For me the soft cup made a girl and a boy! Lol
I would love to have a niece or nephew around my babies' age, but so far that's a no go. My brother and his fiancé have sort of been trying but no luck. She has 2 girls from previous relationships but they are 5 and 8 I think. DW's brother is married but they live in Houston and are moving to Fargo...I think they'll be trying soon but not sure. My other brother is a single dude having fun, so I would prefer he not knock anyone up right now lol
Had doc apt, bp was fine. Still here, trying to pee...a pregnant lady who can't pee, wtf?! She said she thinks it's fine since bp was fine though. Prescribed headache meds but it's class c so I prob won't use it. Also suggested trying sudafed bc I am stuffy, that's basically all year long though lol babies hb were good, so just waiting to pee and make sure it's ok