Sandy-Weren't you saying earlier today you thought you have a UTI? Hopefully that's all it is. Definitely call in the morning though, I'll be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way...
Kara-I agree with the other girls. He probably senses things are about to change and is acting out. I would make sure both of you are spending lots of time with him so he knows he is still loved, take him on the walks and play with him. It was kind of silly, but made sense at the same time...this episode of Tia and Tamara, Tamara's dog was acting out and peeing in the house. She had a dog psychic come over, who suggested the same things that we have all said. The dog was better after they started spending more time with him. Maybe you need a dog psychic! lol Honestly I think it will be fine. Once the baby gets here and he gets used to her, then it will all be fine

I have no idea how my dogs will react...I can only guess one of them might throw up a lot and the other will lick their faces off lol
Ashlee-Anytime I stand up, my stomach gets really tight. lol Before it took more for it to happen though, like shopping. A few times they've come and gone like contractions but most of the time it just stays tight until I sit down and rest. Not painful usually, just uncomfortable. I think it sounds like bh. Just watch out for that back pain, if that continues then I'd call the doc. My back gets really tight a few days a week, mainly at the end of the day. Resting/sleeping makes it better though, so I know it's just sore from carrying this huge belly. If resting and/or drinking water makes it go away, then you should be good.
Thanks for the suggestions girls. My mom lives 3 hours away, so she can't take a sick day Wed without either driving back in the same day or taking a sick day Thurs as well. However, I think we figured it out. I convinced her to wait and come in a few weeks instead. She really doesn't have the money right now anyway. So, hopefully I can get an apt for the day I am wanting one so she can come then.