Just got back from the u/s and we have a bean with a heart beat!!!
Thank you God! Doc says everything looks great (hb is 110 - 120) and he gave us and updated due date of 10/14/2014.
RIP little beaner that didn't make it
but yay for the one that hung on!
A singleton pregnancy is safer for both me and baby, so I'm not fussed (and DH is relieved, and I'm a bit relieved too, since twins would have been quite the challenge.)
I also found out that I can stop taking my shots entirely, now, by the looks of my ovaries
(but I'm having a progesterone blood draw done just to be sure and will hear back this afternoon). My poor bruised and pin cushion looking bum will be relieved! I just ordered a refill of my progesterone last night, though
but oh well, insurance pays for it and it's only $10, so no big deal.
Later today, DH and I are celebrating with a dinner out at a nice delicious looking place we haven't been to before (it will either be a new Indian place or a new Irish place, we haven't decided yet).
Attached to this message are two pics of the little fetus (it's between the plus marks).
On 3/10/14 we have a 2nd u/s scheduled, and the doc said we will see limbs and limb wiggling! After that we will be released to my regular OBGYN.
(Been a while since I've been able to get on and post, since I've been battling labrynthitis this week (esp. in one ear). It's almost totally gone, now, though, yay!)
Great bump pic,
Cassidy! Love the dress!
Can't wait for your scan, today!
Can't wait for your 4D scan, today,