I just sent out a mass email to family members discussing a plan of action for the c-section date regarding times, visitors, etc. It's very surreal to me that we're at that stage already.
I'm on super-labor watch lately so that I can get to L&D at the earliest sign of labor, to try and avoid an emergency c-section but at the same time I feel like it'll never happen. And even if it doesn't, I know I have a set date and time to be delivering but again... it still feels so far away or like it's not actually going to happen. It's nearly midnight here so I basically only have 13 days MAXIMUM to wait.
13 days ago was February 7th. I had an OB appointment and was sent for a last-minute presentation scan to verify she was still breech. I feel like I JUST had that scan and time flew by since then. These next 2 weeks are going to drag by but at the same time, I know it'll be here before I even realize it.
Surreal. So surreal.