A really good, local photographer is looking for 3 or 4 newborn girls in the next couple of weeks to be models (I believe for some backdrops or props) and in return you get a free photoshoot and free digital copies of the files. I commented saying I was having Leah on the 6th at the latest and would be discharged likely on the 9th, so if that wasn't too late to count me in. She asked me to email her and I just did. If it all works out, I'll get some super cute, free pictures of Leah as a newborn. I'm ridiculously excited at this possibility lol.
Also, another person in my due date club had her water break today. She's due in two weeks. I'm getting so impatient and anxious and jealous of all these March mommy's having February babies. Especially because I think Leah's on a mission to seriously hurt me these last couple of days lol.