off.
Colette- Ttly normal it's the corpus luteum that is secreting LOTS of hormones to sustain the pregnancy! You prob O'd from that side, I think that's how it works. Mine ached so bad for weeks and all is well :)
Amanda how are you feeling ?

I really don't want to sit here and complain about being pregnant but I can't help it today. I feel straight up miserable lol. Worse than last night but I'm not about to call my OB and get sent to L&D again to be told "it's nothing, you don't know what you're talking about/feeling, call us when you're contracting every 5 minutes for an hour."

Came home from L&D last night and had some spotting because of the internal exam they did and lost little tiny bits of my mucus plug (because of the exam.) Went to bed, woke up feeling better for about a half hour and then the cramping started again. It's been a cramping/aching/pain since about 9am now (it's 1:30pm) in my bump and lower back. It gradually got worse and now the baby is sitting so insanely low, I can't believe it lol. Every step or movement I make, I feel like something is going to rip or she's going to fall out. Every step, there's a pain across my bump... down low.

The spotting had stopped this morning but I went to the bathroom about a half hour ago and there was this huge blob of bloody mucusy something. Don't know if it's part of my plug or if it's just residual lubricant + spotting + discharge from the internal last night but because of all the pain I'm having... I have no idea.

I just hope it's not going to be like this every day until I deliver lol.
^I hate that they made you feel that way. It looks like a lot to me, I'd call them and report what you saw at least. Tell them how much was there and that it was all red blood.. on top of awful cramping I think you should prob be on bed rest (if you haven't decided that for yourself, already! ha)

Try swaying on all fours to get her out of there!
Britt-We seriously only registered for a few things to begin with bc we didn't know what to register for either. As you start planning a little more, you start seeing or hearing about things you like and can add it on. Don't let it stress you out :) My recommendation is to put the big things on there (carseat, crib, etc) that you don't think anyone will buy bc you never know. People like to pool together sometimes and get those bigger things.

Mirolee-"all bump and hippie and organic and shit" lol made me giggle
Don't feel bad about the maternity shopping. I bought my maternity jeans at about 6 or 7 weeks I think...I felt like a poser too, but really, it's not like people are watching you lol
My mom and MIL both suggested I buy a size bigger in shirts than what I normally would wear and so far I'm glad I did. Even though I haven't gained anywhere except my belly really, I still take up that extra space to stretch out with my belly.

Morgan-I'm sure it's fine, but if you need the peace of mind I would go in for sure.

Rachel-I'm so sorry about your day yesterday. The day my childhood dog died I was sad for days. I still miss her. I know that she isn't suffering anymore though, so that makes me feel better.
That doc sounds like an idiot...that's so stupid to make you worry about something your doc already cleared you on. I hope your week gets better...

Kara-How did the 3 hour test go?

Waves-Sorry you didn't get much off the registry, I felt like we didn't either. We did get some big things, so I guess that made up for it. Glad Leah seems to be ok. That's weird the machine doesn't pick up what you are feeling. That's obnoxious...

AFM-Broke out in a rash on my belly. Now my boobs, hands, forearms, feet and calves itch too. Thinking it might be from our laundry detergent so I'm washing all my clothes in free and clear...hopefully it isn't puppp....

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